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Deja Letov

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Everything posted by Deja Letov

  1. I'd love to get the name of the creator as well so I can avoid the problem too. I buy a lot of animations.
  2. Willow Danube wrote: Hmmm, the answer is simple... if someone gets a nerd rage attack over what someone is thinking over a game, that person is seriously in love with particular game. And you Mr. Deja does not have a tail's end knowing who disagreed first do you? I came in to say I'd vote for that lady for my reasons. I say I might not vote her because she does not reach her voters effectively. Why? Because WoW itself has plenty of children it it, compared to other MMOs. Syo, came in with unfounded anger telling me that I'm ignorant and mean... over me calling a MMO game what it is? Which nerves did I hit on both of you? The fact that it is true that we have more children playing WoW compared to SWTOR? Or the facts that Syo is relating well with her inner child and you relating well with your bias-ness of one particular game? So what if Rift is a piece of crap, call me a fanboy/fangirl... Bottom line is, We're talking about a game and and a politician.. and if she would be able to reach the userbase effectively as what other games will. The answer is this... NO. Where in my previous comments (if you had read it at all) saying WoW is a piece of crap? Obviously Syo did (in her own misconstrued preconception about my comments) and you with your one-sided conclusion. And, Fanboy/Fangirl actually does have a nice ring to it. You want to take it as an insult, then be it. Ask me if I care? Well first, I'm a Mrs...not a Mr. Second....I would call hardly anything I've seen so far in this thread nerd raging. Again...just because it's a discussion and people disagree, doesn't make it nerd raging. If it were, you would be quite guilty of that yourself, but I don't think anyone has crossed that line quite yet. And who cares who was first? Were you not the one that said people in WoW act like 5 year olds, yet you want to play the "he did it first card"? As for her calling you ignorant and mean...that's her opinion not mine. I wasn't disagreeing with anything either of you said...all I was getting at was the overuse of insults and MUCH overuse of the word "fanboy" which is what anyone in gaming seems to call anyone else who disagrees with their likes and dislikes of video games. If I were to disagree with you on anything at all it would simply because to not blanket statements like "the fact is that we have more children playing wow..."...unless of course you work at Blizzard and know their demographics, you can't really say that's fact can you? And I didn't call you a fanboy for liking Rift in fact I specifically was making a point that you liking Rift and my not liking Rift DOES NOT make you a fanboy. You have completely missed the point of the post I made. Not even sure you read the whole thing but oh well. You haven't hit a nerve with me at all, people I don't know, don't really get under my nerves...i was simply making a statement about insulting people, that's all. Like i said as far as the actual OP, I would totally vote for her.
  3. Why does everyone who doesn't like a game have to call everyone who does like it a fanboy? Fanboy is such a stupid name and really has become simply a way to insult someone for not agreeing with your way of thinking and most of the time aren't really what I would call a fanboy on a gaming industry level. I used to play wow...haven't touched it in well over a year cause it got stagnant and boring to me after Cata was done and I have no interest in playing as a panda or a round of pokemon. Right now I play GW2 pretty heavily and I played SWTOR when it came out last year. I also played Rift too. I'm not a fan boy of any of them in particular...I just really like MMO's in general. But being able to say that obviously WoW is a great game doesn't make me a fanboy (or woudl that be fan girl?). It's simply a fact and they have the subscription and dollars to prove it. Honestly, Rift was the biggest piece of crap I ever played in my life, yet you like it. That doesn't make you a fan boy and it doesn't make me wrong. It makes you like a game that I don't. Personally...so far GW2 has been one of the better MMO's i've played in a long time, but WoW is definitely more polished and more stable of a game...but I have no doubt given time GW2 will be just as hot of a game...plus it's free so there's that. As for the whole political issue. I could give a rats tail if a politician plays video games. In fact, I might like them a bit more if they did. But...if you're going to use your gaming as a way to spread political statements, you have to come and expect a little flack for it. Also to Syo...."Thats like saying all SL residents are sexuall frustrated weidos in RL." come on...you know this is true
  4. I've stayed out of this thread for the most part because quite honestly the legality of it all is probably way over my head and I would most likely be making guesses and inaccurate guesses at this. But I have seen the TOS about L$ not being real currency. So I guess my question is...if L$ isn't real currency how are people filing for losses against people and taking them to court for actual financial losses due to theft or whatever in SL? When someone files a DMCA and gets their contact info to take them to court...how can they sue for any damages or loss of revenue, if they in fact haven't really lost any real money? Only L$?
