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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. " i dont like ban lines because they made me lose my cat i dont like ban lines because they allow people to engage in illegal sexual ageplay and to violate LL's ToS in other ways i dont like ban lines because they foster this "mine" versus "yours" mentality that i find detestable i dont like ban lines because they interfer with my ability to explore around & see things in SL Jeanne" --------------------------------------------------- So, you dislike (hate?) banlines for entirely selfish reasons. Well, here's a little selfishness on my part...........I don't like selfish, self centered, and free loading prople. You lost your cat......banlines didn't cause that. What you did caused that. Banlines don't allow people to engage in illegal sexual age-play......a sick life-style allows that. Ban lines don't foster a "mine vs yours" attitude......it's a fact of life that the people who possess something that they feel has value, they will protect their possessions (look at you and your cat for instance). Banlines don't interfer with your ability to explore around......they only prevent you from exploring where you are uninvited. According to you it will be perfectly okay for me and my friends to walk into your house (in RL), raid your refridgerator, tune into your Pay-per-view channel on your TV and watch a couple dozen movies, and since they had such a good time at your expense, they each take a shower in your shower and leave all the dirty fowels on the floor for you to pick up and wash. That's what you are saying.............what's yours is mine and you should allow me to do as I please because, after all, it's equally yours. But you don't pay a red cent for any of it.......that's not your responsibilty.
  2. If you are going to leave SL over the eqivalant of 2 cents USD (that's about what 5 lindens is worth) then you are just looking for an excuse to leave. Check your dashboard..........that is more accuate than the in-world balance. Also when you see that fluctuation try clicking on the amount shown in your viewer..........that will refresh it. Meanwhile clear your cache, reboot your computer and log back in. That isn't likely to do much but, just in case it's cache issue, that should fix it.
  3. If you can still access your account change your password. Do the same with your email. If you cannot access your account then file a support ticket right away. And finally, if you have any payment information on your account contact the bank, CC or PayPal immediately. I'm going to say that it's extremely difficult for anyone to "hack" your account in the true sense of the word. In the almost 7 years I've been in SL there has only been one incident where the LL servers were compromised.............and LL was all over that in a matter or hours (maybe in minutes). Everyone was required to change their password before they could log in again once LL got wind of what had happened. And, as far as I know, that was the first time..........so since 2002 the servers have been breeched one time. What that means is that you gave information to someone about your account/email. It could have been inadvertant but as solid at the security is on the servers it's not likely that someone gained access to your account/email by any other method. Use strong passwords that have nothing to do with anything in your personal life (kitten names, your favorite ice cream, and things like that are easy for people with ill intension to guess). At least 8 characters with upper and lower case letters, numbers and a symbol or two. Yeah those passwords can be hard to memorize and very un-natural to type but they are really necessary in this day and age. And always be very protective of your personal information.......remember, always, that that nice avatar is a person (a person you do not know and have no way of knowing for sure anything about them). Sound paranoid? Maybe........but when someone cleans out your PayPal or checking account or maxes out your credit card a little paranoia is a blessing.
  4. About the only thing that continues to amaze me like it did when I first came to SL is, no so much the creativity, but the diversity of that creativity. I mean where else can you walk around and see a dumpy old run down trailer park right next door to a tropical paradise? A few years ago I made it a project to walk every single road, railroad and Linden Protected trail on my continent (Heterocera.........one of the older mainland continents). I would spend hours on end several evenings a week just walking the roads and trails.......so long that I'd get a backache and my right hand will feel like it's about to fall off from holding know the arrow keys on my keyboard. It took me months to get to all the roads but I saw some of the most amazing stuff......most of which had no rhyme or reason (just pretty or unusual or freaky or ugly.......but all amazing). I still go on jaunts on occassion........it's an ever changing invironment that is a new venture every time I go for one of my walks. I live on a sky platform and I spend a lot of time there making stuff (mostly I delete it after doing it since I have too much stuff anyway). A couple weeks ago I TP'd down to ground level on my plot. I thought I had TP'd to some place other than my land but the address bar said it was my land. There was a brand new train station right next to my land that the SLRR folks had built on the Linden Land that runs along side my land. It was really quite quaint and nice...........and that all happened almost over night (it wasn't there a week before and there was no indication that anything was going to be built there either). It's that's kind of stuff that continues to amaze me......a surprise around every bend. I've met some nice people while doing my walk abouts. One of the regular posters here I met while on one of my walks. I was walking using my alt and a crashed. Back in those days a crash often lead to a "stuck presence" (commonly called "ghosted"). I figured out pretty quickly what had happened so I logged in me to request a sim restart to unghost my alt. I was standing at the edge of the sim that was restarted watching it come back online when Marigold Devon popped up asking if I needed help. Marigold was a "ghost-buster".........she had some secrete way of finding ghosted avatars and getting them un-stuck. We are friends to this day............Marigold is a regular on these forums too but she's using a different account (I hope she doesn't mind me saying she famous in SL for her work helping untold numbers of people with ghosted avatars). It's those moments when you meet such nice people that will always amaze me. Many things in SL are sort of old hat..........like clubbing. But some things are new every time I log in.
