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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I really have a sense that Leora is an angel. Don't tell her that though...:)
  2. I think you might have misunderstood my reason for painting that scenario to Ceka. At first people were conflating a support group with group therapy. But a support group is really just sharing whatever people are comfortable sharing related to issues they have in common (a medical problem, disability, LGBTQ issues, whatever). It's not such an ominous and official thing that only 'professionals' should deal with. I think when people imagine it to be this super serious 'group therapy' they are more afraid of it, hence I wanted to paint a better picture of what's actually happening.
  3. Here's the difference though. When someone shares personal information with one person inworld, they usually feel like they know that person. I wouldn't share personal information with someone I'd just met inworld - or not more than I share normally, such as which US state and timezone I live in, that I have a Linden Home, and that I've been active in SL for many years. What I'm willing to share to an inworld support group is similar to what I'm willing to share on this forum, but I also realize this is not a private forum and that people in a group may reveal what I reveal to other people. I still feel pretty anonymous here and inworld, so I don't worry about it. This is my choice, though. Nobody should be made to feel bad for not wanting to share personal information with strangers or virtual strangers. We don't have to reveal our age, gender, where we live, what kind of job we do, what our preferences, addictions, phobias, or mental health issues might be. Allow people to have their own views and preferences, even if you don't agree with them. Behavior toward others can be criticized. Incendiary speech and mistruths can be critiscized. But personal preferences should not be. I wouldn't either...share personal info with someone I just met or with a strange group. The groups I'm championing have met over weeks, months, and sometimes years -- and so more trust has developed for me. Some may never trust revealing personal problems in a group though -- everybody is different. I agree, nobody should be made to feel bad for not sharing personal information with strangers or virtual strangers. Did I or anybody else attempt to do that though? Of course personal preferences should be respected -- mine as well as others. Who said they should not be?
  4. Exactly. I'm surprised -- but actually relieved and delighted too -- that nobody thinks of chemotherapy and cancer patients immediately when the idea of "support groups" comes up, especially given the prevalence of RFL in Second Life. When a person takes chemo, or radiation, or is treated for the sundry cancers generally, in my country one of the first things a doctor will recommend is to join a support group of other people going through it too. It doesn't (necessarily) require psychotherapy; but it does require support. "We're going through it too, you can come talk with us." And the support groups I have found most helpful have been in fact the ones that were virtual; the ones that were type-chat, or message-board chat, or Second Life chat. It seems like a no-brainer for me to cheer for virtual support groups but perhaps (and I really hope) that's indicative of the general good health of the rest of this thread, which is fantastic I was talking to a former psychotherapist today about people who inhabit 2nd life, and she said there's a greater number in 2nd life with severe problems compared to 1st life. I didn't want to believe it really, but perhaps it's true. She said those on the internet are, in general, having more problems with life, and that many in 2nd life are terribly isolated. She said lots of disabled people find comfort in being able to do things in 2nd life that they can't in 1st life anymore. If that's true, it's great they have resources here to help them cope! I'd like to see more of them get into meditation and the arts, become creative, find support in groups if they're comfortable with that. 2nd life is a great place, or can be if you're determined to find your place within it!
  5. This just doesn't happen in the places I visit. Sure there are some kerfuffles, some creepy people that come along and eventually get ousted from the communities, but for the most part I'm amazed at my own personal growth and fun experiences I've had @ self-growth & spirituality venues that foster self-care in a variety of ways. Of course there is that stupid gossip website, but who pays any attention to that really? It's all lies.
  6. Hmmm looks like they posted a self-care promotion last year too, that I missed:
  7. If I met you inworld and we talked about some experience we both went through, would that be dangerous? (if we trusted each other). What if one other person was there and they talked about their similar experience (and we trusted them). That's all this is. People are making it out to be so much more than just people talking and sharing about their lives. Some weeks that's all there is in my Heart Menders group -- 3 people talking about a loved one that died, or a cat they still miss.
  8. The thing is, you've already put all sorts of your "stuff" out here on the internet, on this forum. Sex stuff with hubby, your food habits, and more. But in, say, my Heart Menders group where we talk about grief and loss, someone might say they lost their sister and felt sad about that as a child. I doubt that would be some kind of fodder for the gossip mill and end up @ Virtual Secrets or something. I guess what I'm saying is that you, and others, might be imagining deeper stuff is being shared than actually is being shared. So much of it is pretty surface stuff or not really 'gossip material', but still people feel relieved others have had similar experiences. I do agree one should be cautious though, and only share what you'd feel comfortable with, knowing what you say can 'escape' the group.
  9. You've misunderstood the metaphor. It typically takes trying something more than one time to know its value. There are many variables that are involved in making an experience good or bad for us, and one experience can't possibly encompass all the variables we need to consider. Now my cat, though, since sniffing my citrus seltzer can believes all cans are bad. Pity, as there could be some yummy food in one of those cans. She doesn't have the brain power to consider the complexities involved in her "decision" however. I hope you don't think I'm comparing this terribly serious matter of internet sharing with cans of seltzer and cat food now. I do agree, however, that chocolate is sacred and we should worship it and not make light of it. My apologies hehe
  10. Tomorrow is the 'Carers' group at Whole Brain Health. It's the 2nd group by the 1st life Death Doula (Cattie Rosca SL name) who helps those who are grieving deal with the death of loved ones after caring for them as they died. The Carers group focuses on the emptiness people sometimes feel after being so busy caring for their loved ones, and ways to self-care now and learn to participate in life without the loved one they were so close to.
