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Harper Held

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Everything posted by Harper Held

  1. I'm not even sure wtf to say ...I use a mix. Yes, I'm one of those vile, horrible people who became attached to the outfit they got in 2009 (Jan twenty-TEN actually tyvm) and while I have a maitreya body I rarely wear it since I can't wear my favorite outfit with it. So, my skin and shape are system, and new items (eg my jacket) tend to be mesh -I just throw everything together, tbh. To be honest, no one's given me crap about since I started wearing mesh items. Before then, I had a rep as being an anti-mesh crank; but I mellowed. Pictured; mesh hair (?), sculty belt, prim horns, ears and tail, mesh jacket, boots and robot arms.
  2. No offense meant by any means (cripes, I am getting old! D:) but the photo's pretty generic. It would be pretty easy to make a coffeehouse like that inworld (ofc getting people to actually go to it is another kettle of fish...)
  3. I'm lucky I haven't had to deal with (too much) with the rolling alts problem -anything I've moderated ends up being too small to attract that kinda attention. Seeing "trolls" join in and then eventually turning out to be cool people (who were simply bored?) is awesome too. It's one of the neat things about "TPAS". Hugs, it's been too long, I'm glad to see you around again.
  4. If there's a rhyme or reason to mainland prices, I've yet to figure it out! It's like anything else; more desireable parcels are going to cost an arm and a leg. Waterfront, protected? Arm, leg. Depending on what you're looking for, decent prices can be had. I've had the best luck using the v1 land search (in the singularity viewer) and sorting by price and not looking at anything over (roughly) L$2/sqm. It's work (so is hunting yellow spots on the map) but it's worked for me. A lot of the cheaper spots will be undesirable, maybe even unusable; but not all of them. It can be worth the hassle and work if you're on a tight budget.
  5. ...pretty harsh reaction to links, but NWN is much the same. :\ (What is it about virtual worlds that brings out the autocrat in folks?) Kidding/snark aside, thanks for the hints, Pamela.
  6. Of course, I'm much more mellow now...ask anyone! Look at me, I'm an angel...
  7. I was a lot more fighty when I hung out here before. When they went on lithium and the word went out that inworld bans were being handed out for forum bans, I figured discretion was the better part of valor and settled in over at SLU. (can we say SLU these days? or is that a ban?)
  8. I think it's obvious they're going to deprecate support for the declining PC market and move folks over to using headsets and voice (on gaming consoles) exclusively.
  9. mikka Luik wrote: The only one off the top of my head would be the CDS so would be interesting to hear of others. Thank you for the mention, Mikka! Someone mentioned earlier that putting up a sim's worth of teir would end up with the "experiment" ending within a month; to that I'd like to point out that even with our ups and downs, the Confederation Of Democratic Simulators (portal.slcds.info) has managed to last for twelve years now since our origins on the Anzere region. Far from closing, in 2015 we added a sixth region to our estate. On a personal level, I'm not sure that democracy would work particularly well as a means of running the entire secondlife grid, but we at the CDS have managed to make it work for our estate.
  10. Hi! I have a friend whose made herself prim shirts, but now she wants something in mesh that will fit her shape (and hers only). She doesn't know blender and she's willing to pay for a custom mesh shirt that will work with her shape. I'm not sure who to approach for this, so I'm throwing a general purpose appeal out. I have a copy of her shape and a sample template of the shirt she wants. Send me an IM (they go to email when I'm offline) if you are or if you know of a creator that I could hook her up with. Please provide your requirements, a link/slurl to your shop and a rough price estimate if possible. Thank you very much!
  11. Hello. I just found this thread on twitter and started a thread on sluniverse for this topic in the general section. LL has a history of removing posts that they don't like it and its' my opinion that slu is a safer place to discuss anything that might be even remotely critical of LL. [EDIT TO ADD] that includes technical or policy decisions or information that they do not want discussed or put out. My first thought is to itemize and think of what y'all want to preserve, then make mirror copies of that information over on wikia (which has an excellent, if dated, SL wiki already). I'm not sure that wikia is a permanent solution, but it would be a good (modifyable) stopgap to use while organising and planning out what you want to do.
  12. Adblock plus won't stop them from appearing in your viewer. For that, you need this: http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/
  13. Faye Feldragonne wrote: If a child avi talks to me I snarl at them. um....bully for you? ;;
  14. There are no good places to talk about being a child avi in SL. That said, the official forum has to be the absolute worst place to talk about it (or, really, anything else). I feel your pain, Kiskoshka; just remember that a few jerks doesn't represent all of Secondlife; and if you stick w/ it you'll find ppl who are cool and, really, THOSE are the people who matter, right? Not the haters.
  15. "it depends" Firestorm comes from a project that has a one-and-a-half year history, and all of the accounts associated with it are in good standing. However, it IS a TPV (third party viewer) and if you are running a business in secondlife of any importance (eg an estate where you handle hundreds or thousands of RL dollars) then you do not want to use ANY third party viewer, and instead stick to the officially supported viewer. I would say that yes, firestorm is safe -their source is publically available and if there were gotchas we'd have heard about them; but only you can make that call.
  16. Hi, I noticed this on Firestorm, and thought it was just a TPV issue until I tried starting the official client. I am mostly unable to log in at all to secondlife using either the official viewer, or Firestorm-release (which uses the engine from 3.2). I WAS able to log in at like 3am SLT last night for a brief while with firestorm, but then today I'm back to being unable to log in at all. When I try the official viewer I log in, and get the progress screen and then the viewer dies before switching away from the progress screen. I'm using OS X Lion (10.7.2), on a new iMac with a 512 Radeon video card. I am able to log in to secondlife with most 1.x-based TPVs and Coolviewer; just not with anything based on 3.2. Also, Firestorm (based on 3.2) is able to log in to osgrid without problems (haven't tried the offical client; to much hassle). EDIT TO ADD: I've done some googling and tried adding the google dns servers to my network settings; that didn't help at all.
  17. The ickle speak is an immersion thing, not a literalist thing. For the OP: if your avi/character is older than 5, sign up for Hard Knock Elementary -as a kid avi that's how I met most of the kid avis I knew. Good luck and don't sweat the petty stuff (or posters )
  18. JeanneAnne wrote Thanks not just for turning me on2 bronxelf's Summary Thread of the JLU affair, but for alerting me to the existence of SLUniverse forum. Now that you know where we are --come join us!
  19. My premium is about to expire. I rent land on an estate because most of mainland is an eyesore or outrageously priced (sorry, I'm not gonna buy your 2048sqm plot for 384 USD kthxbai) so free tier is pretty 'meh'. I don't use voice so morphing is irrelevant to me, I have tons of furniture in my inventory already and using opensim I have as many sandboxes as I want. The stipend is nice, at least, the cost of lindens has increased, it might be nice to nudge up the stipend a touch. OTOH, I buy lindens enough that the stipend really doesn't add that much value. So ...why should I renew? What am I gonna get?
  20. On "by default"? Personally **I** would love that, but after spending a futile hour last night explaining to someone how to simply unpack a box I have to say I think it would be a bad idea to have on by default. It will cause a lot of confusion. What would be AWESOME, though, is to have the option presented to the user some place obvious and up-front. TBH I didn't even know that this was a feature that was included in the regular viewer -it's the reason I switched to using the singularity viewer in fact...
  21. Replying to PMs via email always tickles me, esp when both parties are doing it.
  22. I contact my second life friends in second life, obviously. I contact my forum friends on the forum we're friends on. I'm just now figuring out twitter, not sure I see the point though I'm almost seeing the appeal...
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