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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Some of the usual suspects that do not want to hear of nor read such things and refuse to accept that it does happen and should be avoided when/where possible. There is a time and place wherein adding in new tools will have outcomes that outweigh the potential for misuse/weaponization. This is not one of them.
  2. Debit Permissions have - in my experience - not persisted when an object was taken into Inventory and later rezzed back out. This is - as I understand it - by design to allow one to revoke those permissions in as simple a manner as is possible. The "bugged" bit here then, would be the opposite behavior - the object retaining Debit Permissions when taken into Inventory for any reason and then rezzed back out again.
  3. What you describe in your theory is exactly what we do not need - a "tool" that can be weaponized. Sadly it appears as those such suggestions may well be getting some traction (among others) - something we did not need whatsoever. Congratulations are in order for some ... One less reason to bother going anywhere.
  4. Such as the fact that some are being such? That a good portion of this is either blown entirely out of proportion? among some of the usual fear mongering (and worse)? Calling such out for exactly what it is is being "civil" and is being "constructive" - going around the drain with such perspectives is not constructive, it is not discussing any sort of issue whatsoever ... Point blank: If you want to waste your time engaging them, feel free to do so. do not pretend that everyone must do so and do not pretend those calling such BS out are "gaslighting", engaging in ad hominem or any other actually dismissive BS. There've been plenty responding to this thread (and the other, more specific ones prior) who have been willing to engage in actual discourse.
  5. I meant what I typed - unless you're set to not show up in the Web profile system or in a direct Search (through Linden lab's own systems) anyone outside of Second Life can find you easily enough. There is no option at present to prevent someone within the same Region as you, viewing your profile either - that latter being the case does not make the profile "private". So - Profiles have been viewable on the "Main Web" for quite some time, in one form or another. It has not caused Second Life to become less Adult. Nor will it.
  6. I mean exactly what I stated: Bot/Scripted Agents which do not have some flashy web page for you to go to and/or those using the current drama as cover for their shenanigans. Even before Linden Lab introduced the (now pretty much defunct) Web Profiles, one could search up a User through the Web. The form this took and the data presented have varied over time but the ability to do so has been around for some time. Unless a user has placed information anywhere (be it in SL or outside of it) linking their Second Life account to their real life self ... there's not a single thing for them to be concerned about. For those who have made such a link? I wonder why anyone would do such a thing and then complain.
  7. That's nice. Did I directly mention you as being one of them? No? Then perhaps don't make an assumption hmm? The reality (and truth of the matter) is often rather painful and one some do not like to admit. Point blank: The data that was presented was never presented as an actual tally of merchant income. Never. Anyone taking it that way ... Well that is on them. The data that was presented with regard to those figures is public facing data (sorry, no amount of claiming otherwise makes it private). Bots landing in your parcel on a daily basis? Use the available tools (which includes security scripts) to manage it. PIOF interfering with flying and boating? Oh noes! Without strict enforcement concerning Scripted Agent status being properly marked, there's not a single thing Linden Lab can do to truly keep actual bad actors from doing what they do. Tighten it down? Congrats, you've given some griefer types a new weapon to use, especially if Linden Lab adopts a "shoot first and maybe ask questions later" approach. This is a "problem" that has existed for quite a long time, with the same methods to combat it which have worked well enough. If you're going to be concerned, focus on the ones that don't have a flashy website, that don't tell you anything whatsoever. Be concerned about the ones using this kerfluffle as a handy cover to annoy and grief others (as has already happened to at least one other user here). ETA: As far as the Adult Picks and such go? Well if one is that concerned why in the world would you put them into your profile to begin with? They are publicly viewable even if you've opted to not show in LL's own Search!
  8. Elon did it because he had to create a scapegoat (among other things) to try and excuse his way out of an acquisition he never really wanted to make (among attempting to excuse many, many other things). When that did not work out, he went through with said acquisition and doubled down on his rhetoric. Frankly this entire thread is an oh so lovely study point for a similar enough phenomena ... And frankly yes, people are being paranoid.
  9. There is nothing to keep tabs on. Feel free to waste your time if you wish.
  10. Second Life on Steam died quite some time ago. Any "change" registered by such a website is absolutely meaningless. Second Life is not going to return to nor be on Steam. Move on and let it go.
  11. Funny. .. Seems they decided that cutting it 'close to' the roll date was ample enough warning for letting people now there's a new version. So yep - a comment was made on the forum.
