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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Got to love you girl, wooooot /big smile There great on a bicycle, you can scare any cars out of your way. BLLLLAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT ETA: DON"T TEST INDOORS EVER:)
  2. cough cough oh, yes right it was the mic honest Ima. What air horn?
  3. @Darrius, I would respond to that Darrius but Lillie owns an air horn, Right Lillie nudge nudge:)
  4. waves to Jacki and welcome words at any time they are
  5. Dres I think we all have canceled the good "why you....posts" well almost all.
  6. Kylie, as a smoker for many years, I fully understand what your going through. I have not smoked a cigarette for the last 2 months and I don't miss them at all. What I do instead is what they call "vamp vaping" which is e-cigarettes, you might find it an aid. Anyway worth checking out and of course the decision is then yours.
  7. That's a hoot, like a lot things posted I didn't understand it either. God I have even noticed an echo. I have to get the screen checked too I see a double image, Oh well - hugs:P
  8. Was great seeing you Cinn. He was no different than some others they like to look but you can't get them on the ground. Have a great day - hugs
  9. Good Morning Lillie was a great time last night a good turn out as usual. ") Hugs ladies and gents..
  10. Good morning Val, Hippie, Lia, Wildcat, Sylvia, Lillie, Snugs, Maddy, Ralph, John Boy, Waldo and all the other friendly folks that pop by. Hump Day always a pleasure to see it pass when it does. Special hugs Val.
  11. Pretty much wraps it up Katt. Now someone is "taking a mickey" here and "storm clouds" are brewing so I'm going to just sit back and take it nice and easy. See you at the barn - hugs
  12. You know me I don't base things on what others say I try to see them in world and decide on my own. Your loved you just have to accept it. It's hard but thems the facts.
  13. Thats not it Ima it's just that we love you - hugs Ima Rang wrote: Mickey Vandeverre wrote: I don't have a clue Ima. was just asking. still seems to be some confusion on whether it's sarcasm, irony, roleplay, or whatever. I think it is just 'whatever'. I mean I belong to the FC, as a Pie Thrower, but I have never thrown a real or digital pie. It is just a tag/group name. There is no compound or kool aid parties. I suppose the LWL is considered an offensive bunch of do gooders, but that, by virtue of them accepting me into their group would have to be examined closely as an actual truth. I confess that I am not at all clear on what caused or perpetuates the us verses them scenario....and I did spend a cumulative 20 minutes trying to...but I'm not getting any clear answers on that front.
  14. No problem Hippie 1 chicken juice with bay leaves coming up. Snugs SNugs SNUgs SNUGs OH SNUGS. Damn where is she/he/her/them. No wonder Maddy has a headache:P ETA: keyboard fight going on here
  15. Mickey, I am the one confused. You have had at least 4 different people explain to you all day now and still the same question? It's not that hard, well at least for us. Would you please just come out and say what it is your really after rather than badgering people who are trying to be decent in response to you, it is tiring.
  16. That's a valid point:) And a decent comment until the ETA: part was added tsk tsk Storm Clarence wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: OMG was that Hippie that just rocketed through here? Wow that was fast:P If you had LadySue waiting you would be fast, too. ETA I RIC'd myself Dee, figured I would save you the trouble.
  17. OMG was that Hippie that just rocketed through here? Wow that was fast:P
  18. You are right Dil it really means little, fun is the aim and we achieve that:)
  19. This is pretty much how it started out Katt.(see quotes) So between Keli and I a star was born. I had started the group after asking a certain person what he meant by "Ladies Who Lunch" and realizing it was quite different from mine (knew that anyway) so I went my way. I had checked the groups found few already using that term, as I explained earlier, there was nothing new or innovative about it. How we all ended up in the group you are aware of . That it irritates someone who would like to claim ownership to it's birth doesn't hurt either. Keli Kyrie wrote: I have heard some talk about a Ladies who Lunch Club and now that the main objector no longer makes a appearance in these forums I thought maybe now would be a good to start the club. The thought of us getting together over salad and ice tea making some people upset is just to tempting to me I love the sound of this club. Anyone want to join me for lunch? Edit: I want this club to have fun so I am changing the title to SLadies who Lunch.   DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Keli I actually have started that group a little while ago inworld. I send you an invite the agenda is the similar...  kattatonia Wickentower wrote: That's interesting Dil, I didn't know that Keli came up with the name. I always thought the group was formed in response to an attempt by someone to dis one (or more) of us by lumping us together and calling us ladies who lunch. As if that meant that our opinions were not to be treated with respect or courtesy. Rather than allowing him to dismiss us this way, we embraced the concept, formed the group, started hanging out together and had ourselves a good time. The afore mentioned someone has regretted his action and wishes he never said the words.
  20. Heeeeyyyy Hippie, oh my dentist eeeuck. You need chicken juice I can tell:P Couldn't find the chicken juice how about chocolate?
  21. Well it's nice to know there are those out there with our interests at heart in a positive way. Now I'm off to buy some new shoes somewhere. Work, work, work thats all I ever do damn.
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