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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I sent this toy to my grandson so he will learn to be protected from the southern border:
  2. So you are worried about these immigrants from other countries (not from the southern border) who do not have as many rights? Which other immigrants and where do u see that Mexicans and South Americans have more rights? And how would this be tied to identity politics?
  3. The very sad thing is, Sorciaa, is that I couldn't be more on topic.
  4. Perhaps you don't live in the USA or have never watched any news? Well I will try to calm down from 'silly mode' and give a sewious reply...lol Serious Serious Serious. Ok, ready. First, I don't think this is a good way to debate -- I ask you to defend your position and you reply with a question, implying that I'm deficient for apparently not watching news? So once again, what is your position and what do you have to back your assertion up with...the assertion that one group can ignore immigration laws while another cannot..?
  5. What kind of rabbit hole have I fallen into??? !!! But I tell you, this is the cause...the sine qua non...the reason for all our problems in the world...this over-focus on individualism and neurotic fixation on freedom he exhibits:
  6. If that were the actual case, then are one group of people subject to our immigration laws, and another are told they can just ignore our immigration laws? Can you describe this in more detail, because I'm unsure of what you're saying. I wish you would expand on this. Who is being told they can ignore our immigration laws? Not your opinion only, so can you provide some sources?
  7. PET PEEVE: Canadians who are an abomination to their country. *Thank Goddess most are not, but I do know somebody who is.
  8. Ahhh...Seicher...well can you list all your alts so I can block them all if that's what you desire? I don't usually block someone unless they start calling me names and don't seem to have their anger under control. I have to admit, this one of late sounded so reasonable I didn't recognize you...nothing hate-filled or retaliatory about Gato until now. Is she usually pretty nice and so I should leave her unblocked?
  9. PET PEEVE: Turning people into 'other' in an attempt to make oneself feel better.
  10. PET PEEVE: Those who believe that making other humans into enemies and trashing them is a worthwhile pursuit.
  11. I didn't block you. Who the hell are you and what is your problem with me?
  12. You're gonna want something stronger than tea for your date with the lobster king.
  13. First off, I don't think it's wise to base your entire position on these important matters from SL forumites. I mean I'm influenced to a degree yes, but lets face it, we're a weird bunch I'm curious...why do you think I'm such an extreme leftist? Can you list the points that cause you to think I am?
  14. I'm saving this video for when it's time to pour a glass a tea and have a hearty laugh. I can't stand this guy and his ideas. He's a laughing stock for many Psychologists.
  15. If that were the actual case, then are one group of people subject to our immigration laws, and another are told they can just ignore our immigration laws? Can you describe this in more detail, because I'm unsure of what you're saying.
  16. Wish I could say this isn't so, but the Pandemic with time to spare to focus has made this blazingly apparent. I've sharpened my skills on recognizing and falling for red herrings. Yes, at first glance it appears that a protective dynamic designed to minimize injustice in a large country (a division of federal/state powers) contributed to a disaster when a more centralized response was needed (such as is needed in a pandemic). Yet I can't place all blame in this system, as it functioned very well when a centralized approach was needed in WW2, and so I have to place the failure square on our leaders head.
  17. "Identity politics" does not exist except as a far-right meme to deny equality to those seeking protection under the law. Bringing awareness to the plight of minorities denied their rights and attempting to procure these equal protections does not "create a division" -- the division was already created by those in power. Created by those in power who denied the rights and benefits to gay couples that heterosexual couples have always taken advantage of. The division was created when the founders decided a Black person is only 3/5ths of a White person, and when they refused to give Blacks the many benefits afforded to White veterans after the war, giving them an economic advantage that continues to this day. The division is created when banks are less likely to give Blacks a loan compared to Whites, or when judges give Blacks longer sentences for the same crime committed by Whites. And on and on and on and forking on! You simply cannot increase rights for all workers unless you break it down and see the specific ways in which rights are denied to specific groups -- this is how the biased laws applied to these groups are struck down. Only then can the working class become unified. As it stands, the poor (usually straight & white) working class frequently vote down the rights of these marginalized groups in an attempt to have a leg up. I think I'm going to give you a meme now, Arielle, you are the poster child for those believing memes (and conspiracy theories) created by right-wingers. However my meme applied to you is a true one.
  18. You've alluded to the transnational wealthy that pull the strings. I've been reading about other 1st world countries that managed to resist to a degree. For example, they have health care and affordable education in these other countries at least. Why do you think the US was not able to resist as well? Do you have any idea? Is the cause our strange type of government so much more fractured than these other countries, or our overly-individualistic mindset so prevalent from the beginning years when the country formed? Anything else you can point to? I've been reading about how these other (mostly) European countries, having experienced fascism, were intent on never experiencing it again, and so developed programs (health care, education, extended maternity leave times, and more) which kept their people happier (happy people are less likely to succumb to autocracy).
  19. Well, reading History we see that when the wealthy squeeze the poor and working class too far a revolt occurs. I think we've reached that point. I don't believe in the holiness of the Democrat party of course, but I think they finally have some leverage with these wealthy people trying to take too much -- it's obvious from the chaos here that no more can be taken. It's unfortunate that it takes a revolution to allow more for the lower echelons of society as chaos and death is always a part of it.
  20. A common definition for insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. An extension of that would be trusting/voting for the same person (party) over and over again expecting them to do differently than what they have in the past. By your own admission one would have to be insane to again trust the US democratic party to actually follow up on what has hitherto been nothing but empty promises. The Democrats have not done enough to protect the underdogs -- the poor and the working class -- but they did deliver big time when they created Obamacare (ACA - Affordable Care Act) during the Obama-Biden term. When I say they threw the underdogs under the bus I'm saying they haven't done enough to protect the poor, but I'm not claiming at all that they only have empty promises as you are assuming. I'm also speaking directly to Ceka at the point you quoted, and assuming her concerns are the loss of manufacturing jobs in her area of the country (or in adjacent states). I agree this hollowing out of the middle-class is an important issue, as those who had decent middle-class jobs were forced into poverty as neo-liberalism increasingly gained ascendance when factories were allowed to close jobs and relocate overseas. Enough of those forced into poverty due to job loss detached from the Democrats who are supposed to support the working class, and they placed their hopes in Trump -- this is likely the primary reason Trump won. Anyway, this hollowing out of the middle-class is an ongoing pattern stretching back 50 years or more, and has increased as neo-liberalism gained traction under both parties. I expected the Democrats, who typically stand for the underdogs, to do something about it. As I said, they haven't done enough, but they've done a lot of good things I shouldn't ignore. They've made progress in providing affordable health insurance for millions of Americans -- this has saved lives as 30,000 people each year in the US die from lack of affordable health insurance. It didn't go far enough in that it didn't cover everyone, but Biden's plan with a public option will not leave out any poor person, while allowing those who prefer their current health insurance plan to keep it. As I've stated before, I'd be dead without the ACA as I surely couldn't have afforded insurance costing $800.00 to $1300.00 monthly and was allowed to pay an amount based on my yearly income. ACA paid for an expensive medication that saved my life. We also shouldn't forget the social gains the Democrats pushed through -- marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, protections for the Trans community, the Violence Against Women Act, continued support for Affirmative Action, abortion rights for women, and much much more. Truly they are the party that believes in rights for all and not just the wealthy, white, straight male. I just want more from them.
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