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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. What did people do before gravity was invented? Did that keep ships from falling off the edge of the Earth?
  2. If whether or not we should be able to hide our account age had come up as an issue before on the forums, it would've been posted in my "Warning: Forum Poop or Quagmire Ahead" thread. We have exhausted pretty much every SL issue that commonly comes up.
  3. I've had a neighbor on Mainland who seemed to have insufficient tier for their land for months, if not years. I wouldn't count on LL not taking the land though. I think it would be easier to cut off a piece to sell or abandon it.
  4. Perhaps the sound should be changed to the endless screams of the infinite well at the Fantasseria community region?
  5. This is also a use-case for creating a young and "innocent" alt, aka a baby sock puppet.
  6. I doubt the US government is as organized and cohesive as it was in the 1960's. Congress can barely elect their own party leaders now and leaks show up in the media at the drop of a hat.
  7. @Extrude Ragu, @Solar Legion Asking for clarification is certainly appropriate in a forum discussion, but because some people prefer to just leave an emoji reaction, rather than type out a response, it's generally advisable to not ask what they intended to mean with their emoji. Some people like to leave emojis that are intentionally vague or confusing. It's also possible to accidentally check the wrong emoji. Rather than getting upset about why they left a particular emoji response, it's better to just ignore it. As for taking a discussion to private messages, I find this to be most helpful when politely asking for clarification, for information that might not be appreciated on the public forum, or suggestions for changes someone might make to a thread title, thread location, or post. Once the exchange has already become heated publically, it rarely gets better in private, unless one of the participants wants to apologize.
  8. These are good ideas as to how LL could hide account age if they chose to do so. Personally, I don't want to hide my account age, but I can imagine some people might feel uncomfortable about others knowing they are "oldbies" or "newbies", especially when these terms get thrown around on the forum as disparaging terms similar to how "boomer" and "millennial" are used elsewhere online. Whatever happened to respecting experience? Is age to be the next artificial distinction to divide us now, along with race and financial status? Account age isn't even a real indicator of RL age or SL experience. Some people started in SL as teens. Some started after they retired in RL. Some gave it a try years ago, abandoned it, and have only recently come back.
  9. We already have the ability to lie about everything else about our real lives in SL. We can lie about our gender, age, race, marital status, financial status, where we live or what we do for a living. SL data such as online status or account age can easily be discovered with scripted objects, however, so hiding it could actually *show* who is both hiding information and assuming we aren't smart enough to know how to check them. I still have candles in SL that can check if any avatar is inworld. I mostly used them to check on whether a RL boyfriend was trying to hide when he was in SL. Of course we can also join a group someone is in and check their online status from the membership list. I'm sure it would be easy enough for someone to create an object that can similarily check the account age or status of any user, so trying to lie about such things would be useless.
  10. Wait, has someone actually proven that lizard-people are controlling the world's governments? So, the Earth is actually flat then?
  11. You're wrong on this point, @Rowan Amore. Not revealing information is not the same as lying about it. You've made the same assertion yourself in regards to a person's RL gender. Not revealing one's RL country or state of residence is not lying about it. Not revealing one's real age is not lying about it. Not revealing one's financial or account status is not lying about it. Assuming that one has alterior motives for not revealing information is a slippery slope that can lead to people oversharing personal information. It seems akin to me of people wanting RL names on social media or the government being able to listen in on phone calls if they wanted. "If you don't have anything to hide, you don't have anything to worry about." The pertinent questions here seems to me to be 1. Is this personal information? 2. Would it be possible for LL to hide this information without breaking functionality. and 3. Does showing this information serve a purpose that most SL users want. The avatar name is considered non-personal, identifying information in SL. It can be changed, but the user ID cannot be changed. LL has elected to make it impossible to hide one's avatar name, because being able to hide it makes griefing and misrepresenting one's account being different than it really is too easy. Account age is considered non-personal, non-identifying information that is necessary for some of the functionality of SL. It allows region and parcel owners to restrict younger accounts and give freebies only to younger accounts. Most users don't seem to care that it can identify them as having been in SL longer, and if they want to appear as someone who has not been in SL that long, they create a younger alt. For the last 20 years, hardly anyone has complained about their account age being visible to other users. Account status - Basic, Premium, etc. - has only fairly recently been shown in the SL viewer and is not shown in the Firestorm viewer. This would be considered non-personal, non-identifying information from a legal perspective. It is necessary for SL functionality because it determines which accounts can enter some regions and which can obtain certain Linden Homes or Mainland parcels. I don't think showing it on profiles by default serves a good purpose, however. If it were a choice, on the other hand, it could show who likes to display their wealth as a kind of status symbol, which I think could be helpful in deciding who to avoid dating.
