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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Hugs Hippie and Val, Lia, Wildcat and all others:) Just when you think you have seen it all the internet comes through. Just too funny:)
  2. Good Morning All Starting to worry haven't heard form Wildcat in a while wonder if the tables were turned?? Love the BBQ Hippie here are some accessories to aid with the cooking
  3. Took a trip on the SLRR and all I can say is WOW. What a blast:)
  4. Oh wait that's just like visiting Maddy lol
  5. Oh cool Wildcat. I have a pig roaster that I'm sure we could adapt. Hippie stold the pig at the last party, well I think it was him;)
  6. /Dee smiles woot:) Thank you Lillie, oh no your safe. /snickers and heads to Pranksters to do some art work;) Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. Okay Lia that is cute. I have found when traveling the problems with language can really be quite a load of fun:)
  8. As Dee flounders in an attempt to blame someone else for her short comings (normal state here) she zero's in on Mags or Maddy. Okay Mag's establishment has Guinness at a very reasonable price so I blame her;) Oh I also blame Maddy just because I can:) Can I have my marker pleeeaaassseeee waaaaaaaaah
  9. I just couldn't resist Venus it presented such a lovely opportunity;) Have to run now Lillie has my marker and I feel naked without it:)
  10. eeer Lillie you know your standing in front of a mirror right
  11. Yes Ian that one has me totally confused
  12. Basic black Lillie, I had it in the girls washroom at Pennies last. Hey whatu holding behine you???
  13. OMG Storm that can't be me I wash after ETR the random "g" I got nervous
  14. @Lillie: Have you seen my black marker, you know the big one:P
  15. Storm your responsible for Venus??? We haven't seen this kind of <<snip>> since the old GD. Storm Clarence wrote: <<snip>>I am responsible for Venus /<<snip>>
  16. Here in lies the problem and it has been brought up time and again at the User Group with respect to postings disappearing and no notification to the poster. I do have a feeling that post are not always read to see if they warrant removal or not once they are flagged. The limit I refer to would be the guidelines for removal by Mods. I will not pursue this further in this thread for fear of having the thread removed (that says a lot doesn't it). But I will bring this up at the next user group and point to this thread as the reference. I have copied this thread to ensure that if it disappears I still have it. Val sorry if this hurts this thread but if we can't voice pros and cons on a topic how can we discuss??
  17. @sylvia your probably right but he has to shave his legs, lol
  18. Oh yeahhh. I just had a picture of Gypsy flash through my mind;) Yep we need to do that lol
  19. God I love line dancing. I have been with that group:) Here's another
  20. That is more than weird. There was no need to have that removed:( Did you get a PM and if not I would chase that down with Lexi or Amanda. I replied to Val in case they nuke your last post. There is a limit, or I thought there was? Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Well, this is an interesting turn of events. My comment, which had nothing remotely offensive in it is gone from this thread, as are the people that responded to me. **Guess this isn't really the place to be then....this forum. What a shame** This is not directed at you valerie. 
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