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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Ms Lillie may I remind you that your rendition of "Hallelujah" at Hippiestock was fantastic captivating the crowd. You are more comfortable with the whole live stream thing now and it comes out with the music. But I won't forget that song, time or place. Dres and Lia please come join us some night in world, contrary to what some dried up old fart said elsewhere, we have a ton of fun when Lillie sings. It's about friends please join us if so incline:)
  2. @Ceka Doing fine thanks:) Pretty dumpy here too I think the sun nipped out for a makeover or spa day or two. Glad to see all is well and yes out on the water, cool it's what summer is for.
  3. Pencil me in Hippie WOOT:) Perform well I can whistle Dixie while smoking a joint, would that help. I mean I plan to do the joint bit anyway:)
  4. Happy Hump Day all:) I stumbled on this and can't get it out of my head and thought why suffer alone it is Weds:) Enjoy, maybe. lol
  5. Good Morning all:) Nice spread Hippie, I'll be right there have to do my hair first;)
  6. Good morning Hippie Lia Wicked and all. Cold, wet and miserable up here too. THis is how I felt this morning..
  7. Hugs all. What a lovely Saturday morning. @Val stay safe and enjoy<3 For those that partied a bit much last night HEY HOW ARE YOU sorry didn't mean to shout lol
  8. Woot Val crazy fits lol:) Hippie we need another log for those folks joining us great to see you all;) Damn it's hot all over we have Maddy's thundershowers heading our way. Obviously being North of Maddy isn't safe either. Where to hide where to hide. Get us some good pics Val and enjoy to your hearts content, woot:)
  9. Good Morning Hippie, Val, Wildcat, Lia and all others hugs:) What a fine day is on the horizon are you all packed Val? May your day be as great as I think mine will be:) But first coffee...
  10. @Wildcat: Good thing they don't shed lol. Oh wait it's SL nvm;) @Val Hey can Hippie, Lady and I come huh huh pleeeeaaasssseeeee huh huh @Fire up the ship Hippie in case she says yes:)
  11. @Dillon, @Void, @ Suella Okay you 3 break it up. Football shmutsball the Stanley Cup is on now for hockey, now that's important. @Des, Well the GD is back in name only and so far that's a good thing:) @theconfident Easy to answer people go to where they are most comfortable and always seek the environment that suits their needs.
  12. HEY: How is everyone Wooot. Damn hope notification is back working again. Hippie you have your own food supply now Missed you all - hugs
  13. @ Hippie /me chuckles:) @ Lillie /Dee puts the cap back on the marker damn caught me. Oh new vids, cool Dee heads out to look:) @Hi hugs Lia:)
  14. Good Morning Hippie, Lillie, Lia, Val, Wildcat and all others - Hugs:) @Lillie I promise not to say anything about Hippie being premature we wouldn't want people to think.......well you know:P I'm ready for the weekend:)
  15. Yep you nailed that one Hippie:) Hugs Lia:) Hugs Lillie:) My internet history is a national secrete, hehe ETA: Hugs Wildcat, woooot Here's another -
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