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Darkie Minotaur

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Everything posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. If the two items are on the same sim, the esiest way to do it is to use communication. If you (not you, really, but the triggering script - the sender) know the receiving items key, llRegionSayTo would seem the best option to me. If you don't know it, you would have to use llSay, llWhisper or llRegionSay depending on the distance. On the receiving side, you listen to a channel for a message by opening a listener. If you look at the wiki entries, you will have many examples of how objects communicate
  2. If you are looking for a script that does that, I think that neitther of the forums is right - you should go to the Wanted forum. If you want to script it yourself, but don't know where to start, the scripting forum would be the place to ask.
  3. Why don't you paste your code here and we can point where you've gone wrong.
  4. Check yor messages.+ If you donÄt get it to work, there are other ways - you wouldf have to get a free hosting account with php though
  5. Hmmm - it's difficult to say where the mistake is. All I can say is, that if you follow the instructions, it works. And the reply you mention shows that you get a connection to SL - just that the URL of the in-world object doesn't get updated properly. I can only assume that there must be something not quite right with your configuration. I can rezz my object and post the page here to show you, if you want - it works.
  6. To be exact - you have to fil in the three values of the script in the config section - I forgot to delete my custom URL there //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONFIGURATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is the url extension, ie http://tiny.cc/biose.string CUSTOM_URL = "cschmutz";// Set this to the username you signed up with on // http://tiny.cc.string USER_NAME = "";// Set this to the API key generatred by tiny.cc. To// generate one, visit: http://tiny.cc/api-docs and you// will see Your "API Key:" followed by a key.string API_KEY = "";
  7. At least this is a reply from SL. It seems, that your inworld script does not update the tiny url - are you sure that you put in the script I posted and followed the steps that are described on the page mentioned? In the script I posted, you have to supply the correct tiny URL and your key from there. I tested it and it works like a charm.
  8. the listen event passes information about the sener which in the case of the dialog is the one who got and touched the dialog. So in the case that an ava chose a texture, just add something like else { // display the texture from menu selection llSetTexture(message, ALL_SIDES); if(llGetOwner() != id) { llSay(0, name + " has changed the texture."); } }
  9. Let people know that you are passing their data to an outworld server and store it there - then you should be safe. Logging IPs is something very different from logging names - and the more so, if you don't tell people that you are doing it. An IP is not very easily traced to a person. In the country I life in, at least, it requires a court's decision to get the name of a person that used a certain IP address at a given time.
  10. Thank you for answering that for me - it's exactely what I had in mind - the havok that RedZone caused. Now, after the OP stated hisor her intentions, the ways Peter and I suggested certainly do not offend against the ToS - the users can freely decide to give the information or not.
  11. You can make it all fully automatic and pretty fast. - You could e.g. it this way: user registers on your website at the end of the registration, you give the user a SLURL to go to at this inworld location, there is a terminal, which the user touches and types in their username or a code they hve gotten at the end of the web-registration - the terminal sends that information straight to your website - user is verified
  12. There are several ways. One way would be that you do the actual signing up in SL through a 'terminal' using the http features of LSL you could do the signing up in SL. Another way would be, that they sign up on your website, but have to verify their identity inworld. And I'm sure other will come up with even better ideas. ETA If on sign up on the website people would be required to leave their key, you could at least check whether that's a valid key or not
  13. If it were, it would be against the ToS. And as far as the browsers and the browser information is concerned, it's not really true that you can detect which browser is using - all you can see is what browser information people decide (intentionally or not) to have sent to the webserver. Many rowsers even let you set that.
