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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. they should have you answer some personal questions when you go to change the password.. isn't there an option that says forgot password? that should get you to your security questions.. thats what got me there when i forgot mine and wanted to update my password..
  2. here are some preperation videos i found in world that may give you a better idea of what to expect down the road.. you are not catholic are you?
  3. check your emails make sure you give them the email you are using..you can respond from email as well..plus try phoning if you can.. also see if you can get to the point where it asks you your private security questions.. but really ..the first thing i would be doing is stopping any banking info and getting in touch with CC companies to stop activity on your cards and account..
  4. you can in sims that allow it..it's allowed in moderate as long as the land owners don't have a problem with it.. unless you are talking about people that would look at someone who is nude and give one of those PFFT remarks.. Pfft them back then tell them those pants make them look fat hehehehe
  5. Wili Clip wrote: Can you name your baby as Philip Rosedale?:matte-motes-grin: are you trying to cause a scandal that would make the whole tiger woods thing look like he was stealing only a kiss? you are talking the downfall of second life and all who exist in it..no you cannot name it that!! are you insain? heheheheh
  6. wel the way i have seen it work..you find a man then fall into intranets luv and one day or a few minutes later have sex and then he leaves from the pressure of the drama of spam kicking after your prim baby is couple weeks old. then you have it at a hospital where they have this whole rp birth thing setup for you..then you have it and are happy for a little bit..then you have to support it and the saddness starts until you find the answer to all your problems.. you go out to the clubs and hit the stage to support it cause the man sends no support.. then you get old like really fast..cause all this happens in like a month
  7. when you turn something you love into work it is only a matter of time.. i made a choice awhile back..i could become a slave to it or take a good break and come back refreshed.. it is working so far.. thats what works for me..you may be a whole different animal and need something else..
  8. arton Rotaru wrote: Wait, wasn't it something about the flowers and the bees? :matte-motes-silly: Birds and trees is how i heard it To the OP..you could try joining one of their groups for information..i'm sure they could get you going pretty quickly being an active chat and all.. i'm sure some in here are more informed than i am for sure about it in Sl..just figured i would give another possible idea for other ports of information as well =)
  9. Anaiya Arnold wrote: I'm not so concerned with that so much as the fact that the current situation is not as ideal in terms of LL's policy for under 18s, as a separate G continent (rather than separate A continent) would have been, and yet of the two options it was the more inconvenient to residents. LL could have had a more effective barrier that better served their policy of preventing under 18s from accessing A and M content, while saving a lot of headaches the whole Zindra relocation caused for many residents, if they'd made a G continent and left mainland as a mix of M and A. Causing more headaches to residents is bad enough, without the added insult that this inconvenience was in pursuit of the less effective of two solutions. i agree they did it wrong.. they could have just made everything on mainland moderate and kept adult there as well..that zindra was more than big enough for the teen grid..they only had like 100 sims and thier mainland..that woudl fit right in the center and still have tons of room for them.. it was irritating to find out just how small of an amount of teen users were being merged and then to think back to how many were moved for them..then they brought their land and mainland anyways LOL i agree it was a big cluster and now looking back looks like something planned as they went along rather than a plan well thought out and in the best interests of everyone..
  10. Anaiya Arnold wrote: I suppose I should have ignored the RSI and typed out "content not intended to be accessed by persons under the age of 18 years" rather than "adult content". Please accept my apology and just imagine that is what I typed. Nothing about my comments indicates that I think LL are here to babysit anyone. well what i meant with the babysitting is that a lot think LL is supossed to stop them or has to or is responsible to making sure they do not get in.. LL knows that is not possible to stop them..they just have to put up something that protects them..which also happens to protect us as well.. as far as 18+ content on moderate..what is really out in site that they could see from standing in a general sim looking into a moderate sim that is allowed out in plain site? an avatars standing nude in the lawn wouldn't get LL into trouble..nudity itself is not illegal in the U.S. to anyone under 18..not unless those avatars were having sex or forplay ect.. if they go camming into buildings and seeing all kinds of beds and things doing nothing is not anything but seeing a bunch of beds.. getting a sex bed is not breaking the rules..rezzing it on General land and not disabling it is breaking the rules as well as using it if it were not disabled.. camming into someones private home and watchign them on their sex bed does not fall on the people in their private home..the general user knew or should know by reading the rules where they belong.. if the people on moderate followed the rules and made sure they stayed private by keeping it behind closed doors..then onlookers are responsible for the content they cam into.. in other words..16 and 17 year olds are old enough that they do not need a babysitter..they know how to read the maturity definitions and know what they are allowed to do and not to do.. just because they can cam over doesn't mean they should..but if they do it's not anyone elses problem but theirs if their parents have a problem with it.. now 13 to 15 it would be a problem..this is why they are stuck in school sims hehehe if you were talkign about actual adult content that is on moderate lands and should be on adult rated sims..well that would fall on the users cheating the rating system..not LL ETA: i do agree LL needs to enforce their rules more..i don't know if they could get into trouble for being undermanned or not..maybe.
