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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Good Morning Girls, Does anyone know if the voodoo doll order has been placed yet? Love the new sig Ave:)
  2. What the hell is that smell????? ETA: Found the smell the guy across the street had the BBQ going;)
  3. Well that explains everything???
  4. Well I don't ever recall seeing a request, but considering your opinion that's a mute point now. Any member in LWL can invite another person it is not up to any one person. That we are not wide open is no surprise considering the comment made in other threads, does it? Have a nice day, or not:)
  5. /waves to Cinn, Hi there and your in:)
  6. I got a bunch Lillie no problem and it is so pink Dil. I was glad when P_p left this forum, that style of childish aggravation to one and all was nice to see gone. So now we have his wannabe dummy poking every where with a pointed stick. To be honest I'm done with this crap, Maddy is the smart one. I am really fearful of becoming what I most despise in this arena.
  7. Here here Dil. I totally agree. It is these unsung heroes that open to the world masses the unjust hardships placed upon small organizations who's sole purpose is to promote friendship and fun. Thank You Ms S___R___ the time will come when we are actually able to say your name out loud:P Nail colour Dil, what do you think? llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  8. Good Morning Val, Lia, Wildcat, Hippie and all others - hugs. We fast approach the need for our Friday icons/smiley's isn't that sweet:)
  9. I have to stop this, nah:P Another favourite
  10. John McDermott, doesn't it just go right through you. I wish Mags was back she would love it:)
  11. @Katt: love your Danny Boy the song tears me up. This is my favourite rendition, have you heard it? Edit to remove extra letters:)
  12. Hugs all Hippie, Val, Lia, Wildcat and all.:0 Priceless pic Wildcat:P
  13. Quinn I had not heard that before, I am amazed. I love how she closed her eyes completely wrapped in the music and moment. Just beautiful, thanks:) @Lillie we learn by our environment obviously your son has a great teacher.
  14. Void, I had not heard that before, thank you for posting it. There are now 3 of us heading off to fix our makeup. Here are 2 German ones and those that understand them know why they are here: Here the same person singing both as a child and adult, Heintje, thanks
  15. Well I'm supose to be going to bed but I came back for another look and it got me thinking again so for the sound of the horn that brings tears to my eyes there is this Having grown up in a military household this piece bring tears to my eyes, one either loves them or hates them but I love them.
  16. That's nice. Glad I didn't get you to chose choose my drapes, obviously we thing think different. I am lucky:) Storm Clarence wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Lovely Tem:) I see many things in this work, but I do not see lovely. When listening to Mahler's Symphony No. 5 one 'feels' turbulance; anguish; absolute despair. Considered one of his most complex works with regard to structure. Original and "tight" - anything but lovely.
  17. Makes you want to grab a spoon and eat the little tyke up. Thanks for posting the pic - hugs Wildcat:)
  18. I would like to answer some of these but supper is ribs tonight and that is just too too messy:)
  19. Damnit Dres the last time I saw you at Quinns you made a shirt I gave you look great. You are welcome and I mean this to join us at any time or place we would love to have you. I'm not sure if Dil is going to offer you one of our groups but I will be doing the same once I get in world and it is the LWL I will have a special tag for you as I have done for all our male members. From our brief encounters I can speak safely for all we would love you to join us. Get your dancing shoes ready, we are going for a ride. Hugs Dee
  20. Okay Lillie the contest one got me just beautiful, thanks:)
  21. Hugs to the whole ruddy lot of you guys. love you all. May your day be great and your mice plump. Kisses Dee
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