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Perrie Juran

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Everything posted by Perrie Juran

  1. We've had the boxes versus folders debate in times past on the Forums. An issue of personal preference. Many like me generally prefer Boxes.
  2. @Tommy Linden Here is an image of the old side bar. Not great but best I could find. Note the additional links at the bottom. Also there were links for "most recent posts," "most recent threads," "most recent questions," etc. Was very convenient.
  3. I suspect that the InvisionPower software architecture does not allow it. Just like I suspect that is the reason why this JIRA got closed. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41539 I can see no other reason for that JIRA to be closed. Unless Gary Linden simply did not understand the request, which is also very possible.
  4. One thing that is new and different and that I applaud is we are seeing Tommy Linden active here. It no longer feels like shoot first and bury the bodies where no one can find them. But I am missing the side bar and all it's links that we had with Lithium.
  5. Could the GREENIES be returning?
  6. I do think we need the OP to clarify exactly what is going on. Most of the scripts I've seen using llRequestAgentData are set to run at one minute intervals and only report when there is a status change. There is a slightly longer discussion about the (ab)use of this here:
  7. I agree that Pook's statement is not completely clear as written. I'm replying with the most likely and viable answer/scenario. Pook's 'stalker' is logging in moments after Pook having received the notification from the script.
  8. There is a LSL function (script) that shows true online status. The script will PM the owner when someone logs in. If the owner is offline the PM will go to their E Mail where he would see you just logged in.
  9. Indubitably. She even tried to toast the Martian. See this Thread for a picture. Interestingly there was another Avatar present not visible in the picture, a singularity named Void Singer. I think what Maddy was really after was trying to birth a black hole.
  10. I almost posted this quote from Torley earlier. I think very appropriate now. "In my head, I've long heard varied voices that inform my life choices. They span a rich spectrum of genders, races, etc. It was only natural that I express them as avatars — earlier, I used the term "Torley Council", or there's that joke from some Resis, that when they see me, they go "It's a Torley!" Hahahaha. I have a very strong female voice that emerges here. She encourages me to be more sensible and explanatory (I used to be terse and not all that social), and it feels 1000% natural to me. Not having that would feel strongly repressive, and so with SL as an outlet — or whatever you want to call it — I've been able to unify my personality and feel a lot healthier in both lives as a result. It is a difficult thing that, while life in general appeals to a diversity of people, many people's interests are in conflict. This is also true in Second Life, and I continue to be a proponent of responsible disclosure in relationships that matter to you. On top of that, there's insecurity that people keep hidden, not to mention jealousy and other "demons" that drag someone down from acknowledging and living the life THEY really want... in the process they become control freaks trying to prevent OTHERS from feeling fulfilled, as Darrius initially mentioned. The psychology of it intrigues me deeply. I just hope more people can come inworld and use Second Life as a tool of confronting hangups and dealing with their baggage, so they have healthier relationships with others. Not growing means not really living."
  11. Aliens? Where? But yes, this is quite the thread jack.
  12. The importance of the anonymity here is the cushion of safety we feel from possible RL backlash. Although I know I'm actually harmless, I still think it would spook you if I showed up at your front door and said, "Hi, I'm Perrie from SL." Still, I will add that I have some friendships that started in SL that now extend to RL. But those are very, very few. I do see who I am in SL as a part of my whole self. I've said on occasion that SL can be like a Mirror where we are looking at who we really are. On the whole, how often do any of us ever discuss our personal sexuality with anyone in RL, a conversation I have had with several people in SL? It appears to me that the conversations in RL are usually limited to participation in some kind of therapy.
  13. I would have never guessed that "Girl Scouts" was one of your fantasies. I thought that was usually more a male thing.
  14. I guess this is where the importance of having a "Social Barometer" comes in. One of my teachers in college used to say that most problems in marriage centered on money or sex and that the first step in solving was communication. People still have trouble with that. Sometimes I still have trouble with it. It's relatively easy for me to discuss sex in an anonymous forum, but in RL I tend to be a bit more shy. Actually it is not that hard to get me to blush. That's probably still more the norm.
  15. Sometimes I feel like it's a return to Puritanism. Both men and women getting condemned for simply wanting to get laid. I do understand that at times either of the sexes can be obnoxious about it. I don't condone that. And I can empathize that all the constant requests can get tiresome. But treating me like some low life because occasionally I get horney, that I don't buy either.
  16. You should see what the Martian Web looks like. HeHeHeHeHeHeHeh!!!!!!!
  17. It's amazing how many men don't realize how much the women kvetch amongst themselves. Just ask Maddy and Snugs.
  18. I see that we now have word filters being used in the Forum. I just hope that they are not in the realm of the ridiculous as I have encountered. Here was a word beginning with 'A' and ending with 'Y', a word used both in The Knowledge Base and in Wiki/Linden Lab Official , being bleeped out by the Filters. I can understand filtering The Seven Words You Can't Say On TV, and maybe even a few other words. But this word that begins with 'A' and ends with 'Y,' seriously now? Especially when you consider playing a Child Avatar is not in and of itself disallowed in SL.
  19. According to the Wiki, LL is no longer accepting applications: " The Skill Gaming Program is currently closed to new Operator and Creator applications. Pending applications submitted prior to April 1, 2015, will be reviewed and processed normally. " http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_Approved_Participants
  20. I may have misread the phrase "one of their account" to mean an Alt of the owner. I'm not sure what "monitoring TP's" means or how it could be accomplished. Which leaves me to believe that desite her "happy to be with you" conversation with you that she thought otherwise and she reported you to the owner. And while you may have been judged wrongfully and harshly in this matter, regarding the "moral custodian" I do know Club owners who strive to maintain a harrasment free environment for their woman patrons. Unsolicited and untoward sexual advances are still one of the leading complaints I hear from my female friends in SL.
  21. You haven't stated the nature of the location but reading between the lines here it sounds like you were at a place where people RP at being minors (under 18 year old). Now I could be dead wrong about this and if so I apologize. Many owners as well as I think the majority of Residents take the ban against sexual ***** very seriously. So if the Ava you invited to an adult beach was portraying themselves as under 18 year old, while you could possibly deem it paranoia on the owner's part I can understand their concern. In other words it was not for nothing that you were banned.
  22. You may be giving some people too much credit.
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