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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Hugs Lil /snickers! We have 1989 well 1990 messages posted lets kick over to 2000 today Wooot
  2. Oh, someone figured out how to make an alt. Isn't that special. . ... . ... Welcome Rudolph
  3. Soda Pop:P Also good for the new NASA Space Program:P
  4. Good Morning Campers, woooot Big Hugs all round /me looks around the fire wondering who had the beans last night:P @Val Take the day off, oh wait, to late it's already done for you:) @Argus: Great auction, I had a blast and even managed to come away with a little something:P A good cause. @nice dance spot Hippie:) And now for something completely Canadian.....
  5. @Hippie, lol I think all is good now. She was stuck on Sunday. Snugs helped her out. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Wow! I am late today! Happy Sunday Everyone! Peace! Sunday? Sunday?! Sunday!!! Sunday
  6. @Val: You know I luv's you hun I have started a petition to the rugby community to allow Canadian teams to carry hockey sticks when they play. I think that might have been their problem. At least it wasn't 46 - 0 lol. Good morning all and hugs to those around the campfire. valerie Inshan wrote: Awwww, sorry Dee.... France 46 vs Canada 19. :smileysurprised: Do you still love me? /me loves and hugs you
  7. Cool, yep right after shopping and drinks. Fat Australians, what cur That's as funny as a warm Canadian.
  8. Well, that explains an awful lot. I can understand the fear. Ima Rang wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: @Ima, hot chocolate, wood smoke, frosted windows, candles, and that's just the basement. /wonders what is going on up above? Responsibilities, chores, etc. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  9. @ Rud**** Thank you, I was really concerned we would get two pages without the LWL receiving noted mention. I do appreciate the recruitment drives. Just wish it could be someone of a little more accountability although the topics do have a familiar ring to them. @Ima, hot chocolate, wood smoke, frosted windows, candles, and that's just the basement. /wonders what is going on up above?
  10. Hugs Lia, thank god you were there and able to jump to his aid. Share with us any time you feel the need. Miss you, do take care:)
  11. Ooohh, Maddy I love that, I am actually watching it on my Sony BRAVIA also, the best use for a TV is a computer monitor. While looking for a food fight video I came across this. The Mom has such an infectious laugh. Who ever said computers can't be fun.
  12. Hugs Lillie, hugs all. Was the fight anything like this? ETA: Hugs Maddy and Love:) E again TA Hugs Wildcat and Hippie:)
  13. Should be a great game Sunday Val Our team captain is ready, lol ETA: 4000 woooot Val
  14. @Lillie: and the peanut butter is where.........? I was going to put the peanut butter jelly song in here but that's just not right. If you have heard it you know why:) Hugs everyone Friday woooooot. @Hippie, good luck at the big D____t. It's better not to say the word. @Love great pic. sigh;) @Val. I talked with the Canadian Team they promised to go easy on France. Here is a little clip for you love and hugs girl:0
  15. hehe Hippie:) @Wild: wow that poor Kitty almost doesn't have a neck,lol:)
  16. Summers going, bugger:( Do you have a guest room Ave
  17. @Sylvia: Cool, Oh I bet Toronto lost too:P @Val that's one sweet moose, lol Thoughts on hockey:P High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing... everything else is just figure skating. ~Author Unknown A puck is a hard rubber disc that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another. ~Jimmy Cannon
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