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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Bad analogy. The tax man is just some guy doing his job. If we didn't have taxes and people enforcing them, we couldn't have public roads, schools, police, a military, etc. Who's a villain vs. an underdog often depends on how they're portrayed or which aspects of them we focus upon. The Joker, for instance, is a villain until he's viewed as a poor, abused and misunderstood everyman who finally decides to stand up for himself. (We'll conveniently ignore the fact that he kills and tortures innocent people, because that doesn't fit the narrative we want to create.) Is the crabby old lady who yells at kids to get off her lawn a villain or an underdog? Maybe we need to know more about her to really know?
  2. SL is not a RL social media platform such as Facebook. It's a fantasy world where we can be tinies, furries, mermaids, vampires, aliens, etc. I don't think you should expect people in SL to represent their real life selves, unless they tell you this is what they're doing. I usually speak as my RL self in SL, but there are times when I don't want to represent as my RL self. If you see my avatar as a wolf-dog, you shouldn't expect me to talk about my real life. You shouldn't expect me to talk at all as a wolf-dog, except in a private IM.
  3. Resident Mentors have one advantage in that they have real experience of being in SL. Most people who would be hired as an expert in marketing, video games, or social media would be clueless about the unique culture, economy, and challenges of SL. They could spend some time in SL with an avatar, but they wouldn't have the years of experience that our mentors and Moles have. I think there is a place at Linden Lab for outside experts, but I don't think it's with guiding newbies inworld.
  4. We can already allow someone else to control what we see with RLV in the case of virtual blindfolds that essentially put up a HUD that blocks all view of the environment. Of course, RLV is not part of the official viewer, I think with good reason, since it could be very confusing and upsetting for someone who didn't understand how to disable it. I think derender should be part of the SL viewer, giving more control to the user over what they see or don't see. Whether it should be part of parcel controls could be decided later.
  5. I think the LDPW might have released some houseboats today. I just saw there are 675 available on the Linden Home page.
  6. The LDPW may have release some Houseboat parcels today. I just saw there are 675 available on the Linden Home page.
  7. I'd buy a real house by the ocean too, but I wouldn't give up SL. I'd continue to live frugally for the most part, but with a bunch more money in savings accounts.
  8. I think the remedy would be to remove the offensive parts of those posts and send the people who posted them a reminder about not attacking other users. Mentors are not Linden Lab employees. They're fellow residents who donate their time and experience to try to help new users. The Moles deserve our respect for all their hard work, as well. Remember they're fellow residents too, and none of them are getting rich from the work they do for SL.
  9. Let's look at the idea of having a free translator available. 1. There used to be a Translator built into the Firestorm viewer. Maybe it was in the SL viewer too? It ran on Google Translate's software when it was freely available. Then Google removed that ability, presumably because they no longer wanted to give it away for free, but rather wanted to direct people to their own site. 2. There are many SL creators who sell translators inworld and/or on Marketplace. If LL were to develop their own translator and give it away for free, they could honestly be accused of undercutting their resident creators. 3. If LL were to get permission from one creator of an existing translator to sell or link to their product on MP, they could also be accused of favoring one creator over the others. 4. No matter what they do in this situation, some will accuse them of hurting creators or playing favorites. I think maybe the best they could do would be to create a link to MP under the search term of "translator", then let users buy one if they wish. Right next to any link for MP, of course, it would make sense to also have a link about how to buy linden dollars, but at least this would be in service to aquiring a potentially very useful item for communication within SL.
  10. At the Paul Michell salon school in my city, you can choose between having a A student or one with a lesser standing to do your hair. You'll pay more for an A student, but it's still cheaper than most salons.
  11. What would you do in SL if you won the Lottery? I don't think I'd want to bother with owning a whole region. I think I'd keep my Victorian, buy myself and Alycia each a Premium Plus account, get her a Ranch Home, and get a nice 1024 m coastal mainland parcel with the rest of my tier, just to landscape and use for a building skybox. I would donate regularly to groups I want to support, but space out my donations among my alts, so they wouldn't hit me up for bigger donations or try to talk me into a managerial role. Thanks to @Katherine Heartsong and @Rat Luv for this thread idea.
  12. Peeve: People forgetting that trying to help others is not a character flaw, but rather an act of generosity that should be commended.
