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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Quote Mags Indigo I imagine Entertainment will probably emerge as the nest GD - I mean apart from discussing clubs, pubs and concerts (yes I'm being a tad facetious) what else could one talk about in this section - apart from the things that make SL (and the forums) actually entertaining.(I hope that makes sense - kinda) Hi Mags. Yes it does make sense. Edit: Still working on the quote bit lol. Mags Indigo wrote: I imagine Entertainment will probably emerge as the nest GD - I mean apart from discussing clubs, pubs and concerts (yes I'm being a tad facetious) what else could one talk about in this section - apart from the things that make SL (and the forums) actually entertaining. (I hope that makes sense - kinda) Wow what have i done there woot
  2. I do understand the lack of a GD in it's old style, that was actually brought on by the state it was in. But as a general place to chat about anything under the sun that's not covered elsewhere I lean towards Entertainment. I have a strong feeling that the free wheeling discord style of the old GD will be heavily moderated out and as a result we might have a nice spot to meet. Just to bring up what doesn't fit elsewhere. It would be our place so to speak. If this didn't fit with policy then okay that's fine.
  3. Okay there is no GD.:smileysad: But some of the GD was entertaining so should we do that here? We need a place to meet, or do we?
  4. Love the new signature Tolya. Why am I not surprised.:smileyhappy: Too funny.
  5. Hey all good to read you.:smileyhappy: http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_'> SLO forums and tweet which actually was fun
  6. So far it's interesting especially getting the av pic up. I looked through all my settings and found none that would allow me to change the colour scheme, yet. Not sure if others agree but to me the white background is a bit hard on the eyes. Just a thought of change to a more comfortable shading?:smileywink:
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