  5. Pamela Galli wrote: And not just a regularly scheduled newsletter that people can refer to but a periodically updated synopsis -- a bulleted overview of main topics, with links if needed -- and all of it stickied for reference. We have discussed this many times -- we need a centralized location of data. As it is, we have a blog, a JIRA, a merchant home, forum posts, forum stickies, the inworld group, and now a secret Bug Report -- that makes keeping well informed quite a task. If I am going to be held repsponsible for being aware of every bit of information about the marketplace published anywhere, then I think it reasonable to expect someone to be tasked with making the information clearly spelled out and accessible. What's really sad is we have all those things "blog, a JIRA, a merchant home, forum posts, forum stickies, the inworld group, and now a secret Bug Report" yet I feel more uninformed than ever! I love your idea Pam! It would certainly help morale around here even if it's just a synopsis of "not much accomplished this week" just something to let us know they are actually alive.
  6. Saturn Serendipity wrote: Hello, Just some numbers: When I rez in my home in sl, using Phoenix 1.5.2, the frame rate is about 35 fps When log off and relog at the EXACT same spot in Firestorrm 4.2.2 I get about 1 tenth the frame rate, yes, 3-4 fps My home is on a residential sim that is usually deserted and a crowd is 2-4 people any where on the sim. Now going to somewhere like Franks Place in Phoenix, depending on the crowd, I get 1-5 fps. If I go there in Firestorm, I just CRASH as soon as I land --- IF I even get there. . It would be hard to diagnose anything like this without knowing more about your system and internet capabilities. On my old computer, before I got my new snazzy ones, I would crash at Franks no matter what viewer I was using. Now, I can land at Franks, rez immediately and wander around aimlessly in quickness. It could be something in Firestorm...then again it could be just random weirdness.
  7. Alicia Sautereau wrote: It is sl, i`ve been noticing degrading performance in render/loading (take your pick of the day) time since they did the big roll over to pathfinder Same places just don`t rez that fast anymore while there is enough processing power available to render 10 times the load, changing to and from http textures is as helpfull as submitting a ticket so that`s not it, dunno, but it feels sluggisher I've noticed this exact same thing. Ever since pathfinding came out, things have come to a grinding halt.
  8. Lenni Foxtrot wrote: Times are hard on us all financially, I agree..but I can't wait to meet on this cruise! It's about 300 per person if you share a room with someone..150 down holds the room, and you have until march to pay it off. Once on board food and fun is free! I am saving up and will make it happen. For all the time I have spent in SL, this is my treat to myself Love you all and hope you can make it! Actually $300 per person for a nice vacation isn't expensive at all. I spend more on that for a weekend trip to the beach staying in some craptastic hotel. I'd love to go on a cruise, but I think if I spent my vacation with SL peeps I hardly know instead of my husband and kids, I would be disowned.
  9. I agree, it can definitely go both ways. I've been fortunate enough to not have to deal with often but it does occassionally happen that I get a nasty customers who's just being miserable for the sake of being miserable. However, I have to say, the only part I found arrogant in the original post just the fact that he said that basically nobody can script on his level? I mean come on. All he would have had to have done is simply say "no, I'm sorry I don't provide mod items". Ok fine, move on to someone else to purchase from. I don't find it arrogant no matter what perms a creator puts on their items, that is totally up to them and they will either gain or lose business from it. But in the end that's a personal preference and doesn't make them arrogant or not. But making comments like that...ya totally arrogant. I'm not even sure where the whole "critisizing" took place here, because I don't think the OP was trying to tell the creator how to improve the product, it was just a perms issue. Seems like "can you take critisizm" would be a better topic to talk about than in this thread which seems to have gone off track a bit. Of course...I may have just missed the post where it moved that direction, who knows.
