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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I just continue to miss these get-togethers... There are several of you that I would like to meet and I would love to finally get to hear Lillie sing. Her reputation precedes her. Soon! I will be there soon... Keep the coffee warm for me please. I must have missed something important. What exactly is this conspiracy that is being attributed to the LWL? Last I heard it was just music, friends and silliness. No matter: I can not believe I just posted an lolcat Cinn
  2. In order to wake up in the proper mood, the alarm clock is attached to my mp3 player. The same song wakes me up each morning. Ah, yes, music. I like it loud and aggressive which is the exact opposite of my personality. Please turn the volume on your speakers down.
  3. @ Charlotte: "Inconceivable!!!!" @ Dillon: YES! I can't believe I forgot about Buckaroo Banzai!!! Loved that movie. Now I need to see if I can find it to share with my kids..... /me grumbles about old vhs format....
  4. If you ladies are going to do something subversive, I would like to throw my support behind you 100%. Just send me the secret time and LM of this meeting and I will be there to continue whatever plot you have going on. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Like I have said previously, if it is rebellious or anti-authority, I will be there to encourage and motivate. I am a very good role model... Promise.... Cinn
  5. This is my absolute favorite movie of all time. I can't count the number of times I have watched it and it never gets old. My 3 daughters and I have it memorized word for word, from beginning to end. You probably won't want to watch it with us.
  6. We ain't talkin'..... and I got a little surprise for IcePIC -
  7. If you are a woman/girl/female species: What hair colour would you like best on a male avatar? Brunette/black I get many more random offers of "teh secks" when I am a redhead....
  8. Bring out the balloons and party poppers!!!!! Blue is a lovely color...
  9. I tried and tried to come up with a love *cough* song that I actually like. It was fruitless and frustrating. I just hate them they give you cavities and a stomach ache. and because I'm feeling rather cynical this morning... and because one of my daughters is the female version of Sheldon (we all need love):
  10. I am not sure I should unleash my sense of humor here, but.... You asked for it: Get your jazz hands and high kicks ready for this happy bouncy song If I have not angered you yet (w00t! I found a censored version): Are you still with me? Really? If you are not offended yet, this is the happiest band I have ever heard. It is difficult to find censored versions of the stuff that makes me laugh... I feel much better now. Apologies if anyone was offended
  11. No vacation this year as I have way too much work to do.... But on the bright side, I live in the mountains, so I walk outside and I am on vacation. Coffee on the deck in the morning, dew sparkling over everything, birds twittering in the trees, fog crawling along the ground - Day hours... work, work, work - evening... nice warm cup of chai tea on the deck, the buzzing of insects, the creek babbling in the background, loons and owls calling, a pack of coyotes singing... vacation is outside my door calling to me to find a trail and explore.... Be back in a bit. I think I have a tree to climb and a river to cross, Cinn
  12. If someone would be so kind... How can you tell if something you bought or were given is copybotted? How would I find out? I have been given many things by 'helpful' people.
  13. From what I understand a forum troll is a person who posts any inflammatory content they can to try to get a rise out of other people. The posts usually serve no purpose other than to bring out the worst in others or make them feel badly/stupid/unintelligent/defensive....
  14. Yes. I can appreciate a nice, revealing outfit. Oh, wait... Was this only for the women that dress sexy in SL? I am rather conservative in my dressing. I don't want body parts hanging out, but if you want to do that, I don't mind at all.... :smileytongue:
  15. Christina's eyes begin to sparkle. "Why Elite.. How ever did you know that my side dish was going to be comprised mostly of deep fried vampire flesh? I award you this gold star sticker to show my appreciation for all your hard work. Come Phillip - we have dinner preparations to make." Phillip turns as if in a trance and starts to....
  16. Fine! Here is your wine and cheese, Maryanne. I'd just like to complain that I couldn't find a decent red wine for this post. What is this world coming too???
  17. DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Cinn hugs, was good to see you the other night:) Thanks, Dee. I will try to get out to visit more often. I should have a little more time now that the sim I was attempting to rp on just went poof.... I am ready for some live music and chit chat - so bring it on!!! Cinn
  18. Thank you, Storm, for the lovely fashion attempt and kind words for the LWL. It is nice to know we are in your thoughts. Stop by sometime. I will save you a dance.... :matte-motes-wink: Cinn
  19. How many different people are each one of us? You could be a son, a brother, a friend, a coworker, a nephew, an uncle, a soccer player, a partier, a dufus, mature, immature, a neighbor, an acquaintance, a stranger, a confidant, a lover... The list goes on forever and is constantly being added to everyday. Are you the same person in each one of these relationships? Are you the same as a son as you are to a stranger? Do you have the exact same role as an uncle that you do as a partier? Do you treat that person you have business dealings with the same as you treat your best friend? All those different things/styles you like are just fine and make you a more interesting person to know. Just be yourself and each part of you will find a place to fit in. If you are very, very lucky, you may even find the person that accepts all your roles. Just take everybody as they come to you and know that they have a story. Just like you have a story. I wish you luck - never give up!!!
  20. I want to shop inworld! I want to have something in the window across the street catch my eye. I want to explore a cool, well made theme shop and ooh and ahhh with my friends over some new doodad for my house, laugh at the latest animation or dance, find that perfect dress I didn't even know I was looking for and even people-watch (well, avi-watch). SL is so slow for me. Rezzing takes forever, I can't find what I want, lag is so bad I tend to shop with just camera movements. I loved the recently created thread "Shops with Flair". It got me into some really great places that I never would have found on my own and that wouldn't have shown up in a search. I agree that shopping inworld would be what I would ideally want to do, but some of the fun is lost in just moving around and finding these places. Wish I had a solution. Cinn
  21. It just takes time and exploring, chatting with people and asking for help. It is almost like learning a whole new language. I have been in SL for more than a year and still have to ask for help or clarification occasionally. If you hang out long enough and read the local chat or take a few classes, you will learn a lot. Most of the time you just pick up things as you grow in your SL life. The best is when someone newer than you comes along and asks YOU for help. Don't rush things too much. Enjoy being young inworld and enjoy all the new things to experience. Before long you will be comfortable, have some friends you like to chat with and have some favorite sims you return to again and again. You will be an old pro before you know it and you will miss these days of discovery. Cinn
  22. I missed the first one due to work. Thanks for considering a longer time period, Hippie. That means there is a better chance I can get to it. Pencil me in! Cinn
  23. Hi, Matt! Welcome back... Cinn
  24. More! Come on all you been-around-the-block SL'ers. These are great. I want more exploring ideas. I have heard all kinds of stories about great sims that have disappeared (the creepy cornfield one comes to mind), and I want to see them before they go. It is hard to imagine the work that has gone into putting these amazing places together and I, for one, appreciate it. ***Yay, creators***
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