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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Trying to contact Linden Labs support is actually pretty difficult sometimes. I think they're trying to make it difficult to contact the support team, so they won't be bogged down by too many customer problems. To file a case ticket, go to the main page of the website, then hover over the Help tab at the top right of your screen. (Hovering doesn't seem to work from the forums.) Select Support. From the next page, if your're logged in as a Premium Member, you'll see a box to the right. Select Contact Support from the list there. That will take you to a page that says this: Want faster support? Most questions can be answered through the search field above! Still can't find an answer? If searching our self-service support options didn't solve your problem, then our technical support team may be able to help. To create a new support request, please use the Submit a Support Case form or start a Live Chat. Support requests may take some time to be processed, but it may go faster if you describe your issue with greater detail. If you've already submitted a case on the issue, you can update it in your support history. Second Life Status - Select the link that says Submit a Support Case form. This will take you to the page that lets you submit a case ticket. Now keep this page open while you open the Second Life grid, go to the land parcel in question & copy the address of the parcel into the case ticket form. Linden representatives can address your issue faster if you include the address of the land & explain your issue briefly & to the point. If you want to buy abandoned land, let them know if you own land bordering it, because that gives you a greater claim to the abandoned land. Like any govenment worth its salt, the bureaucracy of Second Life can seem rather complated & Byzantine, so knowing the shortest path through it will make your journey much easier.
  2. If you are new, you should start being careful of how you name & store your inventory now, before it gets out of hand. Try on each piece in your new outfits, to see how they look & how they're different from each other. The tattoo layer is the one closest to your skin, then the undershirt & underpants, then the shirt & pants, then the jacket, & then any prim attachments. The jacet layer is longer than the undershirt or shirt layer, so it works nice for longer shirts that would hang over your waist. It can also be opened from the front, so jackets can open or closed The shirt & pants layer can have flared cuffs, though the undershirt & underpants layer don't. Keep all the pieces unless you're sure you won't ever want them. Especially keep any pictures of the clothing inside the folder, so you can see what the outfit looks like without having to try it on later. Then rename the folder to remind you what the outfit is & help you find it later. You might use a discription like "Blue Peasant Skirt & Top", "Sparkly Gold Gown" or "Skull Tank & Shredded Jeans". Often renaming an outfit folder will help you more than keeping the orginal name it came with. If the attached pieces don't seem to fit right, you can move them a little, but don't do any major adjustments without making a copy first. If clothing (or hair) is modifiable, you can tint it to different colors & turn or stretch prim attachements. Try doing this with freebies you don't like much at first, so you can practice on stuff you can mess up & delete. Changing textures on modifiable items is not a good idea unless you know what you're doing, because you can lose important details that you can't get back without having an orignal, unmodified version.
  3. Dresden, the hair & tats look fabulous. Don't you love how the new hairbases can be combined with different hairstyles? I had my 3 avatars go to the Hair Fair to stock up on the freebies, dollarbies & LM's to shops. I've sorted most of my goodies into subfolders for different hairstyles, tossed out alot of old hair, but still need to toss out more. The best hair I have left after this process will direct me to the shops I want to visit & possibly buy more from. Merchants be careful of what you put in your freebie packs! I might never buy from you, if you only give away poor-quality freebies, a T-shirt or a hair flower. What I really want now is a Skin & Make-up Fair. For the last 2 years my roommate has been trying to find perfect skin with perfect make-up. Now - with the new tattoo layer - we can improve almost perfect skin with the right lipstick or go from a day to evening look without having to buy a whole new skin. I can't use multiple tattoo layers with my Phoenix viewer, but I hope we'll be able to do that with Firestorm.
  4. You should try asking in Furry groups. I'm not furry, but have a house for rent that's furry-friendly. We've got a dragon living in the area too.
  5. Yes. You can abandon your current Linden Home & pick out a new one. You will always be a little bit limited in your choices, however.
  6. I had that problem before as well & also found it was tied to trying to attach a picture.
  7. "Have you lost your mind? Why should anyone ever stop pushing boundaries? You must be boring as hell... no offense." ...Dres Agrees with This. When people want change, some have to push the boundaries & risk being punished. Would you say that every movement for social change was childish? Whether it's a serious movement such as the Jasmine Revolution or just some folks on an internet forum, we all have the right to protest for change when we don't like the way things are being done. Whether the forms of protest used are "childish" or "mature" is often a matter of perspective too. Social and political commentary is often done with humor, sometimes even of an apparently immature sort. Watch "The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart" or any late-night talk show monologue, as an example.
  8. Marigold, I thought it was nice that you included a link to a YouTube video with your voice on it. This is mine, reciting a poem.
  9. Luv U Torely! I'm also guilty of fidgeting in SL. If I don't sit my avatar down I keep walking back & forth, side to side, sometimes facing the person I'm talking with, sometimes not. I think I just can't get comfortable with my camera view. I want to see how I look, how the other people look, how we look standing or sitting together. Then I'm also trying to type in the right window & sometimes pulling items out of my inventory to show them. I probably look pretty noobish when I'm talkikng with someone in SL.
