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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Ri\val; Good morning to you and welcome. Join us anytime:) /makes a place for Rival at the campfire
  2. Happy Hugs to all:) Good morning Hippie:) Lillie; thank you for the nice spread, your voice was in fine form last night Love; I saw that character in the mirror this morning:) Val; WOW you have been busy and it looks great:) Good morning Lia /waves
  3. Hugs all - good Sunday morning to all @Val - lovely picture Val love you hun:) Sits down and has a coffee waiting for Lillie's breakfast and peeks at Wildcats video again, lol
  4. Good Morning All - hugs - Saturday WOOOOOT @Wildcat that has to be one of the best used car sales videos I have seen.
  5. Damn, not sure how but I haven't done this yet:) Happy Birthday Val Hugs and kisses love you:)
  6. @Syl - here is the sausage..... OKAY FOLKS LETS KEEP THIS RESPECTABLE:)
  7. WHOOPEE, It's Friday. HUGS to all out there: ) Hugs Hippie - Peace Hugs Val - love what you have done with the place:) /Dee opens a window to let the crackers parrot out:P Hugs Lia - you right that bird is crackers:) Hugs Love - luv's the snoopy Hugs Lillie - great idea about the stew, Lia brought the Hobo I'll bring the onions
  8. LOL great vid Love:) Val that was great in fact...... valerie Inshan wrote: lol, talking about funny commercials... Hugs you all folks! :smileyhappy:
  9. Good morning and hugs to all. Nice food spread Lillie thanks:) @Val, your video made me think of this. Don't ask why lol. Hump day humour.
  10. Hugs Val. As long as Hippie doesn't talk we should be okay:P valerie Inshan wrote: Group hugs for you, Dee, Maddy, Lia, Hippie and all! (wait, could it be understood as a feline orgy by the mods???:smileysurprised::smileytongue::smileyvery-happy:) I have indicated the kitten I would like to have please
  11. Good Morning, hugs all:) That's odd, why is Maddy arguing with a tree? Oh well:P
  12. Hugs to all my friends:) Special hugs to the birthday girl (second time I've tried getting this through?)
  13. Great Maddy, keeping with the theme here is a two toe dang it toe, tapper and something light and cute.....
  14. Hugs all, ahhhhhh Sunday:) Time to get in the mood, go ahead shake it no one is looking....
  15. Oh yes Hippie that's Maddy's secret sauce I believe. You should warn Lady that you possibly might glow a little in the dark, the colour is a lovely pale green and will disappear in 2 to 4 days, I think.
  16. Hippie you can't read all the label we ran out of space so we printed the remain stuff on the other side of it. I use to know what it was but have forgotten, I'm sure it's healthy, I think, well yes it must be Maddy wouldn't put anything bad in there?
  17. @Wildcat, that is exactly what I was going for lol @Val hugs girl:) @Love have a great Saturday also:) In fact everyone have a great day
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