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Peggy Paperdoll

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Everything posted by Peggy Paperdoll

  1. Have you ever been viewing something on your computer screen and tried to cam about for a better view? Yes. Have you ever caught yourself striking a pose you thought resembled your avie's AO? No.
  2. Getting logged out (or not being able to log in with the message "Darn, you've been logged out" is indicative of a connection issue. A connection issue seldom is a result of drivers being out of date or corrupted (you might not be able to log in if a driver is having some problem but you won't get a message saying you've been logged out........you'll get something else entirely). A bad installation or corrupted installation is also something that will not throw a message like that (the most common sympton is the viewer fails to launch or when you try to log in the viewer just closes leaving you looking at your desktop........sometimes you will get an error message but most of the times you won't). You're problem is something to do with your connection. The connection to the servers covers a huge spectrum from your network interface (the hardware device that allows you to connect to the Internet, to your home (or office or school, or library, or local "hot spot"), to your ISP, to the Internet backbone (the infrastructure that makes up the entire Internet) to the Linden Lab servers, to each individual sim on the entire grid). All anyone can do to fix a connection problem is to fix the things that are under your control........everything else has to be reported to others for fixing. What you can fix yourself is you network interface, your network and your computer settings...that's all. The two most common problems that cause connection issues are your use of a wireless connection and the network's router and/or modem need to be rebooted. The vast majority of connection issues revolve around those two causes. If you are using a wireless connection try a wired one (use an Ethernet cable....also called a Cat 5e cable). Rebooting your router and modem is actually the easiest thing to do. Unplugged the two devices from their electrical source for 3 to 5 minutes. Plug them back in and wait for the lights to blink their normal routine then restart your computer to re-establish your Internet connection.
  3. Try rotating the picture with your editing software before you upload them. I use GIMP but any editor would work fine as long as it will save to one of the accepted image formats that SL allows (JPG, BMP, TGA). I would suggest TGA or BMP since they are lossless which means you get the best quality. Also make sure you size the image properly for what it is you are wanting.........I believe the profile images are square so 256 by 256 would be good.
  4. What operating system are you using? I'm a Windows user and since I've been SL I've had XP, Vista, and Windows 7. My mermory says that most of the "memory leaks" complaints happened back when XP was the most used OS. I image you are probably using Win7 judgeing by the i5 CPU so I can't relate much to XP or Vista (but some people are almost fanatical about XP being the best ever OS). I did notice that you have 4 GB system memory which is not really a lot (but should be more than adequate for SL). Background stuff might be at the core of the problem. Win 7 wants about a GB to run all by itself and SL wants as much as it can get up to about a GB. That leaves you two gigs to spare and if something is not releasing memory as it should then it wouldn't take very long to run out of memory and crash you. Try looking at your security software (especially if you are using Norton or Semantic). There's a lot of stuff being tossed back and forth between your computer and the servers and security software monitors all the traffic........try temporarily shuting down the AV to see if the problem continues.
  5. Since this only happens on your Pheonix viewer why not ask this question over on the Pheonix site? Memory leaks and SL have been complained about for years. I've never experienced a memory leak on any veiwer (even back when there was only the SL viewer that was supported was available to use). What I've concluded over the years is that the memory leaks that people complain about are related to the users' computers and not the viewer. Yes, it is possible that a viewer is the culprit but since I don't use Pheonix (or any TPV for that matter..........personal choice, so don't attack me) I haven't a clue if it's Pheonix's problem or not. But historically, as far as I can see, it's been the users computers or the setup of those computers. Does this "memory leak" eventually lead to a crash? Or does it just mystify you?
