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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Keli will you put that pan down, your scaring me:P
  2. See this is sort of what it's all about I guess. You'll have to ask Dillon yourself. While I belong to many groups in SL, I do, believe it or not, act on my own accord. I neither seek or require permission from anyone. So I tossed an olive branch because your post was non offensive to me and rather cute. Hope it wasn't to forward of me?
  3. Well not that surprising it does have a lot to do with the approach. A smile deserves a smile don't you think:) No coaching from Maddy here Storm it comes from within - hugs
  4. A little fresh blood can't hurt. We can learn from anyone that has the right approach and manner:)
  5. Well we can fix that, not much else, but that for sure:)
  6. Dres I'm not on the grid now but I do believe your already in the group?
  7. Hi Jacki, I just happened to be on the grid so I sent you an invite. Hope to see you soon:) For anyone else interested "How does one get to be a LWL" just IM any of the group members. No dues and no special requirements, although the odd silly looking hat does help. Hugs
  8. Oh mines fine thanks. Not to round. I was surprised to find there are those in here that have a "gluteus maximus" that can type. Pretty amazing, what:)
  9. Hugs Val as we have talked you know I am here for you whenever you want. You may yell in either French or English. Love you Val and hugs you tight.
  10. Of all the things I have achieved in life so far, you know shopping, baking bread, selecting the right nail polish a musical instrument is not in the cards as yet. Although I am a devote listener when I hear something of value. I wonder if fiddling around in these forums may be classed as playing, something. Then again considering the impact of what is typed in here has on the world both RL and SL I guess playing is the wrong term.
  11. Peewee when you ever find them could you send me mine please, they must be hiding in the same place:P
  12. Morning Ave, Lillie how's your gluteus maximuses this morning. It is noisy I'm not sure if I heard worshipers cuming or going. It's hard to tell sometimes. I did love Bobbies concert last night, that was not only unique but thoroughly enjoyable. Now that was worth listening to:P
  13. Having waited what I consider the appropriate amount of time for those with the answers to world famine, all the diseases yet to be conquered to have their say, but no one has jumped in. So back to the lists. I recall and old GD OP that dealt with being on lists but I can't find the link in my list of links:(
  14. You do know Keli I have started my own list of what people list based on this list about lists:)
  15. That's interesting. I looked in the mirror the other day and I swear I saw my mom for a brief moment. The best way to anwser follows Keli: 1) Are you a LWL?- Yes (Lady with Lists) 2) If not how do you keep track of things? - See above 3) Do you use your phone to make lists? - Yes 4) Do you use your computer to make lists? - Yes 5) Do you use some form of handwritten list. - Yes 6) Do you make the list or do other people make them for you? - Both 7) Do you think this list is too long? - No I think if anything I am not listless:) 
  16. Kind of a great way to start the day:) Lia, great meeting you last night in world:) Val you old softy, lol we have to catch you in world one night. I can't understand why your not up at 3 in the morning;)
  17. I wouldn't put that on your resume if I was you. While you did, do and probably always will constantly mention the phrase you may take no self levied credit for anything beyond that. We have achieved our notoriety entirely through the efforts of SC and VP, you’re not even on the batters list. So Pep proclaim what you will, it just ain’t you babe. (of course in another 6 months the whole thing will be your idea as you describe it) Nice try Pep wrote: OK it's my fault. I christened them and effectively operationalised them as without me they would have been sitting on their big fat gluteus maximuses taking photos of their cankles and making lists of their duplicate purchases residing in their extensive lagladen inventories. I am Frankenstein (he was the creator; the monster was unnamed) except i have, as in the best of black magic rituals, given a name to the multi-headed hydra and thereby given it substance where there was none, invoking a coven of zombies that dance around their handbags barefooted and who stick bobby-pins into victims they lure into the pentacle of the People Forum. These latter nemeses are those imbued with more powers of empathy than the koffeeklatsch of rather dull-witted and unperspicacious members who would wish these mean spirits to use their gifts in the direction of the sympathetic magic that the prandial postmenopausal participants purport to perform. Pep (recommends that the LWL enter merger negotiations with the SLLU, thus potentially obtaining economies of scale in their mutually compatible programs of universal inclusiveness.) 
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