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Innula Zenovka

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Everything posted by Innula Zenovka

  1. Not quite what you asked, but this little routine, dropped in a prim and worn somewhere, will tell you which Mainland continent you're on at any given time: Continent Detector
  2. I don't know if this will fix the problem, but to stop the carriage return being an issue, check that the line actually contains some data. I would do it like this, if (ldata != EOF) { if(llStringTrim(ldata,STRING_TRIM)!=""){ // then go ahead and process it list tmp = llParseString2List(ldata, ["="], []); string setting = llList2String(tmp,0); ..... } } and then either process it or, if it's a blank line, ask for the next line of data. I don't know, off the top of my head, how best to handle it the way you're doing it, though.
  3. How horrible for you. It's a bit difficult to know what to suggest without knowing more about the sim -- would setting it to group access only, temporarily, at least -- be an option? Once when one of my parcels was beset by griefers I used something based on the under age boot script, in the wiki, to stop the culprits rolling up alt after alt as my friends and I ejected and banned them. Would that be an option? Obviously, it's not an ideal solution, since it stops bona fide new (very new) accounts from entering, but it may be the lesser of the two evils until the problem is resolved. Which may not take too long ; in my experience of these things, griefers tend to want a reaction, so if you don't give it them -- just mute, eject, and and AR. without saying a word to them -- the they tend to lose interest sooner rather than later.
  4. It depends on the AO you're using -- the actual type, as opposed to the animations, that is. Some have this facility built-in (primarily for the benefit of furniture makers) and others have fully modifiable scripts so it's easy enough for a scripter add the appropriate commands for you. What sort of AO is it, and are the scripts modifiable?
  5. At risk of confusing matters, how about something like this? I'm not completely sure what would happen in the event of a dead heat, with two avatars hitting the finishing line at the same split second, but neither am I sure how much of an issue, in practice, that's going to be. I could well be wrong there, though. I'm adding people to the list "winners," though I'm not doing anything with it, in case we need a record of the placings later. integer counter;integer n;list winners;list placings =[ "second","third","fourth"//and so on ];default{ state_entry() { //llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); } collision_start(integer total_number) { winners += [llDetectedName(0)]; counter++; if(counter ==1){ llSay(0,"And the winner is "+llDetectedName(0)); } else if (counter >1){ n = (counter -2); if(n<3){ llSay(0,"And in "+llList2String(placings,n)+" place is "+llDetectedName(0)); } } }}
  6. For what it's worth, despite being something of a fashionista, I don't have any difficulty keeping my normal usage down to under 4MiB, and that's with wearing a rather scripty collar, using an external AO rather than a built-in TPV one, and usually having a couple of fun gadgets attached, too. It's mostly a question, I think, of only buying stuff that's either modifiable (so you can take out unwanted scripts) or that comes with a "remove all scripts" menu option (most of my shoes and boots). That and constantly checking -- I recently put on an outfit that I hadn't worn for ages and was puzzled about why my script memory use had almost doubled; turned out there were 40-odd scripts, fortunately removable with a menu option, lurking in the collar of my biker jacket. BTW, I'm delighted to see that Bax Coen is now providing free updates, with a "remove all scripts" option, for old versions of her ankle boots.
  7. The other thing to check is that you have not, by accident, muted the outfit's creator or the object that's trying to send you the outfit.; see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/File:Viewer2Tips-Communication-MuteList.png -- that's easily done without realising it.
  8. I'm not sure it's right to read too much into LL's starting to develop something and then losing interest or deciding it's too difficult right now or finding a new distraction. I mean, they've got a track record for that sort of thing -- Windlight would be a good example of a project they started to implement and in which they then lost interest for ages, and script limits -- which I am grudging prepared to concede are probably more important than avatar physics -- seem to have run into the sand, rather. It may be that the idea got vetoed as "distasteful" but Occam's Razor suggests that it's rash to attribute something to LL's conscious and coordinated policy-making that can equally well be explained by understaffing and a short corporate attention span. Great news about the avatar physics and FireStorm; I really hope it materializes.
  9. Thanks. I hadn't seen that before, never having turned deferred rendering on. I must have a play with it.
  10. I'm missing the point, then. Do you mean something like a particle profile projector, or something made with semi-transparent cone coming out of it to simulate a beam of light coming out of a projector (like some lighthouses have) or is it something different?