  6. I don't know what your budget might be (or the budget your friends/family may have for your birthday (BTW, hope you have a happy one ) but I did a quick Newegg.com search for desktops and found a few that might be what you want (my idea is something that is okay but not fantastic and has the ability to be upgraded later if you want). I found this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103411 It's not anything near a high end computer but it does have limited capability for a few upgrades later (such a better video card and more system RAM). The price seems to be very attractive at $449.99 USD with free shipping. It's a good starter and will do decently on SL (it won't run ultra settings but it will high with a frame rate hit.......it's a darn sight better than what you have now anyway). Acer is a solid machine but not top of the line.......I've owned one and wasn't terribly unhappy with it except I did have an issue with them over supplying a recovery CD (they just wouldn't do it). You can burn your own though and it does work. With a little shopping around you can find some great deals on great computers.....even refurbs (though I tend to shy away from used electronics but that's just me). I searched Newegg but there are several other online computer stores that are very competitive.........Tiger Direct for one. Sorry you can't enjoy SL right now but maybe in a few weeks or months you will. Good luck.
  7. Well after seeing those specs I can certainly understand why you can't stay on SL. In fact, I'm fairly amazed that you have even been able to log in even one time. Your system memory (RAM) is about 3/4 below of any system I've heard of in quite a few years........250 MB is not going to do the trick. And to make things worse you have a very old onboard Intel graphics accellerator that has no dedicated memory (which means all the graphics memory has to come from your system RAM and there is barely enough to run your computer at all.....they don't even make the 845G chipset anymore (and haven't for years). I don't know if your graphics driver is current or not but my bet is there isn't a driver for a 845 chipset available that is more current than about 4 years or so (that's being optimistic too). Your graphics only supports OpenGL 1.3.......I believe SL is using OpenGL 3.x by now (but I can't be sure). The current OpenGL version is 4.x. How old is that computer? With specs like that I'm thinking close to 10 years. It's time for a new computer, I'm afraid. Without something more powerful, I don't think you can enjoy SL at all. It sounds as if you can log in once in a while (which I find quite amazing) so count your blessings........but the computer will not work for SL. Sorry for the bad news.
  8. It really depends on just what crashed when you crashed. A viewer crash (the more minor type of crash) usually just dumps you to your desktop or you get some message saying the veiwer is not responding. All that is necessary to get back into SL is to close the viewer, wait a few seconds and relaunch it. But, sometimes it's not that simple. When you crash you leave the grid suddenly without logging out like you do when you quit SL normally...........the servers sometimes don't recognize that you are no longer on the grid and will not allow you to log in until you log out (but you crashed and are not really on the grid anymore even though the servers don't recognize that fact). The solution is to wait......sometimes the wait can be pretty long but usually only a few minutes). That used to be a very big problem with "stuck presence" on the grid but not so much now.........it's still happens though. The other crash is a system crash. The more severe of the two types of crashes. That's when you computer operating system crashes and you don't have any control over any thing happening on your computer (sometimes you can't even get your task manager to launch using "alt-ctrl-del". When that happens things need to be completely cleared of your system's memory. The easiest way to do that is to reboot your computer.........but don't just "restart", do a complete shut down of your computer like you would when you go to bed at night. Leave the computer off for a few minutes (about 3 minutes should do it). That should dump any memory that might be lingering in your system RAM. Then try SL again. The problem is we don't know what type of crash you experienced. Or even if you really crashed. You could have simply lost the connection to the SL servers (something people often discribe as a crash but it's not and the fix is very different). If you lost the connection to the servers a simple first "fix" is to reboot your router and modem. Unplug from the electrical source and leave unplugged for 3 to 5 minutes. Plug the devices back in and wait for the lights to settle to their normal blinking routine..........reboot (you can use "restart" here) to re-establish your Internet connectiion. Try SL again.
  9. Have you tried walking through the rock? Often prims are set to phantom to look like a blockage but you can walk right through them.
  10. After reading the pivacy policy that Dilbert linked (god, it's been a while since I read that..........I really need to go through the entire ToS more often ) the short answer is "Yes, they can". What the do with the information determines if they are breaking any ToS for SL or real life law. Every forum you visit (this forum included) logs your IP address........and all the moderators plus the adminstrator(s) of the forum can see your IP address. Every time you stream media in SL you are giving up your IP address. An IP address is not specific to you and your computer........it's specific to your ISP and, therefore, is purblic information. And to put your mind at ease a little, most home computers on the Internet are assigned what is called a dynamic IP address. Which means it is not a perminant address and will change according to your ISP's schedule (usually when they get a new block of IP addresses to use). If you will look at your user information (by clicking on your name at the top of any page on these forums) you'll see your IP address at the bottom of the block titled ":Non-Public Statistics".