  14. I wouldn't start with Ajax if you know just a little javascript - even more so as cross site Ajax is a little tricky. But there is a very simple way to do it - just use an embedded frame. First of all, take the code from the page that Talia posted - make sure you resistered on tiny.cc and generated a key as described there and fill in your username and the key in it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [K] Kira Komarov - 2011, License: GPLv3 //// Please see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html //// for legal details, rights of fair usage and //// the disclaimer and warranty conditions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONFIGURATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is the url extension, ie http://tiny.cc/biose.string CUSTOM_URL = "cschmutz";// Set this to the username you signed up with on // http://tiny.cc.string USER_NAME = "";// Set this to the API key generatred by tiny.cc. To// generate one, visit: http://tiny.cc/api-docs and you// will see Your "API Key:" followed by a key.string API_KEY = "";//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// key rlReq = NULL_KEY;key glReq = NULL_KEY;string smURL = ""; default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(5); llRequestURL(); } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } timer() { if(smURL != "") { rlReq = llHTTPRequest("http://tiny.cc/?c=rest_api&format=json&version=2.0.3&m=shorten&login=" + USER_NAME + "&apiKey=" + API_KEY + "&shortUrl=" + CUSTOM_URL + "&longUrl=" + llEscapeURL(smURL), [HTTP_METHOD, "GET"], ""); llSetTimerEvent(0); return; } } http_request(key id, string method, string body) { if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED) { smURL = body; return; } if(method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED) { llResetScript(); return; } if(method == "GET") { llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "This is my response from in-world"); llOwnerSay("sent"); return; } } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (glReq == request_id) { llHTTPResponse(glReq, 200, ""); return; } if(rlReq == request_id) { if(~llSubStringIndex(body, "1215")) { glReq = llHTTPRequest("http://tiny.cc/?c=rest_api&format=json&version=2.0.3&m=edit&hash=" + CUSTOM_URL + "&login=" + USER_NAME + "&apiKey=" + API_KEY + "&shortUrl=" + CUSTOM_URL + "&longUrl=" + llEscapeURL(smURL), [HTTP_METHOD, "GET"], ""); } llHTTPResponse(rlReq, 200, ""); return; } }} You just dump that script in your object. And here is a very simple page that lets you read the response from your object and refresh it with a button - of course you have to put in your tiny url in the href and the src (replace the XXX): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><title>Prim message in an embedded frame</title></head><body><h1>Look through the window</h1><p>The object says:</p><iframe src="http://tiny.cc/XXX" width="90%" height="400" name="MyFrame"></iframe><input type="button" value="Reload" onclick="parent.frames.MyFrame.location.href='http://tiny.cc/XXX';"></body></html>
  15. llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());
  16. You're right, of course - but I never even implied it would
  17. The best way to do that, I think, would be to make one script the controller that opens the dialog and listens to the reply. If the reply is for the other of the two, you can send the other script a link Message. Of course you could also make a third script that just is the controller and dispatches messages to the script that has to act. But to answer your actual question: It is possible. One of the scripts opens the dialog - both are listening to the same channel for the reply. But that way both scripts would have to know which channel to listen on - if you are using a channel that gets generated dynamically at runtime, the generating script would have to tell the other one, which channel to listen to (again using llMessageLinked)
  18. Well, now you should have about everything you need: - a 3rd party database so you don't need one as descibed by Talia - the http_response event to receive requests from your website To send requests from your website, you can either use a frame that calls your tiny URL (see Talia's posting) that shows the reply on your website or Ajax (see here for an introduction) - the events could be anything like pressing a button on the page, loading the page or a timer. This is standard javascript web programming.
  19. I just looked at the first example - just dele the following part fom the llSetText(): name + ":"
  20. What you would nee is so called HTTP in - a call to the script inworld with the script acting as a webserver. You don't need php for that - javascript can do that . The problem is, that the URL of the server can change - and will under certain cirumstances (read here). So the answer to that part would be: you can, but it's not be a good solution. What you usually do, is that the in-world server reports it's URL to a php file which in turn stores it. But that would require PHP and some means to store data (either write a file or a database). ETA: If you're going to update your hosting plan, be aware that having php doesn't mean that you can call your lsl script - most hosting providers block calls to odd ports which LL uses.
  21. *laughs and facepalms* Ok - I will call you House from now on. And yes, I have realized your red dot. Congratulations!
  22. *does a little victory dance, wiggling his butt* that makes it 2:0 for me, today, Peter
  23. I guess you are talking about prim media when you say "testures". There are different ways to toggle the URL for the media - a dialog would be one way to set the parameter PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL ( see here: llSetPrimMediaParams). If you wanted to make it more TV like, you could add some switches to toggle the URL or define certain areas that are touches to go to different URLs - have a look at this thread
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