  10. So many good responses here, but Pussycat & Willow, I think I liked yours best. I'm still becoming me after more than 2 years in SL. My first good skin was also a copybotted Redgrave that someone gave me. Later, I looked up the store & bought a legitimate one. Later I bought another, the same skin, but with slightly darker make-up. I have never changed gender or race in SL, though I do change species from time to time. My main avatar is an idealize version of me, a little younger & thinner, but still basically the RL me. A friend of mine told me how to tweak my body shape to make it look more realistic & less like a Barbie clone, so I followed his lead, but still go with a thinner & taller shape than I have in RL, because SL clothes just don't look right on my RL figure. I'm usually human in SL, but I have shapes for a cat, a wolf, a couple mermaids, a couple lamiae/ nagas, 4 astral serpents, & a tentacle-creature woman that I like & use from time to time. Persephone 2.0 Perephone 3.0 Persephone 4.0 Persephone 5.0, sitting with an alt
  11. I think that for most of us, having to learn CB code whould be like learning another language. We have text chat & SL vernacular anyway. Affirmative = yup, yeah, ok, cool Away = afk, brb or bbl Going to the bathroom = I have to let the dogs out. (My roommate & I joke that this is the real meaning of that phrase in SL.) Answering the phone = phone Someone at the door = door Getting food or drink = brb, food / drink Coming back from any of the above = back Acknowleging the person coming back = WB Thanks = thx With those 2 girls, I typed in local that I could hear fine, but didn't feel like doing voice. They were both so caught up in talking wtih each other, that they didn't pay any attention to the text chat. Btw, for all the typeos I make in text, I still like checking what I'm writing before I push [send]. That's why I'm so terrible in chat, because I'm self-conscious about making mistakes & checking myself takes too long. By the time I write & send something that was relavant to the conversation, it no longer is.
  12. Another point about voice: I've been told my voice is sweet & sexy, but when it comes to virutal sex in SL & just too shy to ever do that in voice. I can type the most descriptive, purrient lines & use voice gestures, but I can not say those things out loud.
  13. You got compliments on your avatar in private IMs. I think that counts as getting attention. For me, pubic chat is often putting on a show & acting social, while private IM's is more personal & more real. That perception is probably a reflection of the kind of person I am in RL. I don't like being the center of attention, so I appreciate other people who feel the same way.
  14. I like using voice with my boyfreind or other friends in SL, I like listening to a teacher or good story-teller, but I don't want to hear people blathering stupidly in the background & I don't want everyone else to hear my dogs barking, my roommate & me talking, or my typing. I once listened on voice to a couple young women having what I thought was a very shallow & boring conversation. Because I wasn't also talking, they assumed I couldn't hear them & started talking about me like I wasn't there. I think it's good to remember that just because you can't hear someone else in SL, that doesn't mean other people aren't listening in on your conversation in local chat. Sometimes it's a amusing, sometimes it's annoying, & sometimes it could be embarassing. If you want to go to voice, it's best to do it in private or group chat.
  15. I think that if anyone would say to me that SL isn't real, I'd ask them if a painting is real? Then I'd explain that SL is like being able to walk inside a 3D painting that is constantlly being painted by yourself & other people. The painting gets bigger, more detailed & more amazing, the more you explore it. It's real because other people are always creating it & exploring it with you. "What Dreams May Come", with Robin Williams is a pretty good movie depiction of what Second Life is like. It's a about a man who dies, goes to Heaven & discovers Heaven is created by the people in it. Maybe you can rent it & watch it with your relatives?
  16. You seem very clever & present yourself well. I don't have a job opening, but I'd be glad to let you use my land if you wish. I might be able to set up a small cave for you in the near future. I have access to water, & there is a lovely undersea area nearby. The sea monster over there seems friendly. Permanent prim usage would have to be limited, but I can provide a few for free & a good rental rate if you want to have more. Consider the land & space above to be a group sandbox, but please don't eat our pets or burn up the landscaping.
  17. As long as you don't have to pay for the service, I think checking out other non-Linden grids now & then is a good idea. So far Second Life far surpasses all of them, IMHO. But some day, if SL goes under because of bad management, most of us will want someplace else to go, and then one or more of the other grids will pick up where SL left off.
  18. On trick with Linden homes that may still work (though I don't guarantee it) is that you can rez an item on your land & then drag it over the property line onto common land. This would be a way to place a plant outside of your home boundary, for instance, without having the prims count against your allotment. If someone notices the item, they can report it & have it returned to you, but residents in Linden homes don't usually pay much attention to an extra plant or other small unobtrusive item.