  11. If you have other viewers..maybe try uninstalling them all completelty ..Depending on your OS(Operating System) the other folders that need removing may be in different directories for the cache ect..Do a systems search and remove all things related but your chat logs (if you want to keep them) after the uninstall.. Then when you have them completely off the system reinstall the viewer or viewers you use and see if that helps.. Sometimes the cache can overlap each other and cause problems like these.. Thats if you haven't done this already..
  12. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: where did you see that it said nudity was not allowed on moderate? strip clubs are allowed on moderate as well as nude beaches hehehehe and sex beds are not adult content..not unless you have models on them going through the poses as part of your advertising.. can you post the link to that part of the wiki? I see that the Wiki entry has been moved to the Knowledge Base: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119 Photorealistic nudity, which includes nude avatars with photorealistic skins, is only listed in the Adult section. There is nothing about nudity (or adult furniture in private homes, for that matter) under Moderate. The Moderate section lists bars, stores that sell "sexy" clothing, and dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts (according to Merriam-Webster, burlesque refers to "theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts"). Since nudity is only listed under adult, I assume that these burlesque striptease acts are not supposed to go beyond the pasties and thong level. As with adult furniture and pixel bumping in residential areas, we only have Blondin's words that nude beaches and nudity in strip clubs are allowed in moderate regions. Even depictons of illicit drug use are now only listed as adult content. Didn't this use to be moderate? photorealistic is when it cannot be determined from real..putting a realistic skin on the mesh does not have an avatar looking real..photochopping it can get it pretty close.. but out walking around the grid nude it does't..nudity has always been allowed on those regions and still is.. besides.not everyone wears a photorealistic skin..so this wording isn't saying nudity is not allowed on moderate..if for some reason someone on this mesh ends up looking to where we cannot tell the difference..then ya..but thats gonna be kind of rare and not the majority.. as far as a sex beds go..the only place where it is mentioned that they are not allowed is In General lands not moderate. if it were not allowed in moderate then they would have came right out and said it just as they did for general it's use is not allowed to be advertised in moderate..most of these ratings are for businesses using search..what they go into that is not allowed in a business using search doesn't apply to a private resident home. a private residents home doesn't fit an adult rating nomatter what we keep private..because adult is not about private..it is about drawing attention to it..  "General A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity. Sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions. there is nothing saying sex beds are not allowed in moderate..imagine if they listed everything that was allowed..that would be a huge list hehehe ETA..Sorry Ishy i see Innula already responded to all this..i just read your post and responded ..just waking up now so sowies hehehehe
  13. i agree they caused a lot of turmoil when they could have just did a new pg..i mean they brought over teen grids mainland and all their sims anyways.. all this turmoil for a few hundred residents moving in..i mean you find them a place to live..not make room ..it's not like there wasn't a big ocean out there..look where they put zindra lol miles and miles way the hell over there off the map..
  14. where did you see that it said nudity was not allowed on moderate? strip clubs are allowed on moderate as well as nude beaches hehehehe and sex beds are not adult content..not unless you have models on them going through the poses as part of your advertising.. can you post the link to that part of the wiki?
