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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Lillie you might end up with the Guys That Gawk instead:)
  2. Cool. Yep we were all standing around waiting for you lol. Hey Good Afternoon works too
  3. Not dimwitted at all Lia. Keli is right that's were its from. As soon as I can figure out how to I'll put a link with the signature:)
  4. Hugs Dil, yes got an early night last night. Back now though can't leave you all standing lol. Doesn't Janelle have an excellent talent that last pic was, well just perfect:)
  5. Good morning out there in the SL world.:0 Hugs Lia, Hippie,, Val and Wildcat, If you haven't already this thread is worth a read through Muuurrg Went to Val's last night with Maddy and Ange (bet that damn bird told you Val) kudos Val it's lovely:)
  6. That last pic in the series has to be the "pièce de résistance " it's classic. Fab work. You even made Muuurrg lovable now that's art. Thanks
  7. Hugs all:) Good to see you and Ladysue last night Hippie and good luck with the new job, woot
  8. Janelle, I'm not sure where your going with this but it's a fantastic ride and I'm with you all the way. Oh you can derail any thread I do:)
  9. Lovely Wildcat, I'm not sure specifically what you are referring to but the whole pic is just great, lol
  10. Oooops. I forgot you can read this, damn. Hail OLoPS forgive me! Gimme my boots back:P Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: To heck with OLoPS I am hooked on the "Muurrg's and The Cookie Guide" lol Blasphemer!! /me snatches your plywood boots away @Janelle - I love the twists and turns this thread has taken...it's so much fun! Please keep posting your amazing pics...I love them (and am in awe of your talent)!! :smileyhappy:
  11. RICH just RICH, woot:) To heck with OLoPS I am hooked on the "Muurrg's and The Cookie Guide" lol Maybe you could call it "All A Bot SL" /chuckles
  12. Mr. Juran; I must stay that the correct amount of time has passed and we are able, if not willing, to review your complaint previously submitted. On speaking with my supervisor I have been advised to note that we are indeed sympathetic to your current plight but alas unable to comment further. Next: Hey Perrie; sssssh listen you could possibly get another hound for the other leg to provide balance. It is well known that enough dogs lurk here about:) This message will disappear in approximately 20 mins.
  13. Thank you Ms Wickentower, I am pleased to be a member of such dedicate and professional team (thank god on no uniforms). I shall endeavor to follow in your footsteps in an effort to achieve the level of perfection you have set as a standard. @Mr.Juran; I find that as of this moment I am unable to make comment on your situation. To explain I am awaiting the required time frame to ensure that said dog is not going to file a complaint about the av stuck to his stomach. You shall receive notice in the mail when we are ready to continue. :Next
  14. I must say Val that is rather pretty a pic, haunting but pretty. Hugs Lia and Val:)
  15. Hey Lia wait a minute!! Oh sorry I can't answer that one it's a level 5 and I just got in, I think. Valid complaint, maybe humm lets see now, okay I'll do what Katt does so well: Next
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