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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. People could use a modesty skin from one of the old starter avatars.
  2. I can see I'm gonna be on this thread all day long. Good thing I have something to do while I've been waiting 6 hours for a meeting in RL.
  3. Maybe not if she's playing in her yard in the summer.
  4. It's called a training bra, but it's really just a crop top. I had the beginning of breasts when I was 12. I had padded tops on my slips and wore training bras. Just as some people look younger than their age, some also start to develop earlier.
  5. Eject and Ban should be sufficient. Why give more work to Goverance if the avatars weren't actually doing anything bad?
  6. I don't see anything wrong with these pictures. What is the problem you see here?
  7. Personally, that looks to me like a teen trying to dress more adult.
  8. If one is wearing BOM underwear, it will not show when those body parts are alphaed out - whether with an alpha later or a HUD. As long as genitalia is not visible - even under mesh clothing - I don't see how a child or child-like avatar could be problematic. My avatars do not normally represent as children or teens, but I don't think people who do should have to buy all new skins. I remember how annoying that modest skin was on my Girl Next Door starter avatar. You can't even wear a bikini or a plunging neckline without the underwear showing.
  9. I like modifiable furniture too, but remember that people can modify it to add Adult animations too.
  10. The name Lolita comes from a novel in which and older man is attracted to and possibly "seduced" by a 12 year old girl. (The girl looks a little older in the movie version, but she's still a minor.) The cute, child-like clothing style represents an adult emulating a child, so it's bound to be confusing if the avatar looks too young.
  11. I agree. Wearing BOM underwear or alpha layers should be sufficient. If when mesh hasn't rendered or is derendered, the avatar's genitalia not visible, that should be sufficient. I also don't think babies and young children should have to have their nipples covered. That's just silly. Toddlers of either gender will routinely run around in just their diapers, especially at a pool or beach.
  12. More land for sale on Zindra would be a good thing for those who want to move there.
  13. It's not unusual for mixed-use or roleplay sims. There might be a community region that's Moderate, but a residential region that's Adult, so tenants could feel safer with their Adult furniture. The roleplay sim I was in had the public baths and bordello on Adult regions, but most of the city and harbor was Moderate.
  14. LL might have to clarify that representing sexual activity with a child is a ban-able offense even if the child is not an avatar.
  15. Private islands can change their rating, ad far as I know. I was in a roleplay sim that changed the maturity ratings on some of the regions several times back and forth.
  16. This is one point where I expect many child avatar users will not be compliant. Avatars on the teen grid were supposed to have no genitalia or female nipples on their skin. They couldn't even remove their underwear layer. People created underwear layers that did show nipples and genitalia however. People sold mature skins to teens on the teen grid too. There is not going to be any way to stop child avatars from wearing adult or illegal child skins. All that can be done is for people to report them if they see them. The rest of the new rules, I fully support.
  17. You probably don't need to worry about accidentally breaking the new rules either. 😄
  18. My guess is that one area where they needed to make personel changes is that spouses and closely related people should not be in a supervisory position over one another. Maybe there had to be some wrist-slapping over other issues too?
  19. It might be possible to modify the Senra avatars so they look like teens, but I don't think LL needs to have child avatars ready for any newbie. That would create too much potential for trolling and trouble-makers.
  20. Child avatars are no longer allowed in Adult regions. Adult content is allowed in Moderate regions only if the adult actuvity is not public or advertised. If your Adult content is only for group use and not advertised, you can keep it, but no child avatars may be allowed near it. Maybe you need to decide which is more important to you, having an Adult "play zone" or allowing child avatars? Maybe you can find a way to afford 2 separate parcels? A Homestead region? A mainland parcel? A Linden Home for your family?
  21. A friend showed me SL on his laptop, thinking I'd like it. My own computer couldn't run it at the time, but when my landlady/housemate got a new laptop, I inherited her old one, which could run SL. I helped run a group inworld with my friend for a while, but he & others lost interest in it. When my landlady was out on disability, I got her hooked, and now that she's retired she's an SL hostess. I've rented out parcels and run a small shop, but lately, I just collect free stuff and fly around Bellisseria, watching for new regions.
  22. What if they physical stuff and drop it into the ocean?
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