  15. mine was from attempt after attempt of trying to get the size right in that stupid background lol.. i wasn''t sure of the size and it was trial and error when i came back and there were new forums lol when i feel like messing with it again i'll make a new one.. people can scroll over the badge if they want to know who it is until then lol
  16. here you go http://nicolaescher.com/tutorials/alpha-channel-primer
  17. i think they look great..thats my opinion.. we won't get perfect in RL and we won't get it in here.. there is no one standard for shapes..if there were then there would be people out there proving it wrong anyways hehehe thats only human.. keep doing what you are doing.. just like movie critics..if we listend to most of them we would miss a lot of great movies hehehe
  18. i'm wondering if we actually get any of those RL rights since really the only thing we do buy is L$..the only thing taxable on the ohther end is when they cash out..i'm wondering if the inbetween on our end gets any of that RL goodness hehehe i mean if we can just have our inventories taken away for no reason at all and our accounts deleted from the grid..i wonder..do we really own that stuff? is it looked at as tokens to buy game content in the eyes of the law? i'm not a no trans fan myself since it has become like an outbreak to use it..i mean i have all this hair in my inventoryand clothes and all kinds of stuff that i'm going to be tossing out because i don't use them anymore and can't give it away.. it seems like a waste..i know it could make some new user happy hehehe.. oh well ..either way it's going out of my inventory before the nights over..i have been putting this off for too long lol *clicks her login really loud* here goes!! lol
  19. why don't you just ask LL if you can do this as someone suggested? it may be just that easy hehehe
  20. unless you sold off your inventory to another person.. i don't want to play anymore and anyone can has my stuff = Profit ETA: if you are talking about within the same account and deleting the old i could see if there was a reason for it..but not just b'cause someone felt like it..avatars are to versatile that they don't need to move all that stuff from one to another.. i can't really even see a reason for a move really..i mean what would be a good reason for it? user name regret?
  21. the way i understood it was deleting one account and moving the whole inventory to the new avatar.. not something we the users could do.. maybe like a paid service that we had to pay LL to move everything over.. then them deleting the old avatar.. to me it would have to be a move that LL was involved in and moving things within the same users account..not some other account with different account information.. thats kind of how i read it..i may be reading it wrong though hehehe
  22. well i don't know what it used to be like..but my fiance just set his account up last week after deleting the other because he hit the wrong date on his DOB LOL..omg he was my lil teen panda for a week hehehehee Anyways when he went to the viewer before doing age verifiy his permissions were only set to G and M.. i am just now remembering this because i was too busy giving him a hard time again lol anyways until he did the age verifiy before the change..he could not get to Adult or Adult search.. once he did the age verification his Viewer opened up that adult rating in his viewer settings in preferences.. this was with his account already showing his correct DOB this time when he made the account.. in other words..being old enough with account info only gave him Moderate access untill he became age verified.. also this was only in V2 viewer..we didn't look in the V1's if it was different..but i do know his viewers were blocked on his old account from M and A in v1 and v2 viewers both..so i would imagine the same would be for his new one.. i really wish he would have jumped on phoenix so we could see..but he was just so glad to see anything but a G that he went right away to test that age verified worked also LOL ETA: ironically this change came only a few days after he made his new account and after 7 days of riding them to fix his older one..LOL now i am gonna play with him and tell him that he scared them so much that he made them change the whole damn thing LOL omg he'll get big headed over that one lol
  23. i want to change realms and go horde!! oh wait wrong game.. hey this isn't where i parked my car!! Oo i could see a lot of cases that this could come into use..but it would have to be more for emergencies than just omg too much dramas in mah life hehehehe i would think if they ever did this it would be for something that needed to be done rather than just wanting to change for a name or because of things we brought on ourselves..
  24. i guess what i was trying to get at is this..payment info for becoming account verified was just that it was used for account info.. not the age verifiying process..it did not use banking or credit card information of any kind.. why would this change be impacted by things it never used or asked for? this change is to the new age verification..not a change to account verification..
  25. Gavin Hird wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: if adult content is on M regions it needs to be AR'd.. i'm not sure what you feel defines adult content .. but if it's there then it needs to be moved..thats just lack of enforcement and probably residents getting involved to make it known that content is operating on M lands..also a lot see adult content when there isn't any because of the misunderstandings of the ratings definitions.. I am sorry, but we - the Zindra community, have been sitting in meeting after meeting after meeting with Linden Lab representative handing them lists and ARs of litterally thousands of sims and parcels being in violation of the adult content policy. The response? "We don't have resources (manpower) to enforce the policy". Absolutely nothing happens. i never owned zindra lands.. but i understand that frustration..we ended up having to change over to adult with our sims at the time....not as frustrating as the move you all went through thats for sure.. i just want you to know i was amining more at lack of enforcement but didn't want to get tagged for not saying lack of reports either..hehehe now that you have confirmed that part i can eliminate it and just say..lack of enforcement hehehe
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