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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. What can I say Dil, I am a redhead:P
  2. LOL and it's all sticky and stuff eeeeww:P another hug Ima:) /runs off laughing
  3. Well Mickey there's not much more I can say. Search the group check out it's description it is pretty straight forward and unassuming. I'm not intent on selling anything or anyone to anything. Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. No need for further explanation, Nothing exclusive at all, now to protect club members from those intent on disruption at any cost ( I don't think I need to go into detail), yes you need to be invited but this is something any member can do. There has been a bit of urine thrown around from all, I see no need to regurgitate it, although I don't like to see people I like get peed on either. Clarity is like perception and interpretation, one see's what they wish, I guess.
  4. Shocked, pure shock I'm speachless:) Well not really hugs Ima:) Ima Rang wrote: Whoa...There is way too much nice going on in this thread. I think it gave me a cavity and an ice cream headache. Of course you realize, I have no choice but to troll you now. Here we go, prepare yourself... Diet Coke sucks! Ok...there ya go...bandage your wounds and let this be a lesson to ya.
  5. Oooops, /Dee points at everyone else:P Hugs Wildcat:) Wildcat Furse wrote: WHO ATE MY BREAKFAST?????? PS. goodmorning :smileywink: *meows*
  6. Snugs talk to Keli she can sneak you some fried chicken, not sure if that can last till Maddy gets her cooking sorted out:) /wonders what petrified fried chicken looks like using both meanings of the word.
  7. Charolette, I like the speed with which you move. Is there a time frame for our answers to be in? Can we enter our requests here? I haven't met Mickey either but maybe tonight:)
  8. Thats a good point Lillie, Hey I'll be there. @Mickey why don't you pop by if you can, we won't force you to join a group or tie you down, Well maybe tie you down. You can see what we are not about.
  9. @Val are you making these smileys, lol Hugs girl. @Sylvia, I think "a rat" in French means to stop, so there might have been something lost in translation "n'est-ce pas". hugs Syl
  10. @Mickey: Storm is active elsewhere, but he posted on a thread this morning. Oh my "reputation" is a bad thing for a girl to have, lol. I guess we are guilty of being, shall we say over protective at times, but we are a group:) @Charo I liked that its Prettier:P @Lilliie, was that a BBQ at the Barn or a BBQ of the barn;) The restaurant would be a great idea, would you like to work with Charolette on arranging it? /Dee tries to slide the buck to Charo and Mickey;) I think it would be a hoot.
  11. Whew, so it's not a knork then:)
  12. Wooot Hugs all lets eat. No hair please! /Dee sits next to Val hoping some class will rub off:) Hippie where are you?
  13. Lillie that is either one big fork or one heck of a small piece of cake:P Lillie Woodells wrote: Quinn Morani wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: So I arranged with the caterers, set out place holders, ordered a crate of wine and even did a special request sushi bar for what!? This lunch is gonna happen, this lunch is gonna happen. I'm only coming if you put out the good silver and china! Oh I should have posted the recipe here, but I put it on Hippie's thread. It will be my contribution for our lovely lunch! Diet Coke Cake
  14. "Ladies Who Lunch" Well we have some "ladies", we aren't sure "who" and I have been reminded that we did our first "lunch". Having never seen the TV show that's talked about, (don't watch the boob tube well rarely)so it had little to do with it. I honestly liked the ring of it. I had thought of Dames Dat Dance (lacked class), Women With Wine (implied we need alcohol) Bitches That Bop (only I would be in the group), Damsels Not Distressed (had merit), but The Ladies Who Lunch won out. The other groups Ladies Who Lunch, Beautiful Ladies who Lunch and for obvious reasons Ladies who Lunch Bakery didn't actually fit the need. I do, as said, like the idea of a dine out at a fine establishment, we have never done that. I think Charolette has something in mind. I would like to thanks Keli for the fried chicken last night was excellent. Dres...yes you may wear your bustier,lol. So basically we are about this
  15. Keli, honestly where would I be without you. There it is Mickey good thing I don't collect the dues (there aren't any)
  16. Damn yes Keli that's true sorry. But I am thinking, and I think Mickey is also, of going somewhere in world for the express purpose to sit at a fine place lunch and chat. BTW How is that fried chicken coming along
  17. Yes I know the shame of it all, lol. To be honest I have no idea what we are trying to conform to. Oh we had a cold plate at a barn dance once and Lillie BBQ. Actually we are one of three groups in world that have "Ladies Who Lunch" in their title. I'll have to ask them if they ever lunch. Now there is always a first time do you have a place in mind, seriously it would prove to be fun:)
  18. I doubt it Mickey, I don't think we have ever had lunch so to speak.
  19. Venus Petrov wrote: What does 'Your world. Your imagination.' mean to you? How do you express it in your Second Life? An interesting question Venus and within the confines of the tools provided to us an answer, for me, could never be singular. It's a wonderland full of surprises and creativity. It's Alice in Wonderland to Robinson Crusoe ( also some of The Emperor's New Clothes) It's a clean slate waiting to be drawn on, It's a creative environment that you can utilize and even gain financial reward from, It's a place to meet and enjoy the company of others that share your thoughts, It's a place to be educated by contact with people around the globe. It's a place to escape from some of the things in RL that closing your eyes doesn't rid you of. It's a place where you can for a moment shirk the responsibility placed on you by society and your surrounding and just be a damn fool exercising the child within. It's a place where friendships can be cemented, cherished and protected with an intensity at time more than some in RL. I could go on but I think you understand me. There are those who find this all a crock, but that's their loss not mine. I just wonder as to why are they here then? As a race where would we be if no one could dream?
  20. Hugs Keli, sorry I was spray painting some supportive signs. Val's with me are you in,lol. I do hope whatever Hippie tosses at me misses, /looks around sheepish like. GIRL POWEEERR
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