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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Randall Ahren wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Your turn!:cattongue: K, here's your silver-haired, blue-eyed man. Okay, Randall - Both avies are good looking and sexy, but here's what I like about this av. It is unique enough to stand out in a crowd. The dark haired dark-eyed avies are always good looking, but they are a dime a dozen. When I walk into a music venue or go dancing, I will walk into the room and just see what draws my eye. Next I check out profiles (what can I say, I am a visual person). Third I will look for something to start a conversation with - a certain look or accessory, something interesting in a profile, occasionally by something said in local chat. (saying it like that makes it sound like I go out hunting. I do not hunt and am not after anything except dancing and lovely conversation) This silver-haired and blue-eyed avi would definitely draw my attention and have me looking for a way to start talking.
  2. Okay - Fully human and posting that way. I really don't dress up in sl (although I did for the Oscar thread) and it took me more than a year to get my av out of jeans and tshirts. Maybe now I can go check out some of the fancier dance venues to see what they are like. 2 different dresses and playing with windlight settings: Your turn!:cattongue:
  3. iCade wrote: When I am not busy looking cute I enjoy looking hot while shaking it at my favourite club You look great as a cat, so this is my favorite of the ones you've posted, iCade! Although the elf look is cute and unique, also. @Emmett - nice editing on the pic! Waiting to see your chopper photo too. @Leith - Nice selection. I may have to think again about whether I find blonde men attractive. :matte-motes-wink: @Marcus - Yeah - it's just the boots and hat *rolls eyes* Is it getting hot in here? @Erin - The good looks run in the family - lol. Nice work!
  4. Randall Ahren wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: How about a pic of your silver haired and blue eyed av? Okay, but it's going to cost you. I'm going to need to see a picture of you first in the Vanity Thread in human form, and not as a wisp. But... But... But... Fine! I will see what I can come up with tomorrow. With all the great pics I should be able to find inspiration. Do you have a special request? A favorite color? Tsk!!! /me wanders off mumbling something about about reverse blackmail and if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
  5. @ Julio - Thank you!!! I remember this one from the vanity thread! Pics like that just have a way of staying with you. @ Dres - WooHoooooo!!! You have an amazing avatar! More pics please... @ Ian - I have no words... *picks jaw up off the floor* Just say no to cropping, 'kay? @ Randall - I can guess where your heart is even if it is covered by your left arm and you probably made some gal feel very special on Valentines day. How about a pic of your silver haired and blue eyed av? This thread just makes me smile. Do we need a theme to keep you guys motivated? Swimsuits? Bad boys? Formal wear? Chippendales? Cinn
  6. Marcus Hancroft wrote: I'll play! Here's 1: Another: Sometimes ya have to get all dressed up fer a hootenannie! Finally: Yeehawww, Marcus! I am a proper lady so I will not type out all the thoughts in my head... Things like saddling up horses, riding cowboys and roping calves. I will not be saying any of that... Happy Trails, Cinn
  7. @Emmett - Nice look you have there. Saraya is right - you definitely have a devilish look in your eyes. @LenA - Nice av - a little intimidating, but great look @Val - LOL - You can put together a very hot male av too. I am sure he has a sweet side too (meeroos in the background?) It is about time we gals have a place to enjoy our screen views too.
  8. Randall Ahren wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: I am the barely visible little brown and gray wisp. Nice and safe... Not even Randall can flirt with a wisp of fluff... (sorry Randall, but I have not been able to think of a way to respond to you beyond the very lame answer 'thanks', so I will post as an invertebrate) Do you know how you can tell if a guy really likes you? He makes love to you while you appear just as a wisp of fluff on his screen and he doesn't tell you. You know I would do that for you. :smileywink: I stand corrected. /me toes the dirt at my feet and mumbles, "Thanks." :matte-motes-silly:
  9. Okay - my new temporary avatar... Can you tell which thing is me? I am the barely visible little brown and gray wisp. Nice and safe... Not even Randall can flirt with a wisp of fluff... (sorry Randall, but I have not been able to think of a way to respond to you beyond the very lame answer 'thanks', so I will post as an invertebrate)
  10. There is one obvious omission from this thread... Has anyone heard from Wildcat? She doesn't even have to change clothes to get that badgirl look.