  11. I really can't add much since I don't know what the error messgae is.......as far as I know (and I've searched) an error code "4" does not exist (not for an HTTP error code anyway). HTTP error codes are all three digit Looking at the list of error codes beging with "4" there are 56 possible codes to pick from (if I counted correctly........and it's possible I might have miscounted because I just skimmed them). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes All I can think of is to clear the browser cache (the browser the user has set for SL.........either external or internal) and clear cookies. A bit of warning on clearing cookies (which deleting them)........cookies save your preferences and sometimes log in information for many websites. You'll have to re-enter all those preferences and log in stuff after you've cleared your cookies. Most cookies are really unnecessary but cookies for this site (for instance) can be very useful. Any site that has preferences that you can configure will have to be re-configured. But, if it's a messed up cookie file causing the problem then that should fix it (after you re-do the settings).
  12. There are a number of reasons an account might be placed on hold. Being banned is not really one of those reasons. If you (or your partner) has been banned or suspended the message does not say anything about a "hold". Even so, an email was sent. Have your partner contact support (you cannot do it.......only the account that is on hold can inquire and ask for such information. That should be obvious that it is a privacy issue). As Rolig said, have your friend check the email that her account is associated with......and spam filters have a habit of blocking legitimate email so check there). An account being placed on hold can be for things such as unauthorized access to the account, the user of the account has linden dollars that were purchased from outlets other than what LL has authorized, or even someone AR'd the account for underaged use (even if it's false). The place to get the ball rolling is at Linden Lab support.......not here.
  13. I've never heard of an error 4. I assume this is some Windows message you are getting. So maybe you meant the HTTP 404 error. Reading here might give you idea on what you need to do to fix it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_404
  14. CPU speed seems to always get thrown into the mix. CPU speed is actually a rather minor component for performance unless the CPU has to pick up the slack the GPU is causing. If your CPU has a clock speed of 1 to 1.5 GB then it will handle SL without breaking a sweat (single core, dual core, quad core, 8 core......it matters not). That is vertually every CPU manufactured in the last 7 years. However, the question revolves around bandwidth usage. No matter what the speed of anything in your computer is the usage is controlled by limiting what data is sent to the computer to process. Bandwidth speed has practically nothing to do with any of that.........and neither does the CPU, GPU or memory. Increasing the cache size only helps if the user consistantly remains in the same area and (important word here) nothing has changed since the last time the object, texture, animation, or whatever is called for (an avatar turns around and moves into a new lighting setting or something is removed or added to the scene)..........and that practically never happens on in any area that has any sort of traffic at all.
  15. There are only two people who might know why you banned. The person who banned you and you. I have a feeling you do know why you were banned but covered yourself with the "... i have done nothing wrong as far as im concerned..." part of your post. It simply does not matter what you think..........it only matters what the person in a position to ban you thinks. You'll have to contact that person for your answer.
  16. Using the term "bandwidth" is tricky in this case. There are two "bandwidths" and you are using the term as if it were only one definition. There is bandwidth speed which determines how fast the data is sent to the viewer. And there is bandwidth usage which determines how many bits and bytes of data is recieved or sent in total for the scene. The "bandwidth" in the viewer settings is for speed. A lower setting takes more time to get the data but all the data will be sent that is requested (yeah I know that's the theory and sometimes it doesn't aways work so well......things like time-outs will shut down the data stream for instance). Slowing down the speed is going to do very little (if anything) to lower usage. Not staying in one place long enough for all the data to be sent and hopping around the grid mostly cancels any "benefit" of a slower speed since new data will be requested by the viewer and sent.......at a still slow speed but sent none the less. 500 kbps is really not that slow anyway since the servers seldom send more than 1000 kbps anyway (cutting the speed in half actually makes things take about twice as long to get sent). Taking longer to get sent can have a benefit of not slamming your network or graphics adapter with more than it handle but it also causes more data over the long run due to things changing from what was originally requested and never rezzed.......new stuff is sent before the user even sees the old stuff. Remember everything is cached before it's rezzed. You really should set your bandwidth in preferences to what your system can handle without overloading the network or the GPU.........slower wastes times and bandwidth usage. I wouldn't suggest anyone use the bandwidth setting in preferences to try to limit bandwidth usage....it's counter productive and only gives some false sense of "saving". Turning off streaming media, lowering draw distance, and sticking to small and lightly populated and textured areas on the grid are really about the only productive things you can do to lower usage (well, spending limited time in SL works too but I don't think most people want to do that).
