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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Good Friday Morning to Val, Lia, Hippie and all. Love that song the doggie is listening to. FRIDAY WOOOOT time to laugh Bet Hippie is poolside
  2. I was just doing the math and figured out both you Hippie and Lia are 25 thats cool. Hippie pic from last night we had a barrel of fun
  3. Yes Hippie, that I can always tell and we understand it's not always possible to make it.
  4. Hugs Hippie, yes we had a blast missed you two:( I'll put up a pic later, woot
  5. Hugs Hippie, Val, Lia and all, good morning. Amazing that its been thirty years. Let the new era begin. NASA is an impressive site. NASA. /Dee takes care not to use TC instead of tc when she is (tc)ing:P
  6. @Storm, oh okay:) @Lia: Good morning hugs:) @yep Hippie halfway there:)
  7. @Hippie nice work TC = Take Care, well to you and I at least. I just looked on the urban dictionary which defines TC as "Trojan Latex condoms" or "topic creator". It should have been "tc" (non-caps) "take care" @Storm: I am a little perplexed as to why this would be considered a bomb, other than the fact one tends to related things based on their environment. Do please enlighten me? 
  8. Woot Hippie far out. Good morning Val, Lia and all. Hump day:) @Storm, good morning. You seem to have me at a disadvantage "bomb"???
  9. Good Morning Hippie, Val, Lia and all others. Sends Val some sunshine also we have the makings of a great day here:)
  10. Good morning Lia, Hippie, Val and all others:) Started the day with thunderstorms and power out for 2 hours, yep just love Mondays Lia stay safe:) Lot better Val lol Woot Hippie how was the pool? Hugs all
  11. LOL hugs all and good morning:) @Hippie glad all is good and your all safe in the new digs. From the look of your posts the new internet connection is twice as good /winks Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Internet at last! Then place is so cool! I will take picture and post soon! Hugs to all of you! Peace! Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning everyone! Internet at last! Hugs to all of you! Peace! 
  12. The tree the tree oh damn. Here we go Janelle Darkstone wrote: Marigold spent about a week in the hospital and was checked out just today, fully recovered. To celebrate her miraculous recovery, Janelle and Marigold went to their favorite roadside picnic table and had broccoli soup, coffee and donuts and both had a wonderful, completely PG-rated time.
  13. Didn't I just see you dancing Dillon, nice try:P
  14. @Val Gordon is a lucky fella @Lia LMAO bridge ahead 8ft clearence. Hugs ALL
  15. Good Morning all. Lovely Saturday here so far:) /Dee waves to Hippie travelers
  16. Glad to see you on the mend Mari:) @Janelle: There are rumours of a new group being form called "Can We Be You Patients". Mind you just a rumour, so far
  17. Hi all good morning:) I assume Hippie is on the road to new digs wooot and its FRIDAY:) ETA: Happy dance
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