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Darkie Minotaur

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Everything posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. There aren't too many options - as far as i can see, there are the following: in the script itself in a second script that triggers the messages through link messages e.g. notecard(s) you could save the messages on a webserver and poll to the script using http out or send them to the object with http in. This would give you the option to make a nice web page to save the messages you could store short messages as a property of the object e.g. the description you could save the messages in the script memory - this would mean, that you loose them if the script is restarted and you could make them editable through chat messages sent to the script or using llTextBox Of course there are combinations of these methods you can use.
  2. You should state more detailed what you mean by access. However, you just have to deed the object to the group in its properties dialog - this is no scripting issue
  3. A pretty simple aüpproach should be a list with avlues and a list of weightings that you use in generating your random results. Here is a simpkle example which could be made much nicer. In the example, glItems are the possible results and glWeights the different weightings for the according position in the irems list: list glItems = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"];list glWeights = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ];integer giMax;default{ state_entry() { giMax = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_SUM, glWeights); } touch_end(integer total_number) { integer randNum = (integer)(llFrand(giMax + 1)); integer i = 0; integer counter; for (; i < llGetListLength(glWeights); i++) { counter += llList2Integer(glWeights, i); if (randNum <= counter) { llSay("The result is: " + llList2String(glItems, i); return; } } }}
  4. I really don't think, this is the right place to ask for what you want 1. This forum is about LSL topics 2. Even if you insist on asking in the SL fora (which I think is a bad idea in the first place), you should ask here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment or here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment
  5. Not always. For a long time - heaven knows why - I saw the objects but couldn't see any TargetOmega effects on Phoenix.
  6. If you plug inthe llGetObjectDetails in the loop and set uuid = llDetectedKey(i); it should work.
  7. You can use llGetAttached ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAttached) to check if the object is attached in the on_rez event
  8. One possibility would be to use the already sensing object to send the information to the ava in question. Or you could have the sensing object pass on the information to the rezzed object. I guess there are a few other possibilities - but in order to identify the options, it would be helpfull to understand the use case in some more detail.
  9. Have you checked the caveats on the wiki page (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Collision) ? Especially the last one could solve the riddle: Only a physical object will get collision events from colliding with a non-physical object.
  10. Just a small mistake - you set data to channel. Data, however, should be the complete line (without leading spaces)
  11. I don't know how many examples containing for loops there are in th wiki, but a frequent use is to go through a list and do something with the individual values - you'll find an example here or here. Another example is events that can return several values (very often keys) like the sensor event - see an example here (btw. in the llSensor and the sensor articles the while loop is used. If you are tackling the for loop, take a look at the while loop (and do while), too). By now, you should have a pretty good basic idea what the loop is used for and in what context it is used
  12. I haven't heard about llRegionSay being depreciated - but then again, may someone else has. Yes, the syntax looks right to detect an object with the key target that is physical and scripted.
  13. Work with a timer and llSensor instead of llSensorRepeat. To change the timing, use no_sensor and sensor to set the respective timer event.
  14. Shymus, what exactely is your question? I don't think that saying that it is about the usage of llSensor nn taking attendance in a fire department really help to understabd. Actually, my first reaction would be: What has that to do with sensors at all All I can say at the moment: look at llSensor and read carefully. it's explained quite well.
  15. You can't delete inventory items from another prims inventory. You would have a script in each prim that deletes the inventory items - these scripts could be triggered from another prim's script.
  16. If you hven't declared a variable called rotation 180_ROTATION = llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, 180> * DEG_TO_RAD); , this won't work. To my knowledge, there is no constant (loke e.g. ZERO_ROTATION) called 180_ROTATION. If you haven't declared the variable, your script shouldn't compile in the first place . So you will have to have either declare and set the variable: : 180_ROTATION = llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, 180> * DEG_TO_RAD); or do it without the variable like Rolig and I demonstrated above.
  17. You also use the llSitTarget for that. Rotations are expressed in a way that is a little confusing for most people (including me), but there are ways to make them more readable - 1. You use Euler rotations instead of quaternions and then convert euler to quaternions (llEuler2Rot), 2. You enter degrees instead of radiants in the llEuler2Rot function and conver them by multiplying the degrees by the built in variable DEG_TO_RAD. In the line below, you just enter the degrees you want to rotate the ava in the x, y and z axes respectively: llSitTarget( <0.00, 0.00, 1.00>, llEuler2Rot(<x, y, z> * DEG_TO_RAD) );
  18. You should take a little more time to say or ask what ypu want to say in a way that informs other people and not just confuses them . Honestly, I don't understand what you want and where your problem is. if, what I don't really belive it is, the following is your problem: "what's needed is the deleted object (Rezzer) has to be saying and communicating its key to the additional object", the simple answer is: an object, once it's deleted, can't communicate anything.
  19. I don't really think so. The possibility to personalize NCs may habve added to the problem - but there are many CRM tools that let you make 'mail' marketing - and it's used a lot - personalized NCs or not.
  20. It certainly would be possible though a bot - which is not exactly LSL scripting. Look at the different bots too see if one for sale can do it. Otherwise you would have to make one or have one made.
  21. First of all, a script can't write or edit a notecard. For sending it to an ava, you can use llGiveInventory
  22. I think I got what you want - contact me inworld. I'm usually on at European evenings/nights. If I'm not on, I'll still get you messages and if possible I reply straight away.
  23. So, in effect you're not just asking for a change of the complete payment logic where at the same time you could simply script a HUD that pays someone some money. The narrow minded people here have found workarounds for almost anything. That is what this forum is about (well, at least for a good part) - it is not, as I may repeat, for feature requests.
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