  13. We don't talk about the Casino. 🤫 (This should be sung to the tune of "We Don't tTalk About Bruno".)
  14. Letting people click on some choices about what interests them could also allow LL to collect data about what interests new users. Regular residents might add their opinions too, but over time they'd probably get bored with trying to skew the results.
  15. There is also the Plus level account (which should actually be "Basic Plus" imo). This paid level is not recognized as Premium, so it doesn't have access to Premium sandboxes or ownership of a Linden Home. Could a "Basic Plus" account level be able to own an old style Linden Home rather than using their 512m of tier to buy mainland? I think LL really wants to sink those old LH continents though. Maybe they could turn some abandoned parts of mainland into ready-made 512m parcels for Basic Plus users?
  16. There's a phenomon where when people can only see a mirror image of one of their hands, they start to feel like that mirror hand is how their hidden hand really is. Our brains take in visual information and incorporate it into our view of the world. When people spend alot of time in SL, many of us feel like it's real on some level. Our avatars respond to our inputs. Our views respond to how our avatar moves or how we cam. It's not like watching a movie, because it's immersive. Some people fall into this immersion more easily than others do. Some feel it on some level, but not completely. I consider myself to be an immersive user, but I still recognize our avatars as cartoon figures, rather than our real bodies. Thus I don't worry about someone seeing my avatar when it's naked, but I expect others to speak to me with the same level of courtesy that they would speak to a person in physical reality.
  17. I know. I was joking about giving newbies a Chalet Home. Only half-joking about giving them an old-style Linden Home. I don't know if it would be possible to allow users under 30 days old to get one of those parcels without also giving them all the other perks of being Premium. This would also allow greifers to use them though. 🙁
  18. Derendering is only in the user's viewer. It only affects what the user sees, not what anyone else sees. It would be simple enough for LL to add this option to the SL viewer, since TPVs already have it, and it wouldn't break user immersion any more than being able to control our environment settings does. I have no idea why LL hasn't implemented this option already. Is there really anyone who doesn't want to be able to derender objects inworld? Are there people at the lab who fear newbies will derender houses to peep inside at their neighbors, rather than just camming through their walls? At first I thought giving the ability to parcel owners to set as part of their default environment was a bad idea, but it can't be harder on the system than having the environment settings change all the time. Rendering fewer textures could even help a user with poor graphics rendering abilities. For instance, if one has a neighbor whose objects appear grey because they're too hard to render or they have horrible glowing, full-bright pink trees or particle spewers, just derender and the problem is solved. Want a sea view? Just derender everything on your neighbor's parcel.
  19. I've got an idea. Give newbies under 30 days old a free Chalet Home. 💡 On the other hand, maybe letting newbies have an old style Linden Home might help drive the old timers off to get a home in Belli?
  20. There are free dressing rooms and a sandbox at the Welcome Hub. That's all a newbie needs to start out in SL. When I was new, I changed clothes underwater, in some quiet corner of a sim, or rezzed a free house in a sandbox. (I met my first SL boyfriend in a sandbox when I didn't have a house.)
  21. I use the Q-Translator, which is available on the SL Marketplace. It's not free, but I've had it for many years and it keeps getting updated for free. It works for 104 languages. Recently I've been using it to talk with and help a lady who's new in SL and speaks Arabic. When I frist started talking to her with the translator, she thought I spoke Arabic. I assured her I don't, but was using a translator. Translators are never able to translate everything perfectly, but if you use simple language without too much slang, they work amazingly for communicating with people from all over the world in SL. If I'm just communicating via saved IMs or notecards, I usually use Google Translate, but inworld in real time a Translator can be easier for Local Chat.
  22. @PheebyKatz Astrology is so much more than one's sun sign, and I'm certainly not an expert in it. All I can really judge by is the people I've know who are one sign or another, and all of them where individually unique. My Mom and one of my ex-boyfriends are were both Taurus. They have some similarities, but we're also very different from each other. Same with Ares. My sister and my former landlady were both Ares and couldn't be more different from each other. I've had 2 boyfriends who were Sagitarius and had some similarities, then a horrible housemate who was a Sagitarius too. I'm a Virgo, which probably makes me picky, but I think there are so many other factors that go into making my personality.
  23. The problem with hiding account names is the lack of accountability and people being able to fake being someone else, for instance the owner of a sim or store, a Linden or Mole, or someone they want to harass.
  24. Nah. Bots are obviously clones grown in vats. How else can you explain how they all look the same?
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