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Persephone Emerald

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Blog Comments posted by Persephone Emerald

    September Update

    @ Bfanglfn Button

    Any Premium member can either have a Linden Home or 512 m of "free" land. The 512m are "free" because you don't have to pay tier on it, but you still have to buy the land & pay for your premium membership. If you want a Linden Home instead, your 512 m goes toward that.


    I'm all in favor of Linden Labs getting creative with the perks they offer to Premium members. I understand that they can't run a business for free & that Premium membership is the only substantial income they get from users. So listen to what the premium members want.

    1. Better tech support

    2. Cheaper Tier. - Linden Lab can't lower tier & still make money, though. So how about giving us 1024m for our Premium payments instead of just 512 m? They have enough unused mainland that they'e not making money on anyway. This would be one perk that would benefit both newbies & longtime land owners.

    3. Offer some inexpensive Real World goodies that also advertise Second Life. Even if we have to buy them, many long-time users would like things like mugs, T-shirts, caps or toys.  A company like LL can have bumper stickers & promotional gifts made pretty cheaply, so maybe give the annual Premium members a bumper sticker that says something like "My other life is in Second Life"?

    (Edit to correct spelling typos)


    September Update

    Oh that's what we want, random people teleporting to us while we're dressing, building or visiting with our sweetie. There is already an ability to teleoport people to you when you want them to come to you. We don't need them popping in on us whenever they feel like it.

  1. As someone who's been premuim for over 2 years & paying tier on a 1/8 region, these little perks don't do much for me. Yet I'm still glad LL is providing an added incentive for others to go premium. The gifts look nice for a newbie who doesn't know how to hit Midnight Madness boards. The sandboxes sound like a better perk, as they're highly unlikely to have griefers in them.

    If you re a new Premie with a Linden Home or small mainland parcel, you should be happy about these new perks.

    (Edit to correct typo)


  2. Snake Daxter said:

    "You can make a vendor by yourself Easten West . you must buy a bear , put a transparent box over it and put a split script in it and the bear. set the split script to 100% to Donation Linden ( KEY : 2a49a617-49c1-4f6a-902d-4adb79a8da08 ) and sale it . so the full money goes to Donation Linden , too."

    If you Search  SL Marketplace for "Donation Box"  & select Low to High, there is a free box of scripts that includes a donation script. You can't change any settings on the Bear, since it is No Modify, but you can put an invisable prim over it & turn that into a donation box with a script. You could also take a pic of the bear & put it on the outside of a donation box. I was planning to use a pic of the Japanese flag on my donation box.



  3. I bought a bear & placed it in my shop next to an object that dispenses a link to the SL Marketplace site for the bear.

    One problem I noted with the bear is that is Copy/ Transfer, so it's possible for people to sell it, pretending to raise relief money, while actually keeping for themselves.

    I would also like a donation box ( 1prim) that can direct donations directly to this charity, rather than having to rez a primmy bear in my shop with a limited prims allowance? Is there somewhere I can get a donation box for this? Would I have to buy one & set it for payments to go to Donations Linden?

  4. I'd like to have a like/ dislike button for comments (like YouTube has).

    I'd also like ot have an Adults Only, age verified section for discussions of topics that affect residents but may not be approriate for minors to read, Examples would be problems merchants & users of adult items have, land-holder & renter issues for residents of Zindra, and determining age appropriatness for displays by arttists & merchants.

    Datango Vale said:

    "The General Discussion forum acted as a focal point for the community, like a clubhouse. By removing the clubhouse, the community is fragmented into a wide variety of sub-fora. There is no center, no heart. Admittedly, there were two problems with the old GD Forum."

    If "Divide & Conquer" is LL's goal , then this move makes perfect sense. We like to view these forums as places for expressing our  "Freedom of Speech", but Second Life is not a democracy.  It is a generally benevolent dictatorship.  We have no citizens "Bill of Rights" here.  The govenment of SL controls its press & media.  We have no "writ of habius corpus" in its legal system. We have no elected representatives or unbiased judiciary.  We residents are at the complete mercy of a govenment that can take our virtual possesions, land, voice & freedom at any time it wishes.  Much of the RL world lives under such conditions & has for thousands of years. We must learn to do the same if we wish to live in this particular virtual world. Luckily we still have access to the rest of the internet to share our views. LL can never tell us "No Internets For You.". We also have the freedom to leave for other lands whenever we wish. 

  5. The problem is even worse when you search on the word "Torture" with both Mature & Adult boxes unchecked. There are many, many items available to teens under this catagory. Below are just a few of them. (I didn't know if I should flag these because I think torture devices are considered Mature in SL, rather than Adult, another case of American culture being truely screwed up.)