  5. You're right!!! Duh...... It's hot and muggy in my living room right now........that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :smileytongue:
  6. VAT is a tax. LL collects the tax for the governments that impose the tax on it's citizens or users of a service in their country. LL must collect the tax or cease doing business in the country that has the tax in place. The user, also, must pay the tax or cease using the service..........there is no "opt out". The tax is separate above and beyond the fees LL charges for it's service and is listed as a tax (probably VAT but I don't live in a country that imposes a VAT so I can't be sure how it's stated, but it must be separated from the fees). It's not at all unlike a sales tax people in the United States pay for products and services that the tax is applied to........Target collects the tax on products that are subject to the tax for all consumers (it's listed as a tax on the reciept you recieve). You cannot refuse to pay the tax without refusing to buy the product(s). Target doesn't pocket that money........they must pay the taxing authority. They are merely collecting the tax for the government and they must hand that money over to the government (or face criminal charges). LL does the same with VAT. The government gets the money, not the company. The consumer pays it to the company only because the government requires the company to collect it.
  7. That happened to me during one of those ToS revisions that everyone had to agree to (even us oldies). I believe it was when the Teen Grid and Main Grid merged a couple years ago. I went to preferences and changed the browser from my usual external browser (IE) to the internal browser that is built into the viewer. Relogged and was able to accept the ToS. I change the browser back to my external browser after I logged in. Try it........it worked for me but I don't think it works for everyone. Another thing that might help is to clear your browser cache (that's in your browser, not the viewer unless you are using the internal browser). To accept the ToS requires your browser to access it. Both ways are much easier than downloading, installing and logging in with a different viewer so try that first.
  8. No. The windlight settings are client side.......only you see yourself in that setting. I believe Estate owners have some control of the light settings for the sim but I doubt it's as customizable as the settings in your viewer.
  9. In most cases parcels are sized in multiples of 512 sq meters. To a parcel that is large enough to hold your bubble home you'll need that 96 x 80 meter plot as mentioned. A 96 x 80 meter plot is 1680 sq meters. Knowing that most parcels are sized in mulitples of 512 you will need a 2048 sq meter plot to old your home........but you must remember that those 2048 sq meters can be any shape (a long skinny one or a short fat one). Your plot needs to be as square in shape as possible.
  10. If you can access your account but can't log in only tells you that your user name and password work. That's not the same as saying that you have entered your username and password correctly to log in.......only that, as long as the two are correctly entered they are good. You speed tested your PC.......that's good but that's no where near all that is needed for successful log in. Quite frankly I have no idea what a "grade A" connection is..........I gather it's good though. Perfect bandwidth.....hmmmm, what does that mean? Someone here can probably give you a little help. Or, at least, some ideas on what to look for and how to proceed to fix your issue. But that's almost impossible without some real (and relevant) information. A good start is computer specs. Something else that is very helpful is if you get any error messages. What happens when you attempt to log in if there are no messages. You want help then help others to help you.
  11. Start by reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_modeling Then get some software and start practicing. For what it's worth, making mesh is pretty advanced. There are university level curiculums covering the subject with higher degrees attached to successful completion of the courses. It's not something most people will "just pick up". I'm not trying to discourage you from learning 3D modeling (or mesh) but I really don't think you know what is involved from the question you asked.
  12. Yes it does.........but who's got the power to know who is the real creator? LL doesn't and neither does anyone else except maybe the original content creator. And to make that determination a DMCA must be filed by the original creator against the suspected copier. When that happens the suspected copier has the option to counter the claim.......then it goes to a real life legal system. That can be expensive (not to mention time comsuming and with no guarantee of a successful outcome. That's the problem with copybotters and Intellectual Propery rights (IP). Messy and very difficult problem to solve. The asset from both the copier and the original creator will have their own UUID on the item.......which is the real creator and which is the copy bot is the big question that a court of law has to decide. It's ugly but that's the law as it stands right now.
