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Darkie Minotaur

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Everything posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. To better understand where you stand now and what you actually want to do, so that the suggestions match you and your task, I have some questions Are you new to LSL scripting or new to programming in general? What do you mean by server based? In-world or out-world? If out-world, do you have web-programming experience?
  2. This method would be ok for this case - in other cases, the added code could make the result to long to get sent to SL completely. This is also the reason why I wouldn't look for the complete sub string, but would insert some marker to the end of the information you want - e.g.: print "\n$regiondata\n$ownername\n$ownerkey\n$ownername<END OF INFORMATION>"; And then in SL get the part in front of the marker: llGetSubString(body, 0, llSubStringIndex(body, "<END OF INFORMATION>"));
  3. Not really. The code is added automatically and outside the scope of your php. There are free hosters that don't add any code. Awardspace.com is one, if I remember correctly.
  4. I don't know how the script is written at the moment - but once the script has the permission, it doesn't need to ask again. I guess that in the loop of the different animations, the script will in each loop have an llRequestPermission. Take it out of that loop and place it in whichever event starts the looping of the animations.
  5. In the code you posted, I can't really see a reason why it shouldn't work. The double brackets are good style, but are not required. What exactly does not work?
  6. You don't need it. If you use the event, it helps you to see if the php is triggered - something like: key http_status_update; default {state_entry(){ string http_body = "test=mytest"; http_status_update = llHTTPRequest(PHP_url, [HTTP_METHOD,"POST",HTTP_MIMETYPE,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], http_body); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { llOwnerSay(body); }} And a php script like: <?php echo &_POST['test'];?>
  7. I can't see why it shouldn't work. I guess you have to track down the reason step by step. I would start by sending a very simple http_request that makes a very simple php script respond with a very simple anser. If that works, keep on adding a little more complexity until the error occurs.
  8. there are zillions of textures on the market place and at shops inworld. Plus: You can make and upload your own textures.
  9. First you get the number of inventory items in the list - and then you iterate over the items in a loop. Then - at each loop, you check: is it a script - next loop is it a nc - next loop in both cases you use llGetInventoryType if non of the conditions is true, you check if copy permission is set or not using llGetInventoryPermMask . If I hope this helps you.
  10. It certainly is basically possible. If notecards are the right way or other way are better depends on what you want to be able top do and on how much the actual writing is part of the work of art.
  11. *laughs so hard that tears well up from his eyes* Yeah - and I guess you caught rabbits, running after them barefoot in the snow and ate them raw.
  12. Generally, I don't have such a problem - and I work with http quite a lot. But to trace which the problem might be in your specific case, that's hard to say without seeing the code.
  13. I'm not going to comment on the topic here - most of all since this discussion doesn't realy belong here. But Verena's message is hilarious: "That is effectively all the so-called 'right to privacy' actually is and has ever been.........the right to lie to people." Wow. Privacy is nothing but the right to lie - and to lie is bad, I suppose. Mark Zuckerberg and Eric Schmidt will love to hear that. Down with privacy!
  14. A texture would look diferent - floating text always faces you.
  15. Well, yes - same size at the same location - but as Rolig said, it's not a nice way - but with some fiddling, you can get it to look ok - with static text, at least.
  16. You could make it appear like a mlticolor floating text by actually using several prims each of which has text in a different color and the texts arranged so it looks as if was one text.
  17. Or you can use one of the many free multipage dialog scripts that are out there - here is just one from the Script Library
  18. If you are the owner of the object, I really can't see why it shouldn't work. Add a llOwnerSay to the HUD button touch event to see if it fires alright.
  19. You can't use negative channels in chat. Could you paste both the sending and the listening scripts?
  20. If you know the speed of the projectile, just let it die after the time when it has flown 40 meters.
  21. You basically have everything you need. Just make the HUD use a different channel for each object - and I would rather use low negative numbers for the chat then numbers like 86 - use e.g. -56433456 In the HUD, use e.g. llRegionSay(-56433456, "0"); If the object are closer by, you can use llWhisper or llSay. If the objects are attachments, you can use llRegionSayTo as well.
  22. I think you should post this message in the Wanted forum rather than here. This forum is for scripters (including beginners) wanting to discuss scripting issues.
  23. *snickers and pokes out his tongue at Lucinda*
  24. Simply move the load function to the on_rez event string text = "Visit my Website";string url = "http://MyWebsite.com"; //must include 'http://'default{ on_rez(integer start_param) { llLoadURL(llGetOwner(), text, url); }} Since the rez event doesn't pass a parameter that gives you a key of an ava, you have to use a different way to pass a key - most likely this would be the owner as in the example
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