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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Except that plenty - at least here - have been rather vocal about Linden Lab making improvements to the visual aspect of Second Life. They harped on it so much that they got their wish .... at the cost of the whole thing being rolled out before it was actually ready for prime time.
  2. Render Glow should not be causing that unless it was somehow set above the default. Though there could also be other settings that rely on Glow that could cause that.
  3. Why yes, I see the current method as perfectly fine and not as "clunky" - because it isn't clunky. The number of steps is not an issue whatsoever. The current flow makes it less likely that you'll accidentally "update" the wrong item, seeks a form of confirmation (having to actually identify the initial outfit item and its replacement) while requiring rather little in the way of reworking Viewer or Server code (which you'd have to do to allow for the function to work as you've described). Single item or a mass replace makes no difference. Oh yes, there's also the fact that no item is "Identical" as far as the asset system is concerned. That theoretical body update? To allow you to do as you've suggested the system would have to know it is an update to the existing asset - something that is theoretically only fully possible, under the current system, for non mesh assets (any changes to the weight or structure of the Mesh must be made externally and the result uploaded, creating a new asset in the system). Cosmetic/texture/content/script changes are another beast entirely. I'd rather have a system that takes a few steps and requires a bit of interaction than what you've described - it's safer.
  4. ... If that is how it is set up in the Linden Lab provided Viewer then they really did drop the ball. In Firestorm - at the least - you can pop open your inventory, go to the Outfits, select the item, hit Replace Links, drag new item into the "New" section, hit the start button. Done - it goes through every outfit that uses the item being linked and replaces/updates it to point at the new item. You may find this "clunky" - bless your heart if you do.
  5. It is quite correct. The SL Secrets blog owner was nailed on using SL/Second Life as part of their name, not for sharing logs outside of Second Life. I go back to - blogs exist that blatantly use chat and IM logs without any permission whatsoever given by the relevant users. Many were reported. None had any action taken against them. The ToS applies to their services, alone.
  6. In the earlier days you had people pushing to make external sharing of logs against the ToS and a very small number of Governance team members who would act on such reports despite it being outside of their jurisdiction. You also had those pushing to allow exceptions for In World sharing of logs - in the form of Notecards - between Club Managers, Owners, Security and similar roles within Role Play regions. At one point they did have to make it plain that In World sharing without express permission was what was against the ToS. To this day you'll still find those in such roles who will not hesitate to share a Notecard around, despite the risk associated with it. That is not even touching the venues and such that try to skirt the rules by having some sort of blanket statement that amounts to simply existing on their region giving them the right to share any such Notecards In World. A blanket statement that is null and void I might add - simply being there or engaging in conversation/play is not the same as giving express permission.
  7. Shared within Second Life or shared outside of it? The former is actually against ToS.
  8. Unfortunately there's not a snowball's chance in Tartarus of it being managed well as such people won't touch it with a three thousand foot barge pole.
  9. Warning, suspension .... The point being that such should not have been given at all as it was never against the ToS to share such things outside of the service.
  10. Making this a separate post simply because they're two different kettles of fish. The notion of a Second Life Better Business Bureau is not new nor is it anything that has ever truly gone/ended well. It has been tried in the past and the only ones that ever took it seriously were drama mongers.
  11. .... It was never against the ToS to share chat logs and such outside of Second Life. If you were suspended after doing so, there were other reasons for your suspension. Any Linden that would list such as the "reason" behind such an action back then was taking action on something wholly out of the scope of the ToS. Now how do I know this? I've shared logs externally countless times before and also tried to report one or two malignant bloggers/users for using their logs to harass or ***** talk other users. No actions were ever taken.
  12. Want a more graphical interface for your (existing) clothing inventory? There's a Wardrobe on the MP that does that. Use it. IMVU can do the things it does inventory and clothing wise because it is a simpler set up than Second Life - all of the "avatars" there are prebuilt "models". Is it theoretically possible to do? Sure. It'll require the Viewer do the render work for each preview and add more network traffic between the servers and end user to facilitate downloading of the object data that will be needed for such a system.
  13. On the speculation concerning better speed: I've had no issues with max bandwidth bumped up to 2000 since around mid November/December. Do with that what you will.
  14. The above is also something that quite seems to have either slipped people's minds or simply been utterly ignored.
  15. @ChinRey: Hyped or not, no one should have expected even half of what some seem to think was going to happen, let alone what those such as the OP seem to have expected. Not helping matters are those who seem insistent on blaming the Uplift for a plethora of problems that - in all reality - already existed in one form or another. Linden Lab did not simply swap their servers out for 'better' ones - they changed systems and protocols. The physical hardware may be 'better' but the tradeoff there is that the system is not the same as it was when Linden Lab had their own hardware.
  16. Par for the course for them I am afraid. The concept that this sort of move (from one server system to another) can cause havoc or require more work than simply copy, paste, go live is .... alien to them and those like them.
  17. Keep tilting at that windmill and denying reality - meaning what is right in front of you. A Linden statement is worthless without the actual verbiage in the Viewer itself reflecting it - that is all there is to it. Now then, don't you have some rant post to go type out on your blog?
  18. No, the Lindens do not call it an Ad - the checkbox says nothing of the sort and that is all that matters. No, paying for it does not automatically make it an Ad. You want an Ad? Go pay for a Classified listing. That is reality - deal with it.
  19. Combining all three above because the response is more or less universal: There's nothing to understand or make sense of beyond the OP trying to correlate their own experience to a completely unrelated event in an effort to seek agreement or vindication for their skewed viewpoint/beliefs.
  20. If you really want to give it a try ... you'll need to use WINE or Lutris.
  21. Oh for .... Edit: There was a bit here but honestly ... it's not worth the bloody headache.
  22. And that point is .... What exactly? That Oranges are preferred over Apples by a Generation that is barely within the Apple's target demographic?
  23. Ok, I'm sorry but .... What?! At present the youngest member of Generation Y (Millennials) is 25 years old. The oldest turning 40 this year. While I can certainly see the more child-like/young in mind members of my (1983) generation using such a program I cannot believe for even a single second that it is as popular as they're pretending it is. Generation Z (Zoomers)? Sure.
  24. SLGO did not render a single thing on your mobile device - it streamed everything from another computer to your device. Apples and Oranges.
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