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Anaiya Arnold

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Everything posted by Anaiya Arnold

  1. People are really rather stupid about this. As a herd, they seem to think that because a high level of freedom happens to be their whole experience, that an opressive tyranical regime is unlikely. In fact it is free societies that are aberrations. They do not come into being by themselves, and they cannot continue to exist in such a state unless there is a dedictated and ongoing effort by society to retain the state. It seems Western society has become so glutted on a life dining on freedom that we have failed to comprehend how precious and fragile freedom really is. Apparently it seems so natural to us, we fail at the group level to have any sense of just how unlikely, rare, and vulnerable a free society is. It astounds me that this generation has rushed to give up freedoms for fear of their safety, seemingly without any comprehension of just how precious and rare what they are giving up is, and just how impossible what they expect to get in return is. We're all safer free than under some meglomaniac's opression. We will never be completely safe, but by goodness we came so close building truley free societies. Too bad that era is probably over, given away by people too ungrateful to honour the sacrifices of generations past, too apathetic to care about the effects in the short term, and too selfish to bother considering what they have stolen from future generations
  2. You're absolutely right particularly since there is no material cost to providing an item. If it's transfer, the most it does is put one extra copy in circulation, which might be one lost sale, but it's kind of unlikely that someone who will try to scam you out of a second copy of a trans/no copy item would have paid for the second copy anyway. So really it's no loss at all in the worst of cases, and an honest customer kept happy in the best of cases. If it's copy, it does not matter how many copies you send to a single avatar so long as that avatar paid you for it once.
  3. Oh my gosh! Now I see what happened. Our lindens have been meeroo-ed. If you keep your lindens in your inventory for too long, without feeding them, they run off to the wild. Am I the only one who thinks this is taking the Meeroo trend just a tad too far.....? Edited To Add: The problem is ongoing. I just got hit on a couple of avatars including a test avatar that had no lindens. That avatar can no longer buy from the market place now. Thanks LL......I will not hold my breath for a fix or a refund knowing that any fix or refund would probably break 60 other things even after the "fix" had been "tested" before deployment.
  4. When I was really new still, I routinely went to this place that never had any tips in its jars. The jars cleared once a month and for two months they were empty. One day I put a linden in one of the jars and when I came back the next day, there were lindens in every jar. After that I always visited at the start of the month when the jars were reset and put a single linden in one of the jars, and they were never empty again... Go ahead and donate micor-payment style if you are inclined. The person who gets the tip will know at least one person appreciates them, and maybe other impoverished avatars will feel more confident about only having one or two lindens to donate and follow your lead...it cant' hurt.
  5. If that does not work, try a cache clear, and if that does not work, try resetting your modem/router. If that does not work, you may need to try a clean install, and if that does not work, I think it might be ticket time. Alternatively, try making an alt, give them10 lindens and see if they can upload the texture. Then the alt can give it to your main accont.
  6. Mayalily wrote: If the dunce cap fits Dillon, please do wear it. I'd love to see those pics. Sorry, but an Anaiya in a dunce cap is the best I can do for you on short notice...
  7. Mayalily wrote: They have incredible searching tools here... Yes, just this morning I managed to get three completely different sets of results in under a minute, using exactly the same search query words. Incredible indeed. Mind you it's not as incredible as the inworld search....That's so "incredible" it steals the credibility cake, feeds it to a cat, waits for the cat to puke it back up, serves it on a silver platter and then adds a little swizzle stick with a note sticking to it that says "your mamma".
  8. I get what you mean. I think some sellers might be large enough they get multiple scam attempts in a week so I suppose I can understand why some might get a bit more "hard line" than a smaller seller like myself. Personally, I've made a whole new item for someone, uploaded the texture and sent it free of charge because the customer misunderstood an advert (and I also changed the advert too of course). That item is now one of my best sellers so everyone won in the end. You sound plausible enough to me, so maybe the seller in question is a little jaded?
  9. I was half way through typing my response to your subsequent posts in that other thread when the thread was locked, at your request. Some people might think requesting a lock in the particular circumstances was childish, petty, controlling, uncivil, and inappropriate, and in all honesty, I'm one of those people. I'd still happily teach you about coaleased objects anyway. Goodness knows what you'd do if you had a home all set up and the sim glitched and could not be recovered, or the landlord/landlady went bankrupt or psycho and your home went bye-byes without a coaleased copy sitting in your inventory. I doubt you'd be happy, so I continue to strongly recommend that you learn to coalease objects if you have not done so, and that whenever you set up a nice little home for yourself, that you take a coaleased copy into your inventory for deployment in case of an emergency. I'd also still help you drink tea in bed because we all need a good cuppa every now and then. I'm not sure what you think photography features have to do with anything, and I cannot be bothered trying to imagine what misunderstanding on your part lies behind those particular comments. My head hurts just thinking about thinking about it. I think you'll find most people do not really care whether you answer their messages or not. In any case, I doubt many of them are sitting there posting two messages in a short space of time to a single poster, demanding answers in a thread that they personally have requested moderators lock. I have no idea what I am supposed to do with this piece of your mind. I'd hang it over my mantlepiece and serve it cups of tea in bed on Sundays' but firstly it does not match my decor and secondly, I don't have a mantlepiece.
