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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Val, I almost fell off my chair reading that. Thanks that was a hearty chuckle. You know my thoughts, will try to catch you in world hugs;)
  2. Good Morning all:) Wildcat I'm glad your feeling better. I understand a law is being passed to have expiry date as a requirement on all packaged mice sold. This action should help:P
  3. Hello Venus: That's a rather interesting definition of a cult, it could in fact be, by your terms, everyone who joined SL is a member of a cult. The cult being SL itself. Group for the sole purpose of pulling the group together for formal and informal gatherings Is this against their expressed will? These groups are not open enrollment because the leader(s) like to maintain ‘quality control’ over membership. You pay the 100L you to can set the limits on your group, your money your choice. Group gatherings occur on a regular basis, sometimes with a ‘theme’ – like dancing with sheep or wearing funny hats. So a group in your mind should not get together, should stand around watching paint dry, cows not sheep, and don't touch the hats. When threats surface, the leader may intervene personally and try to influence the threat and, ultimately, draw the threat into the fold (to better control it). Don't let Rodvik read that one. Just thought I would quickly mention the above, to me it doesn't make sense. I really stopped by to drop off your order of Bats blood, newt eyes, brooms and second hand chrome plated candle holders. Where do you want them over here by the.......oh my what a big kettle. @Canoro A very nice answer:) @Willow: I'm in Venus Petrov wrote: I am not referring to informal gatherings of individuals who share like interests. I am not referring to RP groups like Bloodlines. I am referring to individuals who create a Group for the sole purpose of pulling the group together for formal and informal gatherings. These groups are not open enrollment because the leader(s) like to maintain ‘quality control’ over membership. Group gatherings occur on a regular basis, sometimes with a ‘theme’ – like dancing with sheep or wearing funny hats. Most group members, once inculcated, will acknowledge publicly the leader or leaders. This social construct is a clique. To become a cult, one individual in particular must be at least informally acknowledged as the leader. This leader influences what cult members do and think (particularly about others) and will work to influence the views of non-cult members who they may feel have an influential voice for some members or future members. In many instances, the power of this leader is not obvious to those outside the cult. The leader will quietly gather information and may use surrogates to keep members in line. When threats surface, the leader may intervene personally and try to influence the threat and, ultimately, draw the threat into the fold (to better control it). Dissent is a threat. Any public views must be supportive of individual members. Views contrary to members from the outside must be suppressed (by ignoring, flaming, or removing). Are you or have you been a member of a clique or cult in SL? Have you experienced the influence of a clique or cult? Please do not use names as it is against Community Standards. 
  4. Hippie that's just the pic I needed to see, been raining all morning here, Lovely. Hugs all out there hope your day is great. Special hugz to Val because I just feel like it today;)
  5. Hi Cinn: Nope you haven't missed anything really. Most of what has been implied here is fantasy anyway. Oh yes your right (Last I heard it was just music, friends and silliness.) that's what we pretty much still are . Lets see it was a busy week just some highlights to keep you up to date: Week started as usual, we as you know normally frequent certain venues as they are inline with us having fun. One of our never miss an event people didn't show up, which raised some questions/concern. Investigating this it was found said persons computer did a back flip and died. Knowing the constraints this person faced in RL due to unexpected events, some of the group decided on their own to help out. From what I understand an old clunker was ordered through Ebay and shipped to said person (much to their surprise) just to fill the gap till things got straightened out. As I understand this whole venture cost less than a sims monthly rent when split up. Said person was of course surprised that people in a virtual world group would care enough to actually do something that crossed into RL (happens a lot in SL and is nothing new). She decided it would be a great thread to start in these forums as an example of a case to indicate that friendships can also be rewarding in SL for those that approach it as not just as a game, but a social platform. Well the OP was going fine and then the negativity started from those not realizing that they were dealing with people that can also think for themselves. I must admit that brought on some pretty heavy counter posts by those that did not enjoy