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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. @Dillon - yes missed you Dil we do need to do it again - hugs:) @ Hippie - ooops, hehe I missed yours Hippie:( so last night we did an impromptu one. I shall not forget to look for you again
  2. I must apologize if you believe I would offer Sylvia my aid purely for my own benefit or gain. I have, from reliable sources mind you, that Quinn is in fact a client of yours. I recognized a double team effort going here and besides why share when the possibility exists to have it all. Thank you on the boots. I do have them in three colours of black. Please contact me in world and we could discuss reasonable price prior to my placing them on the market place. Hugs - Dee
  3. @Live: I thought about it for some time and I believe I have the answer to OLOPS absence. Obviously she must be from the US and of course everyone has the 4th of July off. @Charolotte: I love your prim attachments most becoming and such a lovely texture. Would you have a Marketplace link so I may acquire them also? /Dee heads off to refine her building skills dreaming of the profits that could be made:P
  4. @Sylvia: A warning be careful not to be deceived by those vixens that wish to profit by your spiritual enlightenment. As you can see I have been busy honing my building skills and have at this point been able to design and produce footwear suitable for pilgrimage. These desirable boots are both mod and copy which will allow you to colour them black or black as appropriate to their purpose. I would suggest any high quality boots or any footwear for that matter currently in your inventory be placed in my safe keeping pending a raffle were they can be purchased by me , sorry someone. The funds collected will be given to the first redhead I encounter. Be strong Sylvia be strong.
  5. Ah yes Zippity the religion of science or is that the science of religion. It is a hoot regardless:)
  6. I have noticed that there seems to be some kind of significants to the fact certain pilgrims are blessed with prims while visiting Our Lady. Is this a sign? The sign of the PRIM?
  7. I feel Sylvia it was the least I could do to show my respect:P
  8. Sylvia it is amazing. This "Our Lady of Perpetual Silence" has secret powers. After a short recovery I found myself inspired to build something of great significants in her honour. One must understand I was never able to perform a build with such beauty prior to my pilgrimage. I feel blessed
  9. Good Morning Val and Hippie:) Yell Booo again Val Lia didn't wake up:P I think I'll roll over for just a bit
  10. I knew it the guy on the left is Dr Richard la Roc. My what a big hammer he has, hehe:P
  11. Woot Great Hippie imagine if we combine the two dates what a blast:) @Lia, she'll love that are real nice touch;) @Val. My god Val is really back. Way to go girl great pic and I love the smileys. wooot Val isn't Bastille day when you opened the prisons and sent the inmates to New France. I happen to know a few descendants. lmao.
  12. Morning All:) @Val, Gordon seems to be quite comfortable with his new home. Great pic Val
  13. Awwww Val, that broke my heart to hear about Greta so sorry hun. You did the right thing with Gordon, You can't replace Greta but you can share your love with Gordon. Hi Gordon.
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