  10. Despite merely reading text tutorials (rather than watching any video tutorials) I was in a sandbox \within an hour of joining SL, but I was in SL for over a week before I knew how to mute objects, or that I could mute objects for that matter. I suggest that if you knew how to mute random objects before you had found out about and visited sandboxes, that your experience in this respect is that of a vanishingly small minority. @Randall:First, there is all the face talk. I thought was extremely strange. Doesn't look like a face to me. is cute, however. Wow, you're right! Either this person has used SL before, or the internet, or SMS texting, or has been living somewhere other than under a rock on Pluto at some point since the 1990s....
  11. I knew what a sandbox was on my first day. I know that I had no clue what was going on and the help island wasn't (any help). So I turned to the internet after less than an hour of trying to figure it out for myself, and learned immediately that I could get new items for my avatar but that I would have to unpack them in a sandbox. The internet has step by step tutorials for starting in Secondlife and the OP states plainly that they've been reading up on SL. Perhaps they are not a day old, but it's not impossible or improbable that someone who is reading their way into SL (rather than in-world exploring their way in) would know all about sandboxes in the first hour of using Secondlife. I did.
  12. It might be helpful if you indicated how many prims you are hoping to get for that many lindens.:matte-motes-smile:
  13. JeanneAnne wrote: I don't understand this. Are you saying that if someone maliciously reported me for being under-aged (I'm not) I would be banned from SL? Yes. If someone reports that you are underage, you will be suspended until you prove to LL that you are not underage (which can be difficult, expensive [if you need to talk to someone at LL over the phone but live somewhere there is no toll-free number available], and time consuming). I understand that to prove your age in such cases, you will need to send a clear copy of acceptable (to LL) proof of age (a faxed copy of your passport for instance). I think it usually takes a couple of weeks on average, based on what I have read others saying when it has happened to them.
  14. Your reasoning is flawed. No one is changing or circumventing the TOS through such a covenant. The TOS allows land owners to ban whoever they want, for any or no reason. Banning in itself does not violate the TOS and would only be a violation if the reason or method somehow violates a specific TOS provision. This is different to gambling which is against the TOS, or raping people which is against the law. Clearly if you can tell someone to leave your home in real life for any or no reason, you can ban someone from your house if they called the police to your house last time they visited. This does not give your neighbour the right to open a casino in their house or rape a girl, no matter what sign they put out in front of their house, or what paper they carry in their wallet. In SL you should think of other peoples' land as you would someone else's real life home. You have every right to call the police to report a crime when visiting someone else's house, but they have every right to not let you visit in the future. It works the same way in SL. With respect to African Americans, SL's TOS actually forbids racial intolerance. You can certainly ban people on the basis that their avatars are African American, or because you think the account operator is, but making any kind of public announcement about that might violate the TOS (from memory it might be the C.S. but to be honest it's been a while since I read the complete TOS included all appended documents). I'm more interested in how someone could present you with your IP and OS; there are very few ways to do this in SL...
  15. Mmm, Maya, you can drink tea in bed. Just get a teacup with a drinking animation and wear it when you are in bed (if you find a teacup you like and it is modify perm but not scripted with a drink animation, this is easily fixed too). This is just as convenient as having the tea cup in the bed (since you are not likely to be sharing your bed), and is a lower lag option anyway. You can rezz a computer in your bed too (since you have rezz rights). Just get a computer, sit in bed and rezz the computer. Again, this is a lower lag option. Although reading on, I see it no longer matters...... Well since you have wasted a lot of my time, including the time I spent typing out information on coaleased objects (again) to try to save you from yet another future drama, just to delete it all since you've packed up anyway, then I might as well add the following... You were "helping" in the viewer section when you know nothing about SL? I remember your help seemed to mostly consist of giving people incorrect information and this only makes Dillon's advice to you all the more applicable. Babies can learn to walk before they crawl, but doing so entails (usually lifelong) developmental implications, including retardation of certain capabilities. Learning to crawl before walking is necessary for comprehensive and balanced development. There is some kind of lesson in there somewhere..... If you are not here, then whether or not people keep posting, you are being left alone. If you choose to keep email notifications turned on or choose to come back to see what people have posted, those are your choices and not anything anyone but you is doing to you. Frankly if you are leaving over something so petty and unimportant, I can only imagine your life has been one big flounce and this is simply another chapter in the ongoing, melodrama-marathon that is your life. I hope you can learn to approach future endeavours with more maturity and fortitude, not to mention a willingness to learn to crawl before you try to give others advice on running. Best of luck whatever you decide.