  11. Watch out men!!! Val is on the hunt... I always wondered what was hiding behind all those trees.
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Waiting on YOUR bad girl pic, Maddy... Well? (no fair saying 'I wear it every day' either.) It's already here. I miss the best stuff. The Flying Cougar is definitely a dangerous badgirl. I had to find inspiration for my badgirl since I am such a sweet and innocent thing. I went with Bladerunner inspiration.
  13. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Within SL, killing and amusement are not mutually exclusive... http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnmorani/sets/72157626648407445/ Aahhhhh... Memories! /me wipes away a sentimental tear. Waiting on YOUR bad girl pic, Maddy... Well? (no fair saying 'I wear it every day' either.)
  14. Definitely bad-a$$, Val!!!! /me backs slowly out of the thread with my hands up in a totally nonthreatening manner... Cinn Great look - you can really pull 'badgirl' off!!!! ALL these badgirl photos are great!!! I guess we all have a little inner badgirl in us...
  15. I have 2 accounts - my social main account that I do almost everything with and my leave-me-alone-I-don't-accept-friend-requests alt. I only use her when I want to be left alone to explore or figure out a new viewer or take pictures. She is not exactly a secret since everyone knows about her, but she still has no friends on purpose. Cinn
  16. I guess I am suppose to crosspost my attempt at a badgirl look. It was fun to be her for a little bit. Here it goes: Not really my look, but I had some interesting propositions from some interesting people who don't usually talk to me. Funny how a look can generate different results - I visited a few places I go to on occasion and it was a different reception - except the people that knew me - they giggled a bit at the out-of-character look I was sporting and did a lot of ducking when I threatened to pull out my weapon. Cinn
  17. w00t!!! Made a badgirl!!! The problem with making one is that there are so many different kinds of badgirls (classy, trashy, dangerous) I decided I better go with an entire outfit since every time I tried to mix and match she looked slightly less 'bad'. Oh well - it was a stretch of the imagination anyway: Still - it was fun to be armed and dangerous for a little bit.
  18. Hhmmm... Bad girl theme, huh? I wonder if I can pull that off without help. Saraya and Val - amazing bad girl photos!!! I am inspired to see if I can make a look like that. Cinn
  19. Porky Gorky wrote: RIGHT!! This thread is nowhere near as funny or entertaining as It should have been. As the OP I am changing the rules. Taking the power back as it were. Here are the new rules. Each day I will post a top 5 category. You will list your top 5 in that category. And they better bloody well be interesting, funny or entertaining answers or there will be trouble, make no mistake. No deviating from the daily chosen category. Here is today's category. TOP 5 MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS (either in RL or SL, you choose.) Commence Top 5 thread pet peeves: 1. People who tell me how to post 2. People who make arbitrary rules on what I should post about 3. People who try to narrow my options for posting (attempted censorship) 4. People who tell me my opinions are wrong (not misinformed, but wrong) in a post 5. People who expect me to adhere to what THEY think is interesting, funny or entertaining
  20. I think it was not so much what he said, but the dismissive way he said it. /me wonders if LL has any public relations staff... Cinn
  21. I can't sleep either because I just had a triple mocha... Maybe I should do something productive like laundry. Cinn Who is Artie? You can give him a locator beacon with gps coordinates so if he does get lost you can find him. :matte-motes-wink:
  22. 4 pages, 5 online. I keep my friends list pretty clean, I delete when a few months have gone by with no contact. I will befriend newbies and keep them on the friend list for a few months - after that I figure they have their own friends and know how it all works. There are a few old friends I keep on my list for sentimental reasons - just in case they come back into my life. I do keep calling cards in case I want to find someone again.
  23. Niii-iiice!!! It looks great! The hands might be a bit too big, but it could be the angle the pic was taken at. Someone made a great info source on avatar proportions. If I can find the link, I will come back and post it (or maybe that person will pop in here herself). You should post a 'before' pic, too. The comparison might be fun. Cinn I will be looking for you in the Vanity thread also...
  24. Marianne Little wrote: Shirts is so 2011 Okay "grumble" I can do sweet... Look, even a wreath in my hair. If I get sweeter now, I'll die of saccharine shock! Yep - that is enough sweet to cause a few cavities. /me starts digging for some black spray paint, spikes, horns and a few black roses with thorns for a proper wreath... In all honesty, you can pull off the sweet look, too. I change my look constantly in SL. It all depends on how I am feeling when I log in - which wonderful fashion should I try out today?
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