  19. When you're new to SL, it's best to either rent, lease (Estate land) or get the lowest level of Premium membership & use a free Linden house. If you use your 512 m to buy a small plot of land, you'll end up with fewer prims to furnish your house than you'd get with a Linden home, since the house & landscaping around it is free prims. With a Linden home, however, you won't have use of land owner tools like setting the music stream or terraforming the land. If you want to play with building stuff, I recommend finding some good sandboxes that have long autoreturn times & don't tolerate griefers. I'll send you a list of some to check out in world. If you still want to own land, I recommend creating a group with yourself & at least one other person in it (or joining a land group with a friend you trust). You can even create an alt & have them join your group, so you & your alt are the only members. Then you can buy land for your group or buy land & deed it to your group. The advantage of owning group land vs.. personal land is that you can buy about 10% more square meters (which means you also get about 10% more prims) without having to pay more in tier. You can buy many parcels in SL now for around L$ 1/ square meter. If you pay more than L$ 2/ m, be sure you're getting a really good location. Things to look for with land are access to water, a road, Linden land you can walk across, or private land you can walk across. Walk or fly around the neighborhood before you buy. Avoid places with breedable animal farms, games like Zingo, high traffic from dance clubs or sandboxes, particle emitters or anything that causes lag. Can you move easily & quickly around the neighborhood? If not, then you might not enjoy living there. As in RL, remember Location. Location. Location. Another point to be aware of is that it's usually much easier to buy land than to sell it, so you may not get your sale price back if/when you change your mind & want to move later. Most important of all to remember when buying land is that the real cost of owning land in SL isn't the purchase price, but the monthly Tier you pay. If you can afford to pay $5, $8, $15 or more a month for tier, I suggest getting an annual Premium membership instead of a monthly one, to save on your yearly cost. Then form a land group to get the 10 % bonus in free tier & prims. Just be sure you keep track of when your annual payment comes due each year & either pay it or downgrade to basic before it comes due. Otherwise, Linden Labs can lock you out of your account for non-payment.
  20. Most people who are computer litterate think of SL as just another game like WOW. I try to explain that it's not a game, so much as a virtual world. Most don't get that concept & their faces show that lack of comprehension. At that point, if you take too much time to explain why you love SL so much, they'll probalby think you're a little crazy, so it's best to keep explanations short & simple. Second Life is a vitual world where people create whatever environments & experiences they want to explore. Some people play games in SL, but it's not just a game, it's a 3D world in which you can interact with other people. You can look however you want & do pretty much whatever you want. You can own virutal land, make & sell virual goods, explore, role-play, go dancing, & chat with friends. You can do whatever you can imagine doing. It's free if you don't want to spend money on it, though most people do end up spending money on virtual clothes, land & stuff. I don't have much cause to explain SL to my relatives, though. My Mom is 89 & still doesn't get it even after I showed her a little walk through.
  21. This is good advice. SL is both a visual & textual medium. This isn't Facebook or Twitter, so the appearance & behavior of your avatar matters. I don't know why LL still gives newbies that horrible walk my friends & I call the "stupid walk". There are plenty of good free AOs available, as well as nice skin, hair, clothes & everything you need to personalize your avatar & make it reflect who YOU are. It's actually much easier & cheaper to create an avatar that reflects your inner self than it is to look nice, scary, gorgeous or however you'd like to look in RL. Second Life is a fine place to experiment with how appearance affects how people treat you, but be certain it DOES affect how people treat you. I want people to see my main avatar as nice, approachable & "normal", so that's how she usually looks. Sometimes I want to look a little scary or off-putting, so sometimes I use an avatar or body that looks a lttle scary or even monstrous, but that isn't how I normally present myself in SL. How you speak, write & gesture also affects how people view you. Using too many gestures shows that you want people to pay attention to you, but don't really care how they feel or what they have to say. Not using understandable grammar & spelling gives the impression that you're not educated, which most people translate into thinking you're not very smart & probably not worth talking with. A limited use of text-speak is reasonable when writing in chat, but long run-on sentences with no punctuation are difficult to read & inconsiderate toward the person trying to understand you.
  22. In my experience, all jobs require some job skills, even in SL. If you get a crappy fast-food job in RL, you'll have to learn to show up on time, smile & do what you're told without talking back (which are actually good job skills for most RL jobs). If you get a stripper job in SL, you'll have to be able to sweet-talk customers by saying things that are suggestive but not too dirty (usually). It's alot like doing phone sex or RL retail, because whether you like the customer or not, you have to pretend like you do & make them believe it. Lot's of jobs look easy from the outside, because people can't see the work the employees really do.
  23. If I posted my avatar's nipples on the forums I'd get banned, because I only have female shapes. But if I posted pics of a shirtless guy or a famous painting of a Madonna nursing baby Jesus, I could get away with that. I've seen nice, artistic photos where I wasn't sure what gender the model was, so what should I do if I want to post those? It's not fair. Give me a thread where this debate is relevant - maybe in the art section? - and I will gladly push the line as far as I can without being banned.
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