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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Then you should log in and have a look! That Heaton house at the T junction was white, then pink, now yellowy-beige.
  2. Yes, the land mass is a surround like the mountains are, both are "anchored" to the northern edge of the Reveal region.
  3. Some of the Newbrooke houses at the Linden Reveal region have definitely changed colour for a second time now. The large pink Heaton house near the main entrance (at that T junction) is now a yellow-beige. This Ender house was a mauve-violet colour earlier on and is now a tan-brown colour. The same Ender house also now has some window blinds on the upper floor.
  4. See? I correctly predicted them! 😜 And why do I care? Because I find the whole process of design, manufacturing and release absolutely fascinating, both in the real world and SL.
  5. Yet you displayed that earlier version with the gap initially anyway and hoped nobody would see it? C'mon....
  6. Actually, those Aldridge houses have a land impact of 240 LI each. I've listed all the homes LI and parcel areas: Heaton: 241 LI (2 storey, 1024m2) Aldridge: 240 LI (2 storey, 1024m2) Coniston: 205 LI (single storey, 1024m2) Bradbury: 204 LI (single storey, 1024m2) Faraday: 154 LI (single storey, 512m2) Gatewood: 152 LI (2 storey, 512m2) Ender: 142 LI (2 storey, 512m2) Denver: 134 LI (single storey, 512m2)
  7. Before ^ (photo by @Jolly Nova, 7th December 2021) After v (9th December 2021) Found it!! Additions More trees, more walls, more colour variations, photo displays and a landing zone area. But the structure of the houses are unchanged, except for one.... Improvements A gaping two to three metre long horizontal hole or crack in the exterior wall of all the two storey Heaton homes has magically vanished since I reported it to the Moles on the initial reveal day with this photographic evidence. No acknowledgement or thanks for spotting and reporting this flaw has been given to me (yet) by the Moles or Lindens. Ahem... cough, cough... 😜 Windows The windows are still all the full length floor to ceiling kind. No change and no sinks directly behind kitchen or bathroom windows.... Chimneys None. But Santa uses Amazon, apparently... 😜
  8. Funny how much better they look just by adding a proper roof.... And a chimney...
  9. I think I've identified a flaw with the design of windows in the Newbrooke theme. Every single window in all the Newbrooke theme houses are full length floor to ceiling windows. This makes adding in a kitchen area with a sink and counter/cabinet units directly behind a windowed area difficult - if not impossibly weird looking - as the back of the sink and cabinet/countertop units will be much higher than the bottom of the window frame and will partially block the windows. This will look very strange from the outside. With this window flaw, sinks and cabinets can only be positioned against walls without windows in them, although it's usually customary to have a window in front of a kitchen sink unit for both sunlight and the view. This window problem also applies to bathrooms too.
  10. TP to Linden Reveal here and walk into the region to the north.
  11. First picture of Newbrooke theme homes and environment.
  12. The new theme name is officially NEWBROOKE
  13. I found the LINDEN REVEAL sim region! TP to the north border of CALLING BIRDS region!
  14. Why does the Christmas expo end eleven days before the actual start of Christmas?!
  15. Sadly, the Four Colly Birds are not represented at the event. So I've put them here instead. 😜
  16. Firstly, set the correct time and date yourself by right-clicking the desktop tray clock (bottom right corner) with "Adjust date/time", then "Set the date and time manually" or more simply, "Sync now" (requires internet connection) to local time. When that is done, shut down your PC and wait 5 minutes. Then switch your PC back on. When desktop has appeared, look at the clock time again to see if the time is still correct or not. If the time is not correct, then the CMOS battery in your PC needs replacing. A PC with a faulty or dead clock battery would also normally give a prompt during bootup and in the BIOS screen regarding a "CMOS checksum error". CMOS is a name for the clock system (it stands for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor if interested). The CMOS battery is a 2 cm diameter coin shaped 3 volt battery, known as a CR2032 which keeps the CMOS time and date set properly. It's located on the motherboard and can be swapped for a new one in seconds. A replacement CR2032 battery can be easily bought anywhere that sells regular batteries. Fitting a replacement battery is easy with a desktop PC. Unplug the PC from the mains electricity and unscrew the left-side case panel. However a laptop, usually being a sealed device with unusual screw fittings and requiring some disassembly, would need to be taken into a repair centre for a check and battery replacement. The repair centre ought to have correctly set the correct time too, but if not, you can set the time and date yourself by right-clicking the desktop tray clock (bottom left corner) with "Adjust date/time", then "Set the date and time manually" or more simply, "Sync now" (requires internet connection) to local time.
  17. Second life is not "too hard"for newbies, it's just unfamiliar to them. As with all things. with time, experience and practice, Second Life becomes "second nature" (!) and much simpler to use. Perhaps present day newbies could actually be more impatient than earlier newbies and expect the SL environment to be be the same as those found on their touchscreen devices and games consoles, instead of the PC style mouse-WIMP-keyboard system that has existed for far longer. Many of the newbies are probably videogamers, unfamiliar with Second Life and assume its just another "game". Perhaps gamers expect SL to be an "on-rails" game with a scripted story or plot, with a task or mission objective and rewards given for achieving a level or goal reached? SL itself is not a game, but is capable of hosting game-like environments and experiences. Those who come to SL expecting a reward and goal based videogame such as Fortnite are surely to be disappointed and won't stay long - unless they learn to adapt to SL culture and not expect SL to be a "game" focused purely around themselves.
  18. Should be retitled as "Creator of the Metaverse and Second Life" in my opinion. Without Philip Rosedale, there would be no Metaverse model to emulate or learn from.
  19. Marketplace without the "Magic Boxes" of old (which needed to be rezzed and maintained inworld by the merchant) has made the need for inworld stores redundant, which saves the shop owner land tier costs and prims, but leaves the terrain of Second Life looking so sad, barren, neglected and dead as it does now. :( If you've never heard of Magic Boxes, here's one of Torley's old videos of how to sell on Marketplace with Magic Boxes, back when Marketplace was called XstreetSL instead:
  20. Go to a sim region called Luna. There you'll find a Linden mall, called "Luna Oaks".
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