  13. That is exactly the point of a Linden Home. To introduce you to land ownership with the hopes that you will eventually leave the Linden Home for a bigger (and better) home on mainland. 117 prims isn't much (though I've managed pretty well on my land for almost 7 years) and prims are tied directly to land......if you want more prims you have to have more land. The only way to increase those prims is to own more land. A Linden Home is set up to get you accustomed to land ownership..........and not the "forever" land ownership. You can, like I've done with my land (which I purchased way before Linden Homes were ever thought of, make it work. It's up to you......leave the Linden Home and go with a larger plot of land or stay to make it work for you.
  14. VAT is a tax. Afterall, V=value, A=added, T=tax. A tax is a tax..........a fee is a fee. That is "intectually honesty". Anything else is not "intellectual honesty". Call it what you want but also know what you are talking about when you call what you want.
  15. Perhaps you might enlighten me to the point of your post. All I saw was your objection of Market Place fees.......and your objection was because it was not called a "tax". It's not a tax because it's a fee......companies don't charge taxes, governements charge taxes. So, please, enlighten me.
  16. If it can be rendered by a video card then it can be ripped. Anyone who has the knowledge and the software can take any rendered object and change it to anything they choose. It's the nature of the digital age........there are no guarantees. A price to pay for using the medium for income or fame.
  17. The "cloud" is the "new Ruth". People didn't like the runty little female that is the real Ruth so they made "Ruth" a particle cloud instead. Since the real "Ruth" is a female avatar the software will see it as that and cast the shadow of what it sees..........it's the viewer that sees Ruth as a particle cloud.
  18. Let's use some real "intellectual honesty". The Second Life economy is modeled after a free enterprise economic society. That means that the economy of SL depends on free enterprise......the users provide the fuel to run the economy. Someone develops or creates a product for other users to obtain to make their SL a little better. The users who want to take advantage of that product pay a "fee".......the amount of Lindens the creator charges for the product. That's the base for the economic system in SL. Linden Lab has provided two ways for the creators to get their products in the hands of the users who want the products. The creators can open an in-world shop to sell their product or they can open a Market Place shop to sell their product. Both ways have costs assoiated with them. An in-world shop has land use fees or rent that must be paid to either LL or to the ower of the land the shop is located on. The Market Place shop has no land owner to pay but they still have to pay LL for the shop. There is no free ride for your shop.........very much like real life. You can call it what you want (fee or tax). It makes absolutely no difference since you have to pay someone for your shop location. That is not at all unlike real life......nothing is free except your ideas. A tax is associated with governments.........Linden Lab is not a government. It's a private company doing business on the Internet. They provide the space for anyone's shop to exist (be it in-world or Market Place). That provision of space costs money and LL is perfectly entitled to recovering that money it costs them for that provision........and since LL is a "for profit" business they are also entitled to a profit. That is what makes SL continue to exist. LL not being a government charges a fee.......you could look at it as a tax but it is not simply because LL chooses to call it a fee. There's a major difference in what a government can do and what a business can do. Governments have no income other than taxes (not in the US, at least). They cannot charge a fee..........only a tax. A tax is for governments...........a fee is for business. Any tax a business collects goes to a government and not themselves...fees can be for themselves. The creators do not collect a tax (or fee) on their products..........LL takes it as a fee (known by the creators before hand) from the creators. The users don't pay that fee in SL.......in real life the users pay that tax. Intellectual honesty means being intellectually honest..........and you are not being intellectually honest. You just don't like paying the fee to LL for you Market Place sales. Get an in-world shop and pay someone other than LL that fee if it bothers you so much.
  19. "Rasslin'"? Heck yeah I'm a fan..........that's what my brothers would do in the front yard back in Arkansas with the hounds jumping in a slobberlin' all over them. My job? Well that was getting the hose and squirting them then running to Mom and screaming that Jimmy and Jake were trying to hurt me!! Oh........you said "professional". Sorry, carry on.
  20. It's the two comments to iCade by the OP that set me off. iCade was very nice and trying to be helpful yet the OP, once again, played his/her little sarcastic game. The OP wants to delete their account. Then do it and stop with the retorts to people like iCade, Valerie, you and others. It's people like that that I couldn't care less if they left........they are not an asset to SL. Their leaving is best for people like you and others who really do care. I'm hardened, I guess.
