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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. its not as easy as you think to tell when some people are going to hurt you or not. Some people are very good at hiding their motives and reasons for doing things until they actually do them. and they dont always have to be a sadist either. for not all sadists are evil and only seek to hurt anyone they come across. a true sadist only hurts those who want to be hurt in a consensual manner. I agree it's not always easy to tell, but there are clues. I think as time goes by our 'detector' becomes stronger, especially as we mature. Those who hurt us might not actually be sadistic, but I find it easier to forgive when they really don't mean to hurt me. I don't understand the BDSM reference you're making related to sadism. One thing I can say for you, Drakon, is that although I've been upset because you've attempted to force your beliefs on others, I've never seen you be sadistic. So Kudos to you!
  2. Do you mean their own needs conflicted with yours and so you could not get what you needed from them, and so you felt hurt and betrayed? Or were they sadistic and actually wanted to hurt you? It's the latter, the sadistic ones, who are emotionally immature and don't handle their pain well, that I personally avoid. You will invariably be harmed by them eventually, as when they are hurt by another (and hurt is usually a part of all relationships as nobody can meet our needs perfectly) it is perceived as 'against them' and they feel compelled to strike back, to exact revenge. I imagine that people such as Scylla have a good sense of when someone is emotionally immature and would likely strike back when needs conflict in a friendship, and so creates for herself in her personal life a world where there is greater trust and more fulfilling relationships.
  3. Well I hate to leave this warm and lovely place, but I found a podcast I must drift off to sleep listening to on NPR, about authoritarianism and why the GOP supports it: https://www.npr.org/2020/06/04/869783127/why-gop-leaders-back-trumps-proto-authoritarian-cult * Always keep ahold of a sodden hanky lest anger control your life...
  4. Hmmm...I've had signs up on both my homes for a long time..
  5. No, you stupid c***, I do not lie. I have also frequently announced that the blocking is fallible. Often when I refresh a page, it will show someone who I have blocked. If I refresh again, it goes away. I can also selectively unblock a post. I can see if someone I follow quotes you. All sorts of ways I can see your words, as you and anyone knows.You ARE on my block list and were the FIRST one there. I think you are a troll, a moron, and have zero of interest to say. My not reading 99% of your words have not affected my reading continuity of this forum. You are irrelevant and yet one of the great, gaping, puss-filled sores of this place. I did happen to see that you spoke directly to me, and were wrong, about something that was very hurtful to me. So again Calm down, dear. I don't want you to have one of your anger fits. BTW...saying I am one of the great, gaping, puss-filled sores of this place is a bit ad hominem...
  6. I don't think in a million years she thought you were as bad as the KKK....LOL. But was she saying you were prejudiced to a degree, yeah. So for you to claim she thought you were actually like a KKK member...simply not true.
  7. Where is that test? It's late and my eyes are fuzzy....was it here? https://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11127424/trump-authoritarianism
  8. I'm always trying to understand the mindset of the Trumpies -- the 40% that I didn't think saw they were voting for an autocrat. But wait, according to research they see perfectly, and they like authoritarianism! * This is not a Trumpie trashing article -- there's actually Libs who fall strongly into the authoritarian category, but not as many. Take the test and see where you fall! https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/12/trump-voter-authoritarian-research/
  9. Yeah I know, if one is a Democrat who lives in a deeply red state their vote won't matter, practically speaking, due to the electoral college. Personally, however, I live in a red state but I want my vote counted -- I want people to see that although it's a red state it's nearly 50-50 and wouldn't take much to swing it to the other side. And I want people to see we're not all a bunch of ignorant Trumpies around here -- for some reason if you say you live in a red state people imagine 100% of the people to be red. But a more important thought about this -- some say (far more learned people than I) that there's a high chance the Trumpies will contest the election should they lose, but it's a lot more difficult to contest the legitimacy of the election if the Dems win the popular vote by a huge margin. So fingers crossed this will indeed be the case and hence no violence along with a drawn-out battle.
  10. /me passes you her sodden hankie. Is there discussion in Canada what just might spread north should the US devolve into utter chaos? Are there fears?
  11. Frequently you announce those you've blocked, sometimes implicating me. You lie... LOL
  12. Why is it that Americans always think this? I will let you in on a secret... it's a LIE. How arrogant do Americans have to be to actually believe this? Seriously Drake, the world is more connected than you understand, economically especially. I'm not going to bother to explain it to you. Do your own effing homework.
  13. Why is it that Americans always think this? I will let you in on a secret... it's a LIE. How arrogant do Americans have to be to actually believe this? & BLAH BLAH BLAH Stand Down Mr. Man...
