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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. Thank you Maddy (eeeeeew) ********* Clam chowder, chowder crackers, crackers and cheese, cheesecloth Hot dogs, dog chow, chow mein, Mein Kampf Baked Alaska, Alaskan king crab, crab cakes, cake pans Raspberry tarts, tart apples, apple cobbler, cobblestones Fried chicken, chicken soup, soup bones, boned corsets Lemon grass, grass fed beef, beef wellington, Wellington boots ********************* Maddy I have to know what your planning to give out on Halloween when the young ones come knocking at your door???
  2. Hi all I am sorry to be late with this but Liilie asked that I update those who care ******** lillie.woodells Thank you guys! I had to come to work because I don't have time I can take off yet, so I'll be around here off and on. I called the hospital this morning before my mom got there. He is stable now, or I would have gone back up there. He's talking but confused, and they are doing surgery on his wrist today, and later in the week his pelvis. I love you all! Thank you for the emails and calls and messages. ********* I will be at my desk this afternoon and will pass on updates as and when Lillie requests♥♥ Val the response we have here is a great example of what real SL friends can be. We don't need to sit at each others table to share concern and a kind word to those we love.. The remarks here so far prove I am not alone in being able to feel ones fears, worry, anxiety and heartbreak. If I can laugh with one I can also cry if it helps. As Maddy said and Lia repeats "kind words go along way". Thank you for sharing the love I know is out there with Lillie - big big hugs to all
  3. Good Morning all. On a serious note, one of our poster's (Ms Lillie) father was in a car accident yesterday evening and is listed in critical condition. We have been posting here for some time now and I see us as sort of an extended family and so I ask that we place Lillie's father, Lillie and her family in our thoughts and for those that do prayers. I will attempt to keep us updated and I am also sure others of her extended family will assist as we find out information. Look to those we love an give them that extra hug and kiss as when we go out the door we can never be sure if or when we will come back in. Extra hug and kiss to all........
  4. OMG the beaver is priceless LMAO, thanks Val. He didn't even complain when I grabbed him lol:)
  5. Good morning all. Just came from posting on Val's friends thread, it's a good one Val. So what's to eat, /looks around, okay coffee is fine and a danish;) Have a great day all, lets get over the hump together.........
  6. Val thank you that's so kind, I would have responded sooner but I had to check my inventory to make sure I returned that lovely black fur outfit. I am pleased to be able to count you as one of my friends and in thinking about it we have chatted almost every morning (my time zone) for almost a year now and I have enjoyed it immensely. I'm coming up to 4 years in SL and I have missed very few days of logging in, There are a lot of reasons why I first came and stayed in SL which are irrelevant to this post, but for the last couple of years it has been friends that bring me back time and again. The 30 to 60 mins in the evening spent with friends here (even those in different time zones that are popping in during a nightly pee break) rounds out my day. That works for me and at present would not have it any other way. Are my friends in SL real? You can be sure they are to me and just a TP away.
  7. Hugs Val......Okay this question comes up often in the forums really and I always enjoy hearing (reading) most of the responses. Of course the answers will vary related directly to the number of those that post mainly because we all see friendship from a different perspective. Is friendship based on how someone reacts to you or how you react to someone? Answering only for myself, I give everyone the benefit of doubt when I meet them. The longer the period of time together the more real it is to me and I care a great deal about those I class as friends. I can share their joy and their pain and I feel both. For me it’s the mind that makes the person their humour, intelligence, sensitivity and compassion that leads me to wish to spend time with them not the fact they wish to portray themselves as a horse, bear fox, wolf or prim box. For the lack of the same reasons plus cruelty I find myself not wanting to associate with some. I am who I present myself as and don’t find it worth the worry of whether someone else is real or not as that will show itself in due course, no one can rp forever. Have I been disappointed by choices in the past, yes but had I not tried I would not have the friends I do now. That would have been sad. Bottom line is to use commons sense and apply the same rules you do in RL, don’t give your sister your PIN for the bank card. My friends make me smile, is there more?
  8. @Syl did you let Wildcat in, sighs @Dil: Turkey sammish included, you don't have to eat the crust but it is good for you;) @Lil, thanks for breakfast but I ate on the SLum's:) @Lia and Val there are sammishes for you to in the kitchen:) oooops and you too Hippie:) ETA:  2 slices French or Italian loaf bread, lightly toasted 1 1/2 teaspoons mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard Several slices of cooked turkey breast 2 Tbsp prepared cranberry sauce or cranberry relish 1 handful of baby arugula leaves or watercress
  9. @Lia hugs and your welcome. She was in fine form, love our group evenings lots of fun /waves to Love. Have a great day all woooooot
  10. Hugs Val, leftovers, leftunders, left right and left left - it's the fun part lol Big hugs hun have a great afternoon and evening:)
  11. It was fantastic Hippie, thanks:) All set to face Tuesday now, well sort of;)
  12. Good Morning all hugs:) Well Thanksgiving is done and the turkey leftovers should be finished by about the 22nd of Dec @Canoro, good to see you and yes the frost isn't in the air yet but it's getting close. Lillie usually brings breakfast but I can start us off....
  13. Ty Lia, it's just lovely weather here. Oh I bet New Hampshire looks beutiful this time of year:)
  14. Thanks Stella and welcome here. I'm going to take some photo's long the water today will post tomorrow or Weds do the same Wooooot
  15. Yawwwnnnn, stretch, rubs eyes........still in housecoat heading for the coffee pot. eeeeeek WOW you guys shocked me. Thanksgiving in Canada so it's a day off:) Hugs all.......
  16. @Wildcat - love that:) @Love - thanks @ Val - hey just making sure you get out of the nursery now and again. Hugs:P
  17. @Love great dedication thank you:) /looks around for Wildcats tune Hey anyone see Val or is she still in the nursery???? Hugs all ♥♥
  18. Cool, Wildcat was almost up, Cinn is off to work, Love's at the piano and Hippie is rocking my work is done time for a nap hugs all:)
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