  11. One more pic from the Angel Flight ceremony and then I'm changing clothes!
  12. Because I can vet one person. A whole group? Impossible. I've been to what you call a "support group" in SL. It was one guy complaining about his SL GF for the whole hour and the next week, the same thing. It was a total waste of time. Support groups about RL issues should be attended in RL not a fantasy platform. VERY dangerous. ETA: I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion but I am allowed to have one even if it's totally the opposite of yours. You really need to accept that more when posting here. Of course, Sam, you are allowed to have your opinion. But here your opinion is a slap in the face to those who are finding all sorts of groups in 2nd life beneficial. It would help if you just spoke of what you wanted and what you felt was good for you, and not dismissing other peoples experiences that differ from yours. In other words, 2nd life is not a fantasy platform for me, and i feel very safe discussing all sorts of issues with people here -- it has been very helpful in my life. No danger, for me.
  13. Please, keep sharing Persephone, you are better than some of the "strange mysteries of the universe' shows on my streaming channels
  14. I had never eaten chocolates in a box before, and upon trying the first one (kind of a green gooey center that tasted yucky) I decided I hated boxed chocolates. Then I tried the other types because I'm risky like that -- caramel, chocolate centers, coconut. Boy I'm glad I decided not to stop with that green gooey one and miss the delight that boxed chocolates can bring!
  15. Whole Brain Health was started by a former English professor and psychotherapist, and she vets the various people running the groups on her sims. For the support groups (like for relationships & dealing with death) you can even go to the websites of the people running them, or check out their credentials online. https://www.virtualwholebrainhealth.org/calwbh/
  16. Exactly. I'm surprised -- but actually relieved and delighted too -- that nobody thinks of chemotherapy and cancer patients immediately when the idea of "support groups" comes up, especially given the prevalence of RFL in Second Life. When a person takes chemo, or radiation, or is treated for the sundry cancers generally, in my country one of the first things a doctor will recommend is to join a support group of other people going through it too. It doesn't (necessarily) require psychotherapy; but it does require support. "We're going through it too, you can come talk with us." And the support groups I have found most helpful have been in fact the ones that were virtual; the ones that were type-chat, or message-board chat, or Second Life chat. It seems like a no-brainer for me to cheer for virtual support groups but perhaps (and I really hope) that's indicative of the general good health of the rest of this thread, which is fantastic Yes! There are so many resources for support groups helping disabled folks, or those with disabilities. I got my start in SL actually, as a designer, creating a sim named SupportForHealing where all sorts of meetings took place, and across from them was one of the first sims for those who were disabled. Most were in wheel chairs, and their amazement at being able to walk and fly was infectious.
  17. Zoom has exploded of late with all sorts of support groups! I even do my meditation there @ the Yogananda Zoom meetings.
  18. Here's a calendar with lots of classes, fun events, and support groups listed. Be sure and click the tabs at the top as there are 5 organizations. https://www.virtualwholebrainhealth.org/calwbh/
  19. /me wonders what kind of internet surfing Persephone does during the day....LOL ;0
  20. I think we need to get away from this support group part of what LL promoted, as there's so much more to self-care. I attended one of my fav groups today where this woman in New Mexico with a radio station brings in world music I've never heard. We dance, sometimes in sync with a dancer she has. Ghaelen is her name, and she's one of the groups promoted at Whole Brain Health. This was her last song of the set today:
  21. Thank you dear friends on our flight to the astral level, you mean more to me than you know:
  22. Most people in the Death Cafe group I'm in are not lying or roleplaying. Your accusation is insulting. We've talked for months now and know each other fairly well, with some even connecting in 1st life. I think, most likely, you simply don't hang out in the same places I do. There are more trustworthy places than clubs tend to provide, where people are more involved with 1st life stuff (growth, learning, art). It's totally fine if you don't trust and don't want to be a part of these groups, but I wish you'd stop speaking as if you have the truth for all people, because you don't. It's wise to be cautious though, and check support groups out thoroughly (in both 1st and 2nd life), and make sure they're helping you. Same with personal relationships. Risk is always there, so be alert and choose carefully.
  23. I agree that support groups are important. Would I ever entertain the idea of going to any kind of support group or therapy in Second Life? HELL NO. Why would I put out RL feelings and information to a group platform where most people either are lying or roleplaying. How would you ever be able to tell the difference? You can't count on privacy. Are you aware of how much rumors and gossip happen here? NO, Second Life is NOT a safe place for these kinds of activities and I wish people would stop promoting it. Yet a few weeks ago you expressed on the forum how you wanted to have a romantic relationship in 2nd life where you could be assured of the person's gender and trust that they were being real with their feelings and description of their life, both 1st and 2nd life. So how is this different from doing the same thing in a group?
  24. It's no substitute for professional, licensed therapy. I agree that 'self care' (including support groups) would not be a substitute for professional, licensed therapy for a person who has a mental illness....but did somebody say it would be? Most people just have difficulty in traversing the passages of life -- some are quite difficult. They don't need psychotherapy for some sort of major mental illness. But they do need to take care of themselves in the best way possible, and wherever they can find any needed support.
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