  12. If I see an avatar with a young account age (under 1 month old) that seems like they might need help (eg. wearing a starter avatar), I ask them "Are you new in SL? Do you need help with anything?" (Of course I wouldn't say this at the Welcome Hub central region, because there are usually Mentors there to help them.)
  13. I can see some benefit to knowing an account's age, such as in how to talk with someone who's probably new vs. an old-timer. I don't see any benefit to knowing someone's account status except for wannabe sugar babies and those who are looking for someone to catfish.
  14. Second Life is hard on graphics cards. Be sure to lower your draw distance to around 320 m or lower, your LOD to around 2.0, and avatar complexity of other people's avatars to around 120,000 or lower. People usually suggest a draw distance of 252, but I like to see further. I also set my LOD to 2.5 because I have hair and some things in my house that won't render well at 2.0. Just basically lower your graphics settings until your computer isn't overheating. Do you really need shadows enabled? Transparent water is easier to render than reflections. If you're using Firestorm, try the setting in the viewer that tells you how much your environment and your avatar components are affecting your graphics rendering. There are some other settings you can do on your computer to lower the strain on it, but that's not my area of expertise, so I don't remember what they are.
  15. ^ This is good detailed advice from Frigga. Personally, I seldom use Outfits except to save a few basic configurations such the "Basic Senra Naked" one. I'd save the Senra Jamie subfolder into the Body folder, rather than the Clothing folder. I'd skip saving the pre-Senra Outfit and save "Basic Jamie" with a BOM bikini on rather than naked, in case you need to quickly change your avatar into something with clothing in a public place.
  16. There's something wrong with the world when people believe wrestling is real, football is fake, vaccines will kill people, and encouraging people to vote means the person is part of a CIA psy-op.
  17. I agree that folks should be able to flounce about as much as they wish. Flounce out of grouos, SL or the forum. Heck, more people should flounce *into* groups and the forum too. It's very entertaining. ❤️ 💃
  18. Since the problem is with a Valour skin, you should send a note about it to the owner of Valour or a CSR for Valour.
  19. Hi, msmaybach I'm sorry you're having difficulty with your avatar. The reason it's so complicated is that many of the pieces you're working with were created by users without a real standardized process. The original avatars were simple, but very ugly by today's standards. Users created better-looking options over the years, but these options also made the process of avatar customization more complicated. Right now, I'd suggest using the Senra Jamie avatar for a little while, because it's less complicated. If you ever get stuck with a weird-looking or naked avatar, you can also Replace with one of the avatars in the Library of your Inventory. Next, I'm sure the people on this forum will be glad to help you straighten out what went wrong with your avatar. Let me ask you a few questions to that end. Which mesh body and head are you trying to use? It's important to use a shape that's made for the brand of head you're wearing. It helps that you took a picture of how your avatar looks. If you can take a screen shot of what is Worn in your Inventory, this will also help people determine what when wrong. You will always be wearing some kind of Shape, Brow Shape, system Skin and system Eyes. If you want to change any of these, you'll need to Wear or Replace them with a different one. Clothing, tattoos, makeup, and mesh body parts, in contrast, can be Removed or stacked with multiple pieces by Adding them to your avatar. The Senra Jamie avatar will need to use a Senra Jamie Shape, but you could probably wear the Maria skin on it if you wished. (I used one of those skins on my Senra Jamie because I liked how it looked.) You'll have to use either system/ BOM clothes or mesh clothes made for Jamie or Blake on the Jamie mesh body. Other mesh clothing won't fit right.
  20. New LaraX compatible Group Gift outfit - Bra Top, Panty, Jacket & Leggings - at Guguvagas. (The regular & hearts HUDs will work on the same pieces, so you only need to have one folder for both.)
  21. Every topic is fine as long as the poster doesn't use a dark font that won't show well on a dark background, if they cut and paste with a dark text on a bright white background, or if they cut and paste an image of text that's too hard to read instead of actual text.
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