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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Good Morning all:) I stumbled on this over the weekend so thought it fits our mentality best
  2. I just thought I might add that there is a group in SL called "The Ladies Who Lunch" it is open to join and there is no financial benefit to anyone. The objective is to use it as a means to convey information to others in the group of events or parties that are happening so those wishing to can attend. It is not designed for club owners or others to advertise. Since conference IM's is still crippled this is the next best thing. If you are a group member and are performing somewhere or having a party or just want to chat feel free to use it and we welcome you:) @Val: I am still aiming for at least a party or get together once a month on Sundays so we can get you out high stepping with us.
  3. @Val: Yes the sense of community is the integral part of SL for me also. Although time zones are a big pain we are able to at least say hi or wave to each other which is cool. @Sylvia You have to go to Val's sim with biscuits for the parrot or he will rat you out. We all partake when we can in Hippie's good morning thread and I do think it's the longest daily running one since the new forums. It is a comfortable place (not please, sigh) to say hi and check on each others events. That one I would like to see run for as long as we let it. Hugs
  4. That's odd I plus friends went there last Monday and I was totally impressed with the time, effort and results of this sim. If you go make sure you sit in the theater and watch the video on the Alamo it is an eye opener to say the least. How did I find out about it, well the destination guide a tool I will visit more often.
  5. Hey Val, (winks back). Yes, made a lot of friends through the forums some casual some close and I treasure each one. The forums provide a unique opportunity to gauge people based on how they react when posting. Those that demonstrate certain traits tend to allow one to see who they would like to meet as well who they would like to hide from. A natural progression to me is if you like the way some one handles themselves here then why not take it a step further and into the grid. Birds of a feather flock together, right. What forced a lot of this move to in-world was the dead period between the old and new forum software. Those that greeted and enjoyed each others postings, had no way to continue contact. Some went to other forums, some started their own forums or blogs more suited to their respective mentality and others moved to readily available social platforms. The downside was some posters I found really interesting did not sadly, return to the forums. The upside was a lot of the agitators also disappeared. The double edged sword I guess. Again yes I have met and continue to interact with people from the forums when on the grid and for me that's great because of the many things SL offers the social aspect is the one I enjoy most.
  6. Good Morning All. woot:) Brunch time Yes I know it's cake but its Sunday:)
  7. Good Morning all Hugs Happy Saturday:) You have to watch this (because I said ,lol) Kitty
  8. Hi Wildcat ooooohhhh chocolate oooowwwwww:) Hey where is Hippie?????
  9. Good morning Lia, Val, Lillie, Hippie and all:) Lillie I know two of those guys in that pic:P
  10. What time is it?? OMG /Dee rushes to work Sees the boss waiting Apologizes Rushes over to desk sits down Lia what was in that?? Morning all oh my head
  11. HIC! Thanks Lia:P Hugs Val I want one of those little Bees, so cute:)
  12. Good morning Hippie, Val, Lia and all others:) Awwww Hippie I wonder if you both have the same thing? Get better quick hugs
  13. Hugs all Good Day eh! @Dillon thank you /Dee smiles:) Nice to see other folks dropping in. woot Tuesday, well the pic says it all
  14. Wooot hehe Hippie Bowman wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Awwww ty Hippie. Can I have your holiday too?? Oh and thank Lady for the flowers Back to my normal pose Sure. You can have my day off! hehe! I will thank Lady! Far out! Peace!
  15. Awwww ty Hippie. Can I have your holiday too?? Oh and thank Lady for the flowers Back to my normal pose
  16. Hippie, Val, Lia and all thank you for your well wishes, Jen and I appreciate them. There is nothing better then sharing with friends I wish you all could have made it. Well we have three years in SL together now and are planning next years party so mark the calendar, lol. I must add that Lillie and Gypsy were very gracious and provided the songs for the party for that I thank them both. I even remembered to take 3 pics. So when asked about SL and relationships you probably know what my thoughts are Did I mention today was a holiday for me:)
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