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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. OOOOPS are you guys still in there. Yes you can come out now, lol Love the pic by the way;)
  2. Snugs, I'll gladly settle for just the hugs and be thankful that I have already dined
  3. @Sylvia: Referee signals BOARDING 2 mins + plus 5 mins for wearing a cupcake outfit:P @Val: 2 mins for being, well for being Val. Rugby tsk tsk /me shakes her head.
  4. Good Morning all - hugs @Val love that frog:) Bet you can't guess what season is coming, eh??
  5. @Hippie, Don't beat yourself up over it. I understand what you were saying by posting that picture. It's more in line with "that, how can anyone do that and call themselves human"? - hugs Dee
  6. Cinn, with Love's cute kitty pic, Wildcat's mellow tunes and the pictures of that day, we see the good, the bad (as in bad tune, groovy,smooth) and the ugly. I stand with you in the pursuit of hope for human kind, we have it in us to find peace. Edit: to remove reference to a picture now no longer present
  7. Hugs all, just a day for quiet reflection. Not much more one can say.
  8. Hugs all - WEEKEND WOOOOT - you know it's cool @Love welcome back @ Hippie /waves @Val big hugs girl and get lots of rest @Lia have you had your kippers yet??
  9. ty Ave, It is fun a whole other side to SL. What I have been working with lately is to just get smooth movement around the screen. You mentioned somewhere about using a joystick so I will try that this weekend. I will take you up on the aid offer when needed thanks.
  10. Just a somber thought back 10 years to an event that changed us all. May they rest in peace and never be forgotten. 9/11 2001.
  11. @Dillon she was too pretty to capture on art or a photo:) @Lia. Oh right back to the old country for a visit. Do have a lovely time. Be careful Lia I heard the French had built a tunnel under the channel and are ready to attack. Probably a rumour:P @Val Hugs. Yes time zones are a bitch, missed you:( Be careful Val I heard the English had built a tunnel under the channel and are ready to attack. Probably a rumour:P @Keli, was a great party. Yes my pic was kind of tame lol. Hippie, Lillie, Wildcat, Sylvia hugs...well hugs to everyone:)
  12. Yes Lexxi, but you are a kitty with experience in 2 worlds. I would expect nothing else. Lexxi Gynoid wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: @Dil: The poor kitty lol, Lexxi will be after you;) @Ceka: That was my though also and if I get it soon it will be only slightly used lol I wouldn't run away, I'd have attacked it. That must be a lot more realiztic looking in real life. Why the heck were people freaking out?
  13. For those that couldn't make it here is a pic of Keli's Rez Day party. Wish you all could have made it but understand it's not always possible. Happy Rez Day Keli hugs
  14. Sylvia good morning - hugs:) Just a reminder our computer problems while new to us are not new to the world
  15. Good morning all - hugs Is it Friday yet?? @Wildcat love the new badge @Val that's a great pic - love you. @ Lillie hugs hun. @ Hippie that must have been fun - not
  16. /moves over next to Wildcat:) Fantastic Wildcat you are one cool kitty, yum yum. happy dance time. (think I need a kitty one of these)
  17. /sneaks in the camp area, hopes no one hears me;) Wow busy day, still lots of food left. Cool and on Val's tab. Do we have any "Filet Mignon"? ahhhhhhh /waves to Ags hugs all:)
  18. Charolette, I just saw this. Lovely dance, I feel the power. lol I am happy no avatars were hurt or damaged during the filming:P
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