  16. ....or you are currently busy in a conversation, or have a lot of group chat IMs coming in and did not even see the local chat or attempts to IM. I miss IMs and local chat all the time. I believe respectable account owners missing IMs and local chat are much more common than griefers, and copybotters or bots who visit shops.
  17. EmilyHearts wrote: On your account you have an help. I wonder why, some many residents read nothing. There's no reason to assume residents have not read anything just because they come here asking questions. If they have attempted to read LL's woeful "help/knowledge base/assorted often outdated and only semi-finished wiki articles/other sundry documentation spread across the internet", there's every reason to believe they will avoid repeating that absurd muck around and in the future simply ask on the forums (assuming they know there are forums). It's not as though LL's documentation is well organized, well written, complete, or entirely up to date. Furthermore, understanding LL's documentation often requires a high level of existing knowledge about SL, and many people do not have that high standard of knowledge due to how impossible LL's so called "help" documentation is to navigate.
  18. Mayalily wrote: Yes, I'm running a brothel. Just kidding. Yes me. It's my avatar. I paid for it. I want my privacy PERIOD! What I have paid for, should belong to no one else, nor should they have a right to anything about my avatar period without my permission period. Either you did not read the TOS, or you did not understand it. You did not buy your avatar. You bought a limited use-license. That is all. LL discloses as much in the TOS that you are obliged to agree that you have both read and accepted before you are allowed to log into SL. There is nothing unethical about the cam feature. If you choose to try to walk around in lag infested areas, bumping into other people, causing collisions, and creating more lag, I guess that's your perogative. Some people have more respect for their limited time on this planet. Just ask your landlord/landlady to turn the privacy setting on for your parcel. As to why they should bother to do that for you (whether or not you own your avatar [which you don't]), the fact that you are a paying customer might be persuasive. Luckily sending IMs is a free service so it will not cost you anything to ask. Alternatively moving is easy if you pack your house up as a coaleased object. I'll send you a copy of a coaleased object so you can see what we mean about being able to pack things together and rezz them "like they were" (you should open/rezz it in a sandbox rather than your home for easy clean-up).
  19. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Suella Ember wrote: Not wanting to pee on anyone's bonfire (LL could well still be working on something like this) but Rod himself has said that this is just press speculation and he's foud in quite amusing to watch! https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117388201966047232 https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117389228563890176 Suella, I'm glad you've found evidence LL may not be doing the wrong thing. Now I can return to waiting for evidence they're doing the right thing. Not that I have any idea what that is, mind you. Yes, it's always a good day when you can confirm that you cannot confirm that LL will definately be doing the wrong thing.
  20. Even knowing the name of the store is not necessarily enough to find it in search in-world, assuming that search decides to function at all rather than just hanging on the black screen forever.
  21. If it is, it is not a scam run by the merchant, which is what had been suggested. @IOthman: the merchant may not be aware of your issue. The IM system "caps" at a mere 25 IMs. So if 25 IMs had been sent after the merchant logged off and before you sent your IMs, the merchant would not get the IMs and have no idea that you tried to contact them.
  22. It is not "probably not" a scam. It's definately not a scam. It is impossible for a merchant to cause the described problem. It's a market place glitch, and it's impossible for merchants to eliminate these (it's on LL's end of things). "And why isn't SL automatically block payment for undelivered items? I mean they have a way to verify if items are actually in your inventory, I don't see why they don't implement a block payment system until the products actually show up in my folders." The item is not "undelivered" according to SL/LL. It is SL/LL that provides the transaction history that indicates the item has been delivered. Money is not released to the merchant until SL/LL (the marketplace) "believes" it the item has been sent to buyer. Delivered is a bit of a misnomer. The marketplace does not even attempt to "observe" delivery so it would have been more accurate to use the word "dispatched" in this information field, rather than "delivered".
  23. It's not clear at all. I've had items that have not sold for ages, and even items I have never sold turn up on the front page ahead of items that have sold more over their lifetime, more in the last 24 hours, more in the last week, more in the last month, and which cost more (and so have generated more income over each of these times). Sometimes my relevant and best selling orders are different to each other. It makes no sense to me.
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