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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Lillie, great idea, say 7 or 7:30? Mike (whoever he be) will be pleased. Turdless punch, what a novel idea. Master baiter is that like a bee spelling? See you at the barn:)
  2. LILLIE! What you said the T thing OMG:P
  3. So truely sorry to hear that Hippie. If anyone is in my thoughts and prayers today it is Ladysue and the Bowman family. Peace and love - Dee
  4. It's to late at night, but I did think the "mute" not "moot" was kind of cool. ni ni
  5. Well my last word, and maybe I shouldn't have had a first one is pretty simple. The analogy is not flawed but just a simplistic statement of a deep fact. Hate and anger tend to affect those that continue to harbour those feelings and in the end the person they hate carries on happy in life while the one that hates sinks deeper in the abyss. It's the double edged sword syndrome. If one continues to open the hate can and look inside, ones bound to get some on them. My underlying complaint I guess was the need you felt to bring it all up again, you could have IM'd Hippie and explained. BTW the person you are referring to told me some time ago they would probably not attend also for similar reasons resulting from other people. Small world the grid can be. If you come I'll say hi, if you don't then I can't. Either way it all becomes a moot point doesn't it.
  6. Okay Keli that's too funny:) Dil your being followed, lol *waves to both
  7. Lia, it sort of reminds me of this scenario: (I won a free trip to Paris, but I didn't go because the guy at the back of the plane pissed me off. Boy did I show him.) To each there own I guess. On to Hippiestock 12 woooot.
  8. Hi Void: I fully agree. Any change of this sort should come with all restrictions imposed as in "OFF". Those with the interest to pursue the program further whatever their respective reason may be, need only go to a linked site present on the main page brought up with http://my.secondlife/ and view a simple video tut. Restrictions a user can switch on/off on their respective profile should be all encompassing in the user's favour. I have turned the Feed off and still can post and receive notices when someone posts to me or answers. There is work left to do before it suits me. Some folks find the most Obscure things amusing, it seems
  9. Opensource Obscure wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Pretty well everything has been said by the above posts, so I'll just add my 2 penny rant to it. To start with this is just dumb, now everyrhing someone posts to my Feed. I get another gmail notice and another notice in world. Amusing how you spent time to talk about this here - when in that same time you could have given a look to the privacy settings and set them the way you like. So pleased you are amused. I'm not:(
  10. Hey Val Gordon looks different, is it the new haircut? valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Dee! Hiya Lia and Hippie and all! Hang on guys, it's almost the weekend!
  11. Tell you what Perrie, you come to Hippiestock 12 and I'll talk with you, at you, around you and not to mention about you. Oh and those that know me are aware I am not mean. So come on now give it a shot. I have this dance on my hud also:P
  12. Ceka, I have to say I heard about the same thing. When I transtated it to French and then German it look roughly the same:P Jo, I believe it is selective then based on who is using it as I see no change to speak of,
  13. It is kind of interesting on how the spider crawls throught the internet. Yes they never seem to get the good pics do they, buggers:P
  14. Want to find something interesting is just search your SL name on your browser. One can run but you can't hide.
  15. Hey Cheka hi there. It's like Christmas in July but no presents:P
  16. Pretty well everything has been said by the above posts, so I'll just add my 2 penny rant to it. To start with this is just dumb, now everyrhing someone posts to my Feed. I get another gmail notice and another notice in world. That's just great ,more to delete or miss important information on. Everyone on my friends list can see anything I post to the feed, damn, I have people on that list from over 3 years ago hope their not offended as I clean them out today. The level of restriction is not finite enough there should be a selection on the friends list that one can set if you wish them to have access to your Feed. This little scenario should prove interesting: Friend A and Friend B are partners. They break up, happens all the time. Friend A is pissed at me now because Friend B posted a joke to me on my Feed and Friend A thinks I shouldn't have Friend B on my friends list anymore because they hate them. It's a childish little scheme but we all know how people can be. More friggin drama. I sure hope SL knows where they are going with this because I ruddy well don't. I just wish they had fixed in world group chat instead:P
  17. Perrie: Would you not consider "all" a rather broad stroke of the brush. I don't recall having any confrontations with anyone that was there. I guess its a matter of one's perspective, rather sad really:( Perrie Juran wrote: I won't be attending this year. I am embarrassed that I participated last year. All those people attending, even being allowed to contribute, pretending to be all lovey dovey, while at the same time constantly, persistently and consistently stabbing each other in the back both on the Flogs and their personal blogs. If this opinion makes me unpopular, so be it. We all shared at Woodstock what Melanie sings in her song, "We had all caught the same disease: Peace" I wish you well in doing this Hippie, but I just can not see myself participating again after what went on last year. It was just too painful for me.
  18. Well if you really are psychic then I don't have to say what I'm thinking about your post, yawn. Mayalily wrote: No, I'm psychic in many ways! I knew that response was coming. I was just waiting for it. *yawn* because I have psychic abilities. I really actually do. And I never actually said the photo was "cute"; it's just some people think their photo is cute; I'm not into being a soccer Mom. But cute guy photos, that would be a different story altogether. I'd look at the cute guy photos, but not necessarily reply to this topic. SL is what the individual makes it, nothing more, nothing less, and all this is is arguing whether SL is a game or not. I think Keli is looking for the mating game, or the vanity thread.
  19. Good Morning all:) Hugs Lia, Val and Hippie. As one strives to find an answer behind the cause of this senseless act we are faced with the fact that there really isn't one. This warped individual may claim any reason they wish but what I see is someone who is enjoying their 15 mins of fame. My heart grieves for all the victims and those left to feel their lose. Did this fool's act rob society of the worlds next great statesman/woman, musician, artist, scientist, inventor, mother or father? We will never know the cost of such acts, but only imagine what could have been. Such waste and so sad.
  20. Good Morning Hippie, Val , Lia and all. Bugger Monday's:( Typical Monday:P Going to work on Monday
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