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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Maybe this is a sign /Dee looks up, looks down, looks around, looks a bit silly:P Possibly the first of three miracles? nah
  2. Offer free lindens, she would love that.......oh wait sorry I should have read the whole thing:P nvm
  3. Sorry a little late with this Venus. The problem is if everyone gets involved then there are no witnesses and of course we need witnesses right:P
  4. Things seem to be calming down although there is a sence of loss as OLPS fails to return:( @Janelle: Any clues yet? @Keli: Nice outfit, does the maid service do parties? @eye: Who are these guys and I swear yesterday there was only one in the pic?
  5. I saw Lillie, was there something else in that picture??? ETA: Looks around for falling rocks:)
  6. Cool Hippie obviously a good move;) @Val that Snoopy is so stolden
  7. Cool Dillon, hey if not maybe we can get one off Sylvia, probably right next to her boots:)
  8. Happy Bastille Day to all Wooot @Val: I know but it was a great game. @Lia: Canada didn't get by the first round @Dillon: Nice clip, great movie, it's funny how some things stick with us yours made me think of this
  9. I feel her presences, but am still wondering about the murder?
  10. You just have to love the girls resourcefulness. Such a disarming smile one never feels the knife:P
  11. OH, wait I think they misunderstood my instructions. They thought I wanted to start fires not stop them:( Well we get what we pay for I guess:P
  12. Keli I have been reading through here and I do have faith in the LTL to overcome this problem. I like the cone of shame it does have merit. I have also gone out on my own to the scientific world seeking aid with our problem. I am pleased to announce that team I have hired is working tirelessly to achieve some success. Hey Cheka, Venus and Storm:)
  13. Morning Val, Hippie and Lia Big game starts now USA - France good luck all - wooot
  14. Oh what a lovely idea, a broccoli shrine. /Dee starts to daydream. Yes I agree, I don't know how Dillon can sleep nights:P
  15. Wow an offensive chicken, maybe I should have looked closer at the pic? I was thinking a replacement for big bird? By the look of the cones a few others got snipped also:)
  16. @Marigold, I got a sword, pair of skates and single broccoli in the mail this morning? Is this a sign? Mari!!! wow is this a dream? @Janelle, cleaning off my computer screen after viewing your last sequence of pics, I realize someone or some thing has been quite busy. Okay you can wake me up now, hey wake me up!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yes she seems to be acting like a celebrity, we best keep an eye on her. Or maybe a cone would do;)
  18. @ Kyli I do love the cone, wonder if I can find one for my brother, hmmmm @Charolette I'm shocked....psssttt you could have just told Live
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