  21. Any time I see someone saying that their computer crashes after a specified time (such as 5 - 10 minutes) loud sirens and bright flashing red lights come to my mind. That is one of the classic (and highly reliable) symptoms of over heating. Since it seems to only happen with a program that is graphically intensive (SL being such a program.......perhaps the most graphically intensive program you can run on your computer) the first (and most probable) device that is overheating is the graphics card. A driver update will not fix it.....and it can actually cause the problem to accelerate in occurrence. It's time to clean your computer case (if you are using a laptop, the best way is to have it done by a profession repair facility.....home tinkerers of laptops is a very iffy thing to do since laptops are not made to be opened by unskilled people). If your computer is a desktop then you can safely clean it yourself (using care and commonsense). Simply remove the side of the case after unplugging it from any electrical source. Make sure you discharge any static electricity that your body may have built up by touching the metal part of the chassis (I would do that several times during the cleaning). Get a can of compressed air and blow all the dust and dirt out of the case. Blow air directly through any fans (including any fan on the video card and power supply). It does not harm the fan motors to spin backward so blow until the fans spin as fast as your can of air can make them spin to get as much dust off the blades and out of the fan motor ventilation holes or screens. Be careful about getting the little tube too close to any device because the air coming out of the tube has a lot of force and you could damage something every easily. Also the air coming out is extremely cold......don't spray close enough to cause condensation on any part of the computer. Compressed air cans tend to freeze up if not help vertical when spraying or if you spray in long bursts.....keep the can upright and use short bursts with a few seconds between those bursts. You don't want to introduce any moisture onto any component inside your computer. And on the moisture note..........don't use "cheapy" compressed air. I ran into a brand (I won't say which) that contained quite a bit of moisture and it actually spray a cloud out of the tube.......use a good brand such as 3M or something. While you have the case open check to see if everything is seated tightly in their respective slots (video card, sound card, memory modules. power connections to the motherboard, etc). Close the case and hook everything back up and you're done. If you have never cleaned the case and this has been happening for long, all that cleaning might just give your video card a few more days or months of life. If the card has overheated more than a couple times it's entirely possible that damage has already occurred and cleaning won't do much good. The problem will not get any better nor is it likely, that the problem will level off and not get worse..........it will get worse over time and eventually fail. If that's the case, then you might want to start looking for a replacement card. Or a new computer if it's more than about 3 or 4 years old.
  22. I don't understand why people try to talk someone out of deleting their account. There are plenty of warnings before the software actually processes the request (not to mention a "cooling off period". I've noticed that almost every question concerning someone wanting to delete their account centers on some dissatisfaction with SL or LL (either by direct statements or cutesy little smart a$$ things like multiple question marks with responses such the one directly above this post by me). I say let them leave since they do nothing to help SL or any of us......I would just as soon to never see another post by them in the forums as long as they carry that attitude. Let them whine and cry when they decide that they want to come back and find that their old inventory is gone, all those Lindens are gone, they have to start over from the very beginning and be a newbie again. Let them cry outrage over having to pay LL the re-instatment fee of $9.95 and find LL cannot restore their old inventory. Let them rant about not being able to find the viewer they fell in love with before they left because SL has moved on or the TPV developer no longer offers that viewer for download. All because they are unhappy and want the world to know it. But, decide to come back 6 months later because they got a new computer or they found they had a virus or they finally got around to defragging their hard drive or their video card finally failed and needed replacement. I say let them go......wish them well on the way out the door and then turn your back on them.
  23. An easy way to estimate how many prims you wil be allowed for any parcel you want to purchase or rent is that for each 512 square meters of land you are allowed 117 prims. On mainland, as stated, anything over 512 sq meters is going to entail additional charges by LL for land use fees (even if the parcel exceeds the 512 meter by a single meter.....keep that in mind when you decide on any plot of land and look for parcels that are even multiples of 512 meters to get your money's worth). Renting (sometimes call "purchasing") private estate land often does give more prims per meter than mainland. That is done by the estate owner having land on the estate that is not rented or sold and using some of the prim allotment for that "open" land for use by renters or buyers........you do pay for those extra prims but it can be a savings overall (you have to do the math to know if it's right for you). Group owned land gets a 10% increase on prim usage for mainland. It's hard for anyone to tell you what's right for your plans. Once you have the land (either private or mainland) and know the prim allotment you have to work with you can plan your club or whatever around that. I've help build clubs in SL.........it's hard to build much on land with less than about 500 prims. So, I would look for plots 2048 sq meters are larger.
  24. It was the same back in 2006 on the old VB forums.........I'm not even sure the number is 50 (if it's less, then I would not be surprised at all).
  25. Actually over the last 6 months or so these forums have been rather well moderated. I'm sure some (or most) of the more offensive and vicious posts/threads have been moderated, but nothing like it was on the Jive forums (where, you could not even dispute someone politely without a warning......I know I got several and so did others). What that did is drive away some of the most angry, negative posters which is what I truly believe LL wanted to happen. As long as we don't get too personal or too far out of the guidelines for posting we can have a pretty heated discussion again..........but only up to a point (when it gets too nasty LL will step in). And, that's a good thing. I did think LL was way out of line when they first started with the very restrictive moderating and their failed attempt at moderating by software instead of real people. Growing pains I guess......or was is "re-education"?
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