  14. I miss Beth's hyperbolic humor. I don't think you ever understood she was just being hyperbolic..
  15. You made my day, Scylla The 2nd day of hearings for the new supreme court justice ended not long ago, and I was feeling defeated, as there's such a strong possibility of women dying from back-alley abortions again, and people dying due to lack of health care. But this post, I don't know...now I'm kind of laugh-crying...and feel inspired to keep fighting the good fight.
  16. This sounds good but not enough would do it in this election to make it worth allowing the ACA protections to lapse and cause thousands to die. A vote for a 3rd party is one less vote that could eliminate Trump. In the future, yes, I could see dissing the 2 main parties when so many vital issues are not on the line (the erosion of democracy we continue to see with Trump as well as the ACA protections I've mentioned).
  17. We all have our areas we look at harder than others.. We all have our own reasons for doing what we do..We all have our own histories with these parties.. I'll make my congress votes and my state and local votes.. I'll be voting for a presidential candidate, but it won't be republican or democrat.. People can like it or hate it, like me or hate me.. It's my vote and all the hate fear or guilt in the world can't change that.. I would never want someone to change because of hate or fear. I'd want them to change because they listen to my experience in Social work and get a glimpse of the suffering that will ensue if the ACA goes away -- -- the child dying because their health insurance had a cap and would not pay for any more treatments (The ACA, by the way, eliminated those caps) -- the mothers dying and leaving a child without a mother because she didn't have health insurance that would pay for the needed kidney transplant -- the woman who suffered needlessly from her illness because she had the pre-existing condition of PREGNANCY so could not qualify for affordable insurance ( allowed before ACA protections). I could go on, and on, and freaking on....and if you had any feelings at all you'd be asking your husband to go buy more kleenex and begging me to stop. You do understand that what the Democrats are offering is a public option for those who can't afford to pay, and it's not mandatory so would not affect the health insurance you and your husband have, right? It would likely even drive down health care costs overall for everyone. I know you said you hated the government like your dad did, and you've expressed how you would not want govt health care because it would be slow. Thinking of our previous discussions, there were times you didn't seem to comprehend that people die without health insurance too and felt a Covid crisis relief package was more important to focus on (I felt both could be dealt with at the same time). Sure, we all have our areas we look at harder than others, and our reasons. Maybe you haven't looked beyond the cozy spot you are in, next to a huge factory unlikely to close and leave you without health insurance enjoyed by you and your husband, and protecting your children. But everybody can't have that. Maybe you and your family never experienced a major health crisis and so can't imagine the pain this causes? If you have reasons more compelling than what I've described that would cause you to contribute to a party winning that will cause so many to suffer needlessly, what are they? Maybe you have some valid reasons but I can't imagine any equaling the death of thousands caused by lack of affordable health care.
  18. Ceka I don't like either party either -- for ages the Democrats have thrown the poor people, the underdogs, under the bus. But for this election, the Democrats are providing more protections for the underdogs you're claiming to care about -- in the form of continued health insurance. Why isn't this enough to vote for them? No party will ever be perfect, but one party, in this election, will save lives.
  19. Well hey, I'll take the blame. Not only do I feel people who don't vote are idiots -- I think they are murderers. Because lots of people are going to die without the health insurance & pre- existing health care protections Mango Mussolini and his Minions are this very minute trying to take away. * 130 million Americans have pre-existing conditions. 24 million Americans are only able to afford health insurance due to the ACA. Also, protections for LGBTQI individuals at risk, as well as protections for women needing abortions. Don't miss the live discussion on Amy Barretts hearing -- Sen Mike Crapo talking now (what a name)...lol
  20. I know very little about the fraud at a global level Trump is connected to. This article today from The Atlantic was eye-opening: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-s-very-ordinary-indifference-to-the-common-good/ar-BB19Tal8
  21. The fact that you state this with such certainty is suspect, as we haven't been able to prove your assertions. The reality is that we don't know all the ways we're both connected & separate. Our measuring devices are limited because we can't conceive of anything beyond what a human can see -- we can't measure everything with defective instruments. The most we can say is that we rationally don't know what life is, and personally I think we (humans) never will know. We're increasingly skilled at measuring how the material world interacts, one element with another, yet we can't understand just what 'it' is that is interacting and how it came to be -- we simply don't know what 'it' is at the core. Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion, but you look like a fool when you state opinions about something so vast with such certainty and without proof, all the while trashing others whose opinions differ from yours. This is all very, very different from those who deny science and believe the earth is flat.
  22. Sure, let me just bring my straight friends with me. If I can get them to talk to me. Ok, well one sim is named Bliss Gardens Park and the other is right beside it. They begin talking about 2am SL time, and you need to be right on the border to get the input from both.
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