  12. I'll make this clearer for you: You can afford to drop that much - period. Month to month, once every few months, once a year ... I. Don't. Care. You. Can. Afford. It. Congratulations! Doesn't matter if you had to save a bit/refrain from making smaller purchases or not - you were able to afford plunking that much down on the transaction! Meanwhile you've got some here who have to budget their bills on less than a thousand a month (less than the $1200 or so Minimum Wage before taxes and such) who manage to actually afford to do tings on here including dumping small amounts into our L$ balances (sometimes over a period of a few months) .... I'll leave it there and leave this entire thing here as well ... Either you get it or you do not. Either way? No sympathy from me on this.
  13. You assume I did not read what you posted - I read it. It changes nothing outside of your making an assumption concerning those who make smaller purchases. Once more - when you're budgeting on less than US Federal Minimum Wage per month, come back to complain about the fee increase. Until then, there's nothing you can say that isn't an excuse or that I really want (or care to) listen to on the matter.
  14. If you're capable of buying a hundred dollars or more of L$ at a time you are not living paycheck to paycheck. If you're doing that while having actual money concerns, it is well beyond time to examine your spending habits and consider not spending a hundred dollars (or more) a pop on such things. If you're not going to examine your habits or going to come up with some other excuse to list off ... Don't bother. If you're pulling in enough that dropping a hundred or more into a Linden Dollar balance is something you can do from month to month you are frankly much better off than you realize you are. Boy oh boy do I wish i could afford to toss that much at my Linden Dollar balance on a monthly basis ...
  15. Ah yep! I'll go one further and state that if you are capable of spending that much on a L$ buy that you hit the cap ... you've little room to complain so far as I am concerned.
  16. I have never had a derendered and blacklisted object continue to cast a shadow, especially after reloggong.
  17. It has been explained to you in several different ways, several different times now. You have further been shown a web page with quite a bit of information on this pilot program. Sit down, stow the faux outrage. If it is actually problematic, it will be handled by the relevant authorities and because said authorities reached out. Not because some random end user threw a hissy fit.
  18. Read it. Read it again. Read it AGAIN. Continue to read it until it dawns on you that this is a pilot program. After that, sit back down and stow the misplaced, faux outrage.
  19. Considering the varied situations I have been in over the years and my other expenditures (many of which are there to help keep me 'sane') .... This is - sum total - the least expensive of my entertainment budget bits. I get that there are those who rely on Second Life as an income. I'm finding it increasingly harder to feel for some while I myself have to worry about the less than even minimum wage (far less) I have to work with each and every month plus the insane cuts to things like SNAP (I am going to have to start getting creative now to make some things stretch out). I am fast approaching the levels of "I don't want to hear it" one often sees in the most jaded members of the populace ....
  20. Fixed income here. Guess what does not affect me as badly as some here would have you think? That's right - the L$ buy fee increase. Why? I don't go buying enough to be affected. $25-30 at the start of the month for my 4096 on a PI plus a little left over. Stipend offsets a little more on occasion. If need be I'll snap up an item from the MP using RL sources directly (which has been an option for quite some time so there is no reason to have an MP dedicated to such). A grip. Get one. Comparing SL to VRC et al? No comparison - none, period. Leave it at the door until such places have the same overhead and identical avatar/inventory systems (why yes, I use VRC. No, I do not see it as even close to SL in any way). The rest of this thread? Noise and a handful of the usual suspects drumming up their usual drama. Like it or not (and I don't - do not think otherwise) something was going to have to give, some increase in a fee somewhere. It will happen again later down the road. Unavoidable. Believe otherwise? Go and make an exact clone, using the same software, hosting services/tier and with employees you actually need to pay. Until then? You haven't a single clue. No, no smarmy backtalk. You don't have a single clue.
  21. That is normal for certain users here and is an attitude that one sadly can find out i the wild. It's a lovely marker for those to avoid.
  22. There are TPVs that allow you to derender/blacklist objects. Short of moving (you can file an AR if you wish, I do not know if LL will bother with something like this) ... a TPV with such an option may be your only option. I use one myself for similar reasons (general removal of things in view from my skydome home on a PI).
  23. I'll be very brutally honest: If you're not capable of separating out the ones saying it is optional from the ones that badger and push, the problem is on you. If you somehow read that into the response you were quoting that is also on you.
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