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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Oh I can add this. Made it for Hippiestock 2012. It will be available at the stage for 0Ls as a keepsake. Thanks to Keli for the great logo.
  2. lol, Will post when I get home;) I'm in for the next event:)
  3. The bird is without doubt crafty, but I have time /snickers. Hugs and Happy Friday all. Val, thinking of you, hugs you tight:)
  4. That was a load of fun and a great time, ty Quinn. Keli I think Maddy was enjoying the music to much to misbehave. An awful lot of time an effort was obviously spent on this sim and we braved the lag well. I would love to see LL put a little more server horsepower behind sims designed for public attendance. Everyone would benefit from it. I bought three hat's, sighs.
  5. Well I went for a quick look and took my home made Parrot Trap. The bird must have flown the coop, it probably reads this forum. So I stopped for a drink. Next time:(
  6. Cool, yep I have to go and checkout the place;) You know the place wink wink
  7. Me Hippie, oh no never. Do you have a burlap sack, say about the size of.....well..... lets just say the size of a parrot? If we do this right, Wildcat will be dining well tomorrow and I can use colourful feathers in a hat I'm making. Mind you this is all just random thoughts (insert evil grin). /heads off to put plan together
  8. Okay listen up Val should be sleeping when we get on tonight, so we could sneak up on the parrot and......I had better do this in private chat:P
  9. cough cough sorry the pixie dust went down the wrong way. I eagerly await your report. It sounds like a great hoot:)
  10. Lillie that is just gross:P I wonder if there is a maket on SLM for that?
  11. Sylvia, you are a god send okay here are the matching boots. Please IM for pricing there is a limited supply. Could also be setup in a vendor scheme:)
  12. hehe the "vamp" was self inflected;) Yes, I didn't like all the fiddling around so that was why I moved to the larger brand. I also found they are much smoother if you don't do a normal inhale, but rather draw to the mouth and then inhale like most probably did when you first started smoking Yes, that method works best for me. I hope these comments are a help to others.
  13. Quinn great idea, colour me there. Keli I love hats, but my problem is finding the right size:P ETA: This one does match the prim skirt though:)
  14. LoneStarLady while this may sound silly but from your explanation two things can also cause this. Try the stop flying mode first, but you can also try the "page down key" to see if the av returns to earth. Also get rid of any attachments to see if there isn't a script causing this to take place. Worth a try:)
  15. I do have to laugh. I guess the added "m" (vamping instead of vaping) would pretty much verify my novice status. Thanks. I tried it out on a ProSmoke. It was so much like a normal cigarette I was worried about finishing a smoke in the car and chucking it out the window. That could get expensive. What ever one uses good luck. Never thought of a weed binge Dres:)
  16. It's a late night so I'll get in first hugs all. I even beat Val, lol:)
  17. Thanks Storm, we all know how difficult this battle is. What appealed to me and as a result has so far worked is that I go through all the motions just no tobacco and it's byproducts. Makes you want to stand in a group setting and say "Hi I am Dee and I am a smoker" Wish you all the luck and staying power, fight it and beat it:)
  18. Oh Void, how long have you been vamping vaping? It's cost me about 100 US so far but in the total of 3 months I have saved more than that not buying cigarettes. I use the eGo-T it looks like I am smoking a cigarillo but I don't need cartridges. I am pleased with what the results are.
  19. ooohh cool. If you promise not to remove the creators tag that comes with them, I will ship today... The wording may be a bit off but I can change it.. I think it says something like "Dee Done It" Edited: Removed what didn't quite sound right
  20. True Sylvia the bird is a bit of a rat? Oh did I mention the boots are available in 4 shades of basic black?
  21. Woooot Sylvia congrats, I see the makings of a party here:) Lets see a gift maybe these lovely boots or Val's parrot below?? I think this is Val's parrot?
  22. Maddy I wish my spiders were like that - hugs to you:) Like these birds Wildcat?
  23. Hugs Darrius try not to be good
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