  17. It's really tough trying to help people who have problems when the problem discribed is all over the place. Getting disconnected from the servers (logged off) is very different from crashing. Wilowl is the person who I was addressing. Then you jump in with your problem......your discription sounds like a lost connection problem. Her's.......I think it's a lost connection problem but I can't say for sure. Piggy backing on someone else's question only adds confusion for everyone.....especially the person asking the original question. Why not start your own question so that it's two distinct threads....not some jumbled mess that threads with other people chiming in with "I've been having the same problem". You may be having the same problem but you also may not. Like I said just a few sentences ago......it's tough trying to help. It's near impossible when anything I (or someone else) might offer as help and the OP doesn't know if it's for her or the piggy backer. My suggestion for you is reboot your modem and router.
  18. The only thing I know from your post is that you are having a problem with SL (specifically, staying connected). I can't help or even suggest anything for you to do (except maybe some generic things to try that are, in all liklihood completely irrelevant to your problem). You want help then you are going to have to help anyone to might be able to help you. A good start is some computer specifications (something that is so basic that I really have a hard time understanding why people don't even try to give). Launch your viewer (no need to log in). Under the "Help" menu click on "About Second Life". Copy and paste the specs shown on the first tab of the dialog box that opens. Don't start a new thread.......use the "Options" in the upper right corner of you post and "Edit". Also give any other information that you think might help others help you.
  19. First off. No one here has any authority or ability to send you your password to any email address. We are nothing but residents like you. Most here will try to help with questions, tips, tricks or other things relevant to SL or how things work, but we can only do so because of out experience. We are just not in a position to dig into any account information to retrieve information about your account. If you forgot your password you will have to click the "forgot password" button and answer the security questions. You really should know the answers to the questions........afterall you picked them and gave (what one would believe to be) accurate answers. That's why it's important to pay attention to what you are doing when you sign up for things that ask security questions. If, for instance, a question is "What's your favorite pet's name?" and you don't like animals then you probably should not use that question..........pick one that relates to you and give an honest answer (like "What's name of your mother's sister?" That would be your aunt so you should remember that easily). Now, think about what you are asking and how that might be something that no company that values privacy or it's customers would do. You could be anyone......the proper owner of the account or some crook looking to gain access to the account for not so nice reasons. Anyone at Linden Lab would not know which you are (and they have no way of verifying that since you cannot answer the security questions. They would be derelect in their duties as protectors of your privacy and security if they just took your word for it. And add to that you are asking them to send that information to an email address that is different from the email address they have on record. Would you do what you are asking them to do? I wouldn't.........and I don't think many people would (LL certainly won't). I know there are ways to get your account back if you forgot the password and you forgot the security questions. It won't be easy and it won't be quick either. Submit a support ticket.
