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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Au contraire. You can have as many lewd statues and tentacle creatures as you wish in Belli, as long as they are not visible to someone casually walking by your home. You can have them inside your house or inside a skybox, as long as your parcel is not advertised as an Adult venue or store. I little camming around Belli will reveal all kinds of Adult toys and art. 😉
  2. Breast feeding a baby = not sexual, not weird Breast feeding a toddler = weird, but not sexual Breast feeding an adult = weird, maybe sexual Breast feeding a goat kid = weird, but not sexual (Google it)
  3. No. It takes 2 people in most cases to engage in improper sexual behavior in SL, though if one avatar is engaging in self-pleasuring, then they are the one engaging in improper sexual behavior. There are bad actors who use child avatars and bad actors who use adult avatars, but in both cases there are vastly more people who would never want to engage in such behavior.
  4. Tentacles would be appropriate decor for Halloween or in water regions (Houseboat, Fantasy, Stilt Homes). They just may not do anything sexual.
  5. How would people like to have some Belli regions that are Adult? - This should be a new thread, so don't respond here. Just think about it.
  6. Ok. If you ever see kids in your neighborhood, be sure to put them on your ban list, or go one better and put everyone with a home in your region on your ban list. (Zali should be proud of me for suggesting that. 😆)
  7. What if you are a mer-mommy with a mer-child? Should you both be expected to wear scratchy sea shells or starfish covering your nipples? (In case it's not clear, I think topless should be allowed in Moderate regions, no matter the age or gender of one's avatar.)
  8. That's not a problem if you turn on Parcel Privacy. If your neighbor kid then comes onto your property selling Girl Scout cookies, they are the one who needs to leave.
  9. It's a small detail that might not be noticeable on avatars, but anthropologists can tell whether a skeleton is that of a child or an adult, and a biological male or female, by the shape of the pelvic bone. Hips on an adult female avatar should thus be a little wider vs. those on a child or male avatar.
  10. What if the adult avatar says, "I was dressed, but my clothes hadn't rezzed yet" or "Sorry. Clothing malfunction. I was trying to change into a bathing suit." ?
  11. Adult avatars are allowed to be naked in Moderare regions. Child avatars are not (with the new changes to the TOS).
  12. I think it would depend on what kind of place people are in as well. If a child avatar is in a store shopping for age-appropriate clothing, a naked adult avatar would obviously be the one who's out of place. Take a picture and AR them.
  13. Before, people worried that a naked child avatar would teleport to them and take a picture. Now child avatars have to worry that a naked adult avatar will teleport to them and take a picture.
  14. Good points. The fastest way out of that situation is to teleport away. If you want to report a naked adult avatar where they should not be naked, however, you yourself have to stay there next to them long enough to AR them with a picture and all the other information that a AR needs.
  15. Woot! The thread title got changed again. This is fun! 🎡
  16. Thank you. Now I know what I should do this afternoon. 🍸
  17. Depending on your avatar's height, that looks like 14 to me. So, you like to RP being a naughty teen in Adult sims? If I saw that, I would AR you, under the new TOS rules.
  18. ^ Yes, this. ^ I did say about 100 pages back that a standard avatar can always change it's skin and BOM layers. I think people are so used to using third party mesh bodies that they think everyone else does too. I also said even the default avatars such the Senra ones can be made to look underage and can use changeable BOM layers. LL will have to remove that part about non-modifiable skin, because it's completely unenforceable and doesn't get to the heart of the problem anyway. Nobody has been complaining about naked child avatars, except when they are in proximity to adult avatars. Abuse Report bad behavior, not the skin or BOM layers (underwear, bathing suit, tights, etc.) that an avatar is wearing.
  19. Ok. I want to play in SL as a shape-shifting 200 year old alien, but on my planet 200 years old is barely a teenager.
  20. Round, rectangular or inverted triangle are not favorite body types for women in RL either. Sorry, but most people prefer hourglass or pear-shaped.
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