  11. Yep. [ PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, integer boolean, vector color, float intensity, float radius, float falloff ] For example, llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <1, 1, 1>, 1.0, 10.0, 0.75]);
  12. The comments in the jira about it suggest this was implemented at the end of February, but it looks like there's still some tweaking to be done. It certainly makes the Friends List a lot easier to use.
  13. Thanks, Danny. Looks like your crown is safe for a while yet, as you say. I'd had a look at the jira before posting to see if there was any news there, and formed the impression that fully and properly implementing the idea had run into considerable technical problems, so I guess it may well be that someone's decided either it's not worth doing or that they'll do it later. It's a shame, cos their idea making it a wearable so I can decide how I want to be animated according to what else I'm wearing seemed a really good one. In the meantime, any chance of a V2 implementation of your method for Firestorm?
  14. See the FAQ Linden Lab Official:I've filed an abuse report, I haven't heard a thing, and the offender isn't banned -- why? You say in your post that there wasn't enough room on the form and you couldn't attach a notecard. In my (admittedly limited) experience of such matters, all that's needed is a sentence or two outlining the complaint -- "This avatar's profile entitled "Whatever" contains false and malicious libels about another resident" or something similar. They don't need, or particularly want, a blow by blow account, I think. Having said that, I don't think they are going to take a nasty remark in someone's picks as seriously as you might want them to.
  15. Back in September, some of us were interested to learn that avatar physics wearables were apparently being tested in V2, so you could have an invisible layer, worn as clothing, that controlled the jiggle of parts of your anatomy. This seemed to me a far bettter way of doing it than the method used by many TPVs. Anyone know what happened to it? Is it still being developed?
  16. I think the problem is that if the item is rezzed from your vendor when you aren't on the same sim, llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) is going to fall over. This is how I do it: changed (integer change){ if (change & CHANGED_OWNER){ llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } }
  17. Thanks for the reply, Void. I've just registered at the Lithium forum and added my support to the proposal.
  18. Since the move to this new format seems barely to have inconvenienced spammers, Void, any chance of your rewriting your excellent (and frequently used, at least by me) "ignore button" for this platform?
  19. Could you show us a sample of the code the sit target helper generates for you? What you want to do isn't difficult, but it would be a lot easier to explain with reference to the code you are trying to adapt.
  20. A friend of mine contacted me an hour or so ago inworld, asking the identical question (she'd heard it in a group, too). I was able to reassure her by referring her to the LL Official Reply to the frequently asked question, I received an IP complaint about content that I got from someone else, and I had no idea that it might be infringing. Am I in trouble?
  21. One of the many problems with these devices is that, as well as banning supposed alts and so forth, they also pass back information to the creator's offworld database, where he store his purported identifications. This, remember, is someone who was recently trying to blackmail LL with the threat that, if RedZone were banned, he would "privatize the RedZone service with a service that operates outside of SecondLife." (screenshots at the top of https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-24746 ). How comfortable are you with your tenants' and their guests' data being shared with someone like that?
  22. Avril Korman has been covering this at SearchEngineWatch -- see here, here and here,
  23. deety Galicia wrote: I'm too scared to open up music anywhere due to the portable redzone hud. Why not try the excellent third party viewer Dolphin, which is in the third party viewer directory, and which has the new media filter patch in both its SnowGlobe and Viewer 2.n versions? The patch will shortly be adopted by Phonenix and FireStorm, too, and I understand it is likely to be adopted in the official viewer very shortly. The way this patch works, it tells you when a parcel wants to send a URL to your viewer, tells you what the URL is, and asks you what to do about it. If it's what you were expecting, you can allow it. If it's one you don't want to go to because you fear that there's something unpleasant at the other end, you can decline and go elsewhere. Alternatively, Boy Lane provides some simple instructions about how to protect your computer from attempts to spy on it by following a few easy steps with a text editor.
  24. Just to update.. Dolphin Viewer 2.5.2 is now available, complete with media patch. I've been using it, and like it a lot. And it's certainly very interesting to see what urls some people try to make you load without realising it.
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