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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. What would be a good sign to put on your T-shirt or property in SL? For instance, on your property a funny sign might say, "Derender neighbor's build for a better environment ->" A T-shirt might say, "It's not lag. I just like walking into people 😁 "
  2. I'm copying Frigga's picture from the furniture thread because I think this rabbit enclosure is cute for pet rabbits. I like the bee hives too.
  3. Somebody should sell signs like this. Ima gonna make a new thread for this idea. 💡 😁
  4. I agree with Phil. The main avatar is the one a person mainly uses, though it could also be the one a person identifies with most as being themself. I usually call my main avatar my "primary avatar", which also implies by connotation that it's the first avatar I created. Tasha was the 2nd avatar I created, but I don't use her as often as Alycia or spend nearly as much money on her, so I think it could be confusing to call either of these my secondary avatar. They're both alternates to my primary avatar, but I refer to Alycia as my favorite alt.
  5. My experience has been the same. On the other hand, I had pretty big parcels, used border walls myself, and I might have more patience for annoying neighbors. It helps too when one spends much of one's time inside a big, open skybox.
  6. I've been curious about how residents are responding to the new regions, so for the last couple of days I keep checking the current availability numbers. Rather than people leaving the Ranch regions to try the new shiny or either of these 2048 m regions reaching a saturation point where nobody else wants to pay for a Premium Plus account, both themes continue to fill up pretty quickly. I guess those few people who complained on the forum that they wanted bigger Linden Homes represent a bigger portion of SL residents than I expected. People do seem to be abandoning 1024 m homes in order to move to the 2048 m ones, but this trend seems to me to be a good one financially for Linden Lab.
  7. No. Linden Lab will not get involved in these kinds of disputes between residents. If you have the Firestorm viewer, the easiest way to resolve this problem would be to derender your neighbor's wall so you can't see it. As long as what they put up in on their land is not hanging over your property line and not breaking any SL rules, such as content inappropriate for the region or hogging region resources by spewing replicating prims, you can't do much about it. You can send them a polite note asking for the border wall to be transparent on your side, but you can't force them to be a good neighbor. Putting up an even bigger and uglier wall on your side, would most likely only escalate the conflict, so I don't recommend this.
  8. My alts have smaller inventories, reflective of their uses and how often I use them. Because I've limited them to their own clothing styles and color preferences, it's easier to manage those inventories than it is to manage my primary account's inventory.
  9. Strawberry Linden was and still is Strawberry Singh. Abnor Mole has admitted publically that he plays Magellan Linden. All the Moles have regular resident accounts too.
  10. Tonight 1. Stilt Homes on Water - 0 available 2. Stilt Homes on Pier - 0 available 3. Ranch (2048) - 3 available 4. Mediterranean (2048) - 101 available 5. Victorians (1024) - 165 available 6. Sakura (1024) - 279 available 7. Stilt Homes on Land - 319 available 8. Newbrooks (1024) - 404 available 9. Traditionals (1024) - 428 available 10. Houseboats (1024) - 445 available * I probably had the wrong # for available Houseboats in my previous post. That looks like the land impact # instead.
  11. Hanging out in the Welcome Hub regions is definitely a thing to do when you're bored. I'd like LL to add a surfing and sailing region next to the sandbox one, because surfing 🌊 🏄‍♂️ in SL is really fun.
  12. I avoid drama by being polite and generally minding my own business, no matter which avatar I'm using. I don't seek it out by pretending to be someone else with friends or enemies. If I'm on as Tasha or my guy alt, I purposely have hardly any friends, because I don't want to be bothered by them. Alycia shares some of the friends I'm closest with and they know she's my in-character alt. I prefer to not talk about my real life when I'm in SL as Alycia, but most of my friends still address me as my RL self when I'm her. I try to steer them away from doing that by having Alycia talk about Persephone in the third person. Each of my female avatars has her own personality, interests, style and color preferences for clothing. My guy alt doesn't really have a personality or interests, because I just don't have that much of my consciousness that I can project as masculine. I think it's easier for me to project being a wolf-dog than it is for me to project being male. 😄
  13. I admit I don't hang out in other online forums anymore, but I think SL forumites must be some of the most charmingly weird group of people.
  14. I don't know, but you can try the demos, and I believe one of the forum members uses that combination. As Rowen said, though, Piggu is not well supported for clothing. On the other hand, I don't think there is any male fatter body that is. A female avatar has a few choices for a heavier mesh body, but I think the best you can get for a well-supported male body is probably a slightly overweight "Dad-bod" with Belleza Jake.
  15. Good Luck and a heads up. People asking for participants for their thesis work on the forums usually get alot of flack here. Also, very few SL users actually use these forums, so it's wise to consider other inworld options for recruiting participants.
  16. Akeruka has a good chubby male head that is EvoX compatible.
  17. Even when the new Victorian Homes are completed and available, the total number won't be that large. If there are a few hundred available for any theme, I think this may be a comfortable amount for Linden Lab. Rather than reworking existing regions to retrofit them for 2048m parcels, I think LL might want to create a new 2048m theme - *after* they release those Victorians and the new Stilt Homes. Right now people who had multiple alts in 1024 m theme homes, have likely given up some of those to get a 2048 m home instead. This is good for Linden Lab, since one Premium Plus account gives them more money than 2 Premium accounts. It remains to be seen at what point 2048 m regions would have a few hundred empty houses, but I'm sure LL doesn't want to get stuck with thousands of empty 2048 m parcels, like they have now with the old Linden Homes, the Log Homes, the Chalets, and Fantassaria. I think they're going to be very careful moving forward not to over-build.
  18. 😳 This is where a Mole might suggest talking this conversation to private messages. That doesn't make it better, but it prevents the thread from bring locked.
  19. I'm just gonna say it before the lock. Not wanting child avatars around does not mean someone is a pervert. It just makes them a grouchy old meany.
  20. Yeah, then we can ban animal, furry, and vampire avatars too. 🙄
  21. This belief was common in Medieval Europe, along with the belief that witches kept them in a box in their homes. It was once explained to me that the actual fear was that witches could make men unable to perform sexually.
  22. I usually go around with my mesh body and head HUDs on (and only those HUDs). I get irritated when I put on a clothing unpacking or retexturing HUD knocks those off, so I've saved them to my Favorite Wearables tab too. I still forget they're in there though. 😆
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