  20. If you were allowed to exchange your Linden Home with another member who has a Linden Home then LL would also have to allow that exchange to include some sort of money (in Linden dollars, of course) in the transaction. I know you were not around SL when "First Land" was one of the big benefits of becoming premium so I need to tell you what happened back then. As one of the perks of being a premium member you were allowed a one time purchase of a 512 sq meter plot of land on mainlant (those plots were generally confined to specific areas on specific continents. The purpose of the benefit was identical to the purpose of the Linden Home benefit (to introduce a new premium member to land ownership). There were no restrictions on what you could do with the plot of "First Land". You could sell it, give it away, or keep it. You could build anything you wanted on the land without limitations as long as you stayed within the 117 prim allotment that all 512 plots have. In other words you could do as you pleased. The problem was that back then land was much more scarce than it is today........512 plots of land were selling for much more than the $L1 per meter that the "First Land cost the new premium member. It did not take long before the First Land benefit was exploited. People would create new premium accounts, get the 512 plot of land, then immediately sell it for a healthy profit......enough to pay $9.95 USD ot cost for the first month's premium fee and put some real money in their pockets. Those people were called "Land Flippers"........and they were rampant on the grid. Real new premium members could not get First Land because the Land Flippers were buying them as soon as the the land was available......it was a very big bone of contention of most premium members. That gaming of the system drove the price of land way higher than it was valued at. LL tried to keep up with producing mroe land which, eventually, flooded the market and drove land prices down (that, to this day, still upsets many members here in the forums.......you get occassional threads and complaints about LL ruining the land market). LL shut down the benefit because of the abuse. Two or three years later they brought in Linden Homes...........with restrictions in place to make it impossible for another scam that the First Land wound up being (it wasn't LL's fault, it was the dishonest land flippers). That is why you cannot exchange, sell or give away your Linden Home........other restrictions were placed too to try to keep the nieghborhoods more consistant. You can't exchange your land with anyone.......give, sell or trade. And that is the primary reason. For what it's worth, I support that restriction 100%. I was lucky enough to get a First Land plot back then.........but many or my premium friends could not.
  21. "I downloaded what I thought was an update to SL program on my desktop...." ---------------------------------------------------- This makes absolutely no sense to me unless you downloaded and installed a program from some place you should not have downloaded from (let alone installed the download on your computer). The only places you should ever download a viewer are the "approved" TPV websites or the Second Life website. And none of the reputuable TPV's will have a viewer that contains mal-ware to facilitate any access to your computer (by the way, that is commonly referred to as a virus or mal-ware........it's not hacking in the sense of the word hacking). And neither will Linden Lab. It sounds more like what Rolig was referring to........you have picked up some object from some unknown source that contains some annoying (or even malicious) script. That, also, is not hacking..........in SL it's called griefing. But you did specifically say you downloaded this "update" to your desktop. That's the part that makes no sense at all to me. If you downloaded some program that you thought was an update for your SL viewer and installed it then you very likely opened yourself up a lot more misery than someone griefing others on a sim. I'm hoping you ae just ignorant of what you really did but I'm afraid you might have done something much more serious that a little griefing.......you opened you computer and all it's contents to criminals (and those criminals didn't even have to hack your comuter to do it...you did it yourself). If you don't know basic Internet security then you have no business being on a computer that has access to the Internet. Now, please tell us what you did so I can apologize for saying you shouldn't be on the Internet if what you did is not what you said you did.
  22. Naw...........I'm out of beer. Drank it all last Sunday evening watching the NASCAR race. I typo a lot.........you should see me when I'm mad and try to type fast.
  23. Why not contact the people who make it? http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/02-products/product-TrackIR-4-PRO.html
  24. "... Sexual ageplay and other evil doing would happen anyway, with or without banlines. Banlines only make it easier for it to happen. Sure, any form of communication has the potential for facilitating evil doing...." ----------------------------------------------------- By that line of thinking child avatars should be banned too. I mean, afterall, a child in an grown up invironment faciltates sexual age play (BTW, why not call it what it is? Pedophilia). You keep backing yourself in a corner.........it's getting comical now.
  25. "...And there are going to be some who exploit this privacy in order..." to enjoy SL completely free of any monetary output on their part. Tha's freeloading. It's perfectly okay for anyone to do that.........what's not perfectly okay is to demand that LL make the norm. You enjoy SL for free because of those limitations, such as banlines, that people who support SL in a monetary manor can protect their part of SL for themselves. If I want banlines on my land, I can put them up.......if not, I have a choice not to. What you want is to take away a choice for me........all for your seffish reasons. BTW, even if you were nice I would not open my doors to you for you to do as you please.............I don't even do that for my sister. She can come and visit........but she visits at my pleasure (not hers). All I have is your say so that you are nice..........from the posts I've read from you I'm not convinced.
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