  6. As has been noted elsewhere in the forums, there is still much content that can be seen & bought on the Marketplace that should not be accessable to teens, but is. Below is one example, from doing a search on "naked" with neither the Adult nor the Mature box checked.


    I flagged this item as Adult content listed as General.

  7. @Brooke Linden - Why didn't you post this thread to the Second Life Blogs section, where all the official Linden anouncements go?  Threads can get lost too easily in the Commerce Forums.

    Edit add: The teens can easily look in through the "candy store window" of borders now to buy Mature items. As others here have stated already, if they can buy it in-world, but not on the Marketplace, that's neither a fari nor a sensible policy.

  8. I think most of the residents are glad you're enjoying the world & finding out why we love it so much too.

    I get anoyed with Linden Labs alot, but I've also interacted with a few nice & helpful Lindens. I really only complain because I love this virtual world & want it to be the best it can be.

  9. Since Linden Labs thinks eveyone having 42 groups might be too much for the servers to handle, why don't they just up it to 30 or 35 to begin with & see how that goes. With this annoucement, you're practically telling everyone to hog up with 42 groups now, because the total might be reduced later & only the hogs will be able to keep all their groups.

  10. First off I want to say I do not hate teens.  I communicate with mature, intelligent teens & with immature, idiot adults quite often online. I've also seen a little of the teen grid when my niece was showing it to me, so I know there are some very clever content creators on the teen grid.

    My concern with having teens mixing with adults on the main grid is first for the legal safety of myself & my friends here, 2nd for the welfare of the teens joining us here, and 3rd for the future security of Linden Labs if someone starts a class action lawsuit against them.

    I wouldn't get sexually involved with a SL teen because I'm not having SL sex wtih anyone but my RL boyfriend. We don't do SL sex often, but when we're separated by over a hundred miles in RL, it allows us a level of intimacy we can't get over the phone. We have a SL home in a Moderate region, so we expect we can behave as adults would in a RL home. We can have nudity in our artwork. We can discuss adult topics. We don't want to worry about someone spying on us or listening in on our conversations.

    Now for the concerns of the teens:

    I've read that any teen age 16-17 with land or inventory (which would include content they're created) will have that land & inventory transfered to the main grid. The whole teen continent will become a General rated continent in the main world. So anyone will be able to own land, rent a shop or apartment, or drive there. Teens age 13-15 will either be limited to sanctioned regions or will have their accounts (including all their inventory) suspended until they turn 16.  (If I found myself in that situation, I'd create a new account saying I'm 16. )

    As a teen coming to the main grid, I think you can expect the adults here to treat you like any other adult unless you behave rudely. Don't look for trouble & you won't find it. Copybotting & content theft will probably be dealt with more swiftly here. Overall prices for things are probably higher, but there are also more free items available here. Even if you never set a virtual foot on a Moderate or Adult region, you will find more things to do on the main grid than were on the teen grid. Teen groups will also probably form to help teens connect with each other.

    I welcome the teens, but do so hesitantly & not with open arms.

  11. This issue of legal liability with teens coming to the main grid is why I talked my friends who owned General land into selling it & moving to Moderate land. Now we have lovely Modrate land overlooking the sea.

    I think it will be amusing when some TV show like Dateline decides to show how Linden Labs exposes minors to all the perversions in SL. I can imagine the cartoon BDSM clubs, she-male furries, Gorian slave harems, Vampire & demon clubs, and child avis for sale. Do you think Linden Labs will like that kind of free advertisement?

  12. I'd like to know how many parents in SL who have teens are happy to have them come into SL?

    I don't have kids myself, but I would be hesitant to have them in here unsupervised.

    I'm not worried about accidentally bedding one.  I'm in a monogamous SL & RL relationship, so I'm not trolling for SL partners.  But if someone does wish to play promiscuously in SL, why do so many people jump all over them for it? SL is for fantasy, which includes the fantasy to be safely promiscuous.

    Imo, LL is only bringing them onto the main grid because they'll spend more money here than they do on the teen grid. Pretty much the only other people who will be welcoming them with open arms are merchants and perverts who prefer teens. (And don't say we don't have them here, because there are plenty of kid avis that are not playing innocently.)

    My solution to the big can of worms LL is about to dump on us, is to set up one of the already existing continents as a PG one, along with the teen continent that will be migrating to the main grid. Then the rest of us can feel safe from ethical & legal problems on our Moderate & Adult regions.

  13. Right, Kiki

    I have an alt with both a human & wolf avi. I added her to my land group & gave her a special title of "Tasha the Wolf"  . It only costs $L100 to start your own group. Add at least 1 friend or alt to it & then you can both have as many titles (aka display names ) as you like and you can change them whenever you wish. - No LL viewer needed.

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