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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I did some exploring around Bleaberry Tarn, searching for another possible road route from Sansara to Bellisseria. I didn't find much, except for one Linden Route road that ends at Huron, then extends eastwards through two regions (Kemp Howe, Chapel Stile) with an undeveloped protected land track up to the border of Sourmilk Ghyll, a Sansara coastal region. Unfortunately, Sourmilk Ghyll is another minefield of microparcels and ban lines. A pity.
  2. * waits for the "Hipposseria" continent... *
  3. Technically, Steller didn't "join" Second Life, she joined Linden World, whose name was changed to Second Life on 1st November 2002. The name was changed for the next stage of testing after Alpha Test period was completed. The Beta Test period of the renamed Second Life lasted between November 2002 until June 2003.
  4. The earliest residents were actually the twenty-five Closed Alpha Testers from Linden World's "Early Creator Program", which began in March 2002 and included Steller Sunshine, Paul Zeeman etc. Steller's account is actually one day older than Philip Linden's!
  5. Ranch continent... ...perched on top of a Squishy Pickle?!
  6. Nine new regions have been added to the World Map, at the north-west tip of Ranch. They're now getting very close to Bleaberry Tarn in Sansara! 🥰🙏 Names (9): Ten Acre Wood, Bucko, Lonely Ranger, Redbranch Hollow, Blackwatch Township, Jackalope, Galoot, Quail Creek, Badger Lake.
  7. First time I've noticed one of these. A "Mole Hole Cover" ?!
  8. Seven new LH regions have appeared on the world map on the west side of the Mediterranean theme. Names (7): Prodigal Pond, Caro Fra Sarducci, Fairhold, Sleepy Time, Dos Guitarras, Funnybone, Harmony Point.
  9. SSBAW looks identical to Whiskey Bay in Bellisseria, the entrance pier sim of Bellisseria Fairgrounds. The BAW might mean Bellisseria Anniversary Welcome area. SSPBA1 could be a duplicate of Bellisseria Fairgrounds, which is south of Whiskey Bay sim. SSPBA2 could be a duplicate of Costner Bay, which is east of Bellisseria Fairgrounds sim. Don't know what SSPBA3 and SSPBA4 are, perhaps they too are duplicates of Glassy Expanse and Eckmere Bay - the two water regions south of Bellisseria Fairgrounds and Costner Bay ?
  10. Twelve new LH sims have appeared on the World Map between Mediterranean, Ranch and the Stilt Homes, forming new coastline and a deep water boat channel. Names (12): Captain Sparrow, Calimari, Hatteras, Castle Harbour, Full Sun, Topsail, Burgee, Clearwater Shoals, Easy Tide, SSPFull Deck, Salty Dawg, Hola Marinero.
  11. Objects above 400 metres altitude aren't visible on the world map. Otherwise the map would have every single skybox, lost aircraft and old griefer debris pasted all over it.
  12. 14th April 2019 BBE (Before Bellisserian Era)...
  13. The undersea train tunnel between Log and Ranch (SSPShe Sells & SSPPencil Point) has a new double-tracked passing point inside it, replacing the single central track that it initially had before...
  14. The new rail bridge reaches the same height as the Goodge Reef/Typhoon road bridge, which is fine. But at the moment, the rail bridge's columns are only 10 metres apart from each other, which simply isn't wide enough for a catamaran/trimaran or larger vessels to pass between. I hope it gets a wider central arch span in the middle of it for a main boat channel like the Goodge Reef/Typhoon bridge has.
  15. Names (6): SSPLobster Bisque, SSPCougar Den, SSPMidnight Waltz, SSPWindward Drift, SSPSubtle Joy, SSPEscape Quay.
  16. Eleven new LH regions have appeared on the inworld map, six in the northwest of Ranch and five in the south of Mediterranean. Names: Ranch (6): Noname Crossroads, Dustup, Prairie Chicken, Kiowa Ridge, Mairzy Doats, Okie Dokie. Mediterranean (5): Pelotas, Pronto, Cape Madelaina, Promesa Verde, Lac de Larmes.
  17. listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) integer channel not set to listen to 88 ?
  18. One alternative way to do it is to change the scale of yours and other people's avatars to fit the dimensions or limitations of a build or sim area. Several years ago, I personally remember that there was once a Moon exploration sim, but the astronaut avatars used to explore it were very very small. They all had reduced walking speed and gravity AO's and had a lower down camera angle view too. Doing all this gave the perception of the Moon sim's size was much bigger and more expansive than it actually was. It was quite realistic. Theoretically, if you were to build a 13 acre park at half size scale, then you could have half-sized avatars using it with half-speed walking AO's with a lower camera perspective and there wouldn't be any noticible difference - as long as sim grid coordinates and other non scaled distractions aren't looked at!
  19. I've had an idea for a new way of "storing" an outfit in the inventory which doesn't currently exist. Currently, an outfit is basically a folder of copied links from original outfit components, which when amassed over months, years and decades can cause an inventory size to balloon to extreme sizes, causing a larger inventory, slower inventory caching and laggier sim crossings. Instead, how about a new outfit folder system that just contains a single unique UUID code component and not a list of copied links? This outfit UUID component could be given a custom descriptive name by the user, while also still retaining that unique UUID. Editing it would open a "currently worn" outfit folder and reveal all the worn outfit elements. Right-Click on another outfit UUID and have a temporary "Show Outfit" option too. Any changes to the contents of the outfit would result in a new UUID being created.
  20. It's correct and acceptable that there are some English influenced names in the Mediterranean theme, as there are still some British Overseas Territories located in the Mediterranean Sea.
  21. I think the railway line is more likely to use diagonal angles, rather than 90 degree right-angled turns. You just don't see those kinds of right-angled turns in real life tracks because they can cause derailments. And SL track across the grid seem to (mostly) follow the same too. That imaginary sim to the west of Jolly Serpent (above) should have a diagonal track going across it from SW to NE, not right-angled turns. The most recent Mediterranean sims of SSPCondor Pass and SSPSignal Crescent which have diagonal tracks in them are a good examples of this.
  22. Map updated, and now visible on World Map. Ranch (2): Travellers Rest, Tater Thicket. Mediterranean (14): SSPCondor Pass, SSPTorre Grigia, SSPKestrel Skies, SSPWondering Minstrels, SSPOtro Gallo, SSPSignal Crescent, Greenfield Park, Weekend Princess, Redfield Corner, Lost Shepherd, SSPAube Lilas, Mellow Pines, Ryefield Village, SSPEtoile Brilliante.
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