seeing the OP taken out of context or used as a field for dragging out past petty grievances. The fur flew and the thread died. Life in the forums, lol During all this Tuesday through Thursday we met at the barn (can explain that later) danced, chatted, laughed, had fun just being silly (the escape from RL responsibilities for a brief time) nothing different there. Friday after the computer fix was sorted out we swarmed a great store with some good sales and then went to stomp some grapes for wine, Chateau de Foote. Some where in all this we became,The Ladies Who Lunch (LWL), a cult with an notorious leader bent on overtaking not only the SLF but SL in itself. Quite a jump form a social group of like minded folks having fun. So I guess one could say it's been a normal week and you haven't missed that much, Cinn the coffee is always hot and I have saved you a seat. Looking forward to seeing you on the grid again:) The lolcat is cute damn what powerful eyes:) Cheers and hugs
  6. Told you we are open to anyone, come on in the waters fine or don't as if it means much. But you do seem excited;) Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Cato Badger wrote: @Dillon: Your response does not do much to dissuade those who believe it was the LWL themselves who persuaded the powers that be to remove a threat to their cosy existence nor does the offhand response of the cofounder and I am not just saying this because my application to join your terpsichorean oenophile coven seems to have been consigned to File 13. Hey, Cato...I just checked my email...and I have an invitation to join the LWL! (and I didn't even solicit an invite in any way, shape, or form) So, if I get in...I *could* send you an invite. But, I was thinking of creating a new group...called "Men Will be Men"...and sending You, Storm and a Particular Erudite Poster (albeit a former poster) invitations to the new group. Since I'm not actually a man, I'd just be the official group hostess. We won't have meetings, or shop, or hangout, unless it's to exchange information about some kinky sex place on the grid or a fantastic build. Who knows, we might even discuss politics or religion, you know those topics that piss everyone off. Oh, and I have some skills (feel free to fill-in appropriate innuendo with the word *skills ; ) so, I could even make us way-cool shirts, hats, or other MWM garb. Hmm, thinking now about what the logo should look like... Send me ideas for the MWM group logo! Sidenote: Just between you and me, I'll make a lousy LWL's member, but would excel at being a hostess...for the MWM.
  7. And this one Val I know it tugs you as it does me:)
  8. how rude lol. makes me think of another pumkin head;)
  9. It is indeed our pleasure Lia. Any member of this group can invite anyone they please to join, we are open to all but guard the gate a wee bit to eliminate spam. Anyone wishing to join can IM me or any other member and we will fix it up. That napkin looks real cute lol
  10. Good morning all, god I love Saturday mornings:) I have an expressed urge to file my nails every time Wildcat posts;) Shouts at Val: How is Val this fine day:)
  11. LOL you should have fought for a better deal Lia:) SETA: Meet you at Lillies:)
  12. /waves to Ave, Hippie and Q Quinn I swear I look up each time I read one of her posts. It does explain her headgear worn last night:)
  13. Reads post from Dillon, looks for falling rocks. Comes back reads post from Dillon, looks for falling rocks. Comes back reads post from Dillon, looks for falling rocks. Hey wait a minute, that paper I signed said "Poll Against Trolls", it was a petition. Looks at offered signed contract this signature is like a carbon copy. MADDY, oh Maddy, this won't stick just wait till the next meeting at of the coven, eeer group. Where is Lia, oh Lia! /Dee points out the ambulance to Dillon as it rolls by, oops to late she is already chasing it.
  14. Mari when I saw that all I could think of was SL and how sweet it is, lol
  15. Cool L(ia and D)ee top billing is yours. The veggies yyes thats ours. We need Hippies approval, but we can catch him at the campfire. If need be we can get Ladysue she might be on our side, girl power.
  16. Are you free then Lia maybe we can split the billling? It would be a hoot. We could call it the Lee Trio and while everyone waits for the third person to show we can get on and off the stage before the veggies fly.
  17. I do a 15 min voodoo doll juggling routine, Hippie. Well I almost do but by then I should be good. I prefer times between the sim crash and just before it returns and I will remove all pins prior to the act:P
  18. Yes me too. Some have to stoop to get that dumb and others need a ladder. Guess I'll start selling ladders lol
  19. Good Morning Hippie, Val, Lia, Wildcat (great badge) Its that magic day wooooot
  20. Dil: Cinn has been a group member from its very start, unfortunately she hasn't been able to make it to many of our sacrif....... I mean dances. I am hoping to see her more often though she is good people:) Hugs Cinn
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