  10. Arwen Serpente wrote: laughs, are you thinking of setting the default perms for upload (i.e., textures, sculpt maps)? I know every viewer has that option, just not sure where it is on the viewer you're using. Maybe join the Firestorm Support Group inworld and ask in chat - they are really helpful there and could probably tell you where it is in a split second. (The default for objects has always been what I mentioned above.) While I only offer no transfer items, I do know that Merchants who offer a choice (either no transfer, or, mod/transfer/no copy) usually charge more for the copy enabled items (at least for landscaping, furniture, etc). I think it's the uploads that have that option like you are stating Arwen. I used Phoenix first and now firestorm and it's always defaulted to transfer with no option to change. It's a pain really...everything I do these days is copy/mod as well, I would love the option to be able to change that default option.
  11. Darrius Gothly wrote: Deja Letov wrote: I'm not so sure this is new though. This same thing happened to me months ago when I uploaded a subscription based product that was named the same except with months. What a pain in the keister though! Interesting. I'll have to hunt down Glom and ask when his last update was, but I think it was a few months ago. As for the pain factor .. I would think so. Tack on the confusion factor (and from my experience, Glom is a pretty sharp guy but it bent him for a bit) and you've added some needless confusion. If it's not new though .. SHAME on them for not realizing how screwed up this is. I've got to believe it's more of their inept "Regular Expression" skills showing. They've made the same type of errors when writing pattern matching regexes for the word filter here on the forums, the word filter on the Marketplace and in their handling of in-world search too. I think someone .. or a bunch of someone's .. needs to go back to *nix school and relearn how Regular Expressions work. If it helps any...it happened to me in the very beginning of July. It was on the initial upload, not an edit.
  12. The most successful one for me has been the 60L Weekends...however, last I checked it was full. In fact I applied for one of my second stores to get in months ago and it still hasn't made it down the list yet. But it doesn't hurt to get your name on the list. As Czari pointed out, Homestuff group is really important. That's a great one for furniture designers. As for finding hunts, I find them in a couple of different ways. When I'm visiting friends or other stores, I see their "hunt walls". On those walls are their upcoming hunts, so I might grab a notecard from the poster to see what it's about and if it's my thing I apply. The other thing I do is go to http://slhunts.wordpress.com/ This website is usually pretty up to date with what hunts are going on and coming up. Just keep in mind, you have to be quick. Hunts fill up fast sometimes. And when you find a REALLY good hunt...stay in the group. You'll get a notice first when the next one is. Like for example, the Twisted Hunt, I've done every time except once for the last 2-3 years. never left the group, that's how I find out when they are.
  13. I'm not so sure this is new though. This same thing happened to me months ago when I uploaded a subscription based product that was named the same except with months. What a pain in the keister though!
  14. I also just tried this on one of my couches and it worked! left my prim count in place and the child prims I put the script into were indeed phantom. You know you may have just saved many of us. LOL *The original one posted setting the shape to prim did not work for me...the one with the shape to NONE did work. Thanks again!
  15. Darrius Gothly wrote: I don't routinely do builds such as you folks do, but I did have some experience a while back with various devices that needed to be delivered as one unit but split apart and given separate properties after installation. For example, I sell a couple of doors with fancy trim pieces around the door. Since they actually consist of several prims, they are delivered as a single object. This allows them to be positioned easily as a single piece. Then after they are positioned, a single touch and a quick "Approve" to allow unlinking .. and the various parts disassemble into two objects; one for the door itself so it can swing open and closed and one for the fancy trim. Can a similar approach work for your builds? For example delivering a build with all prims linked into one solid object, then after the entire thing is positioned as needed .. touch and let the parts split up, go phantom, etc. in order to render the functions you need? I plead intense naivete when it comes to delivering and equipping complex builds so forgive me if I'm asking something straight out of kindergarten. But it just seemed like a possible application for a technique I've used before. Unfortunately with furniture, it sounds doable, but it's not practical for customers. Customers are used to getting a "sofa" for example, dropping it, moving it around and using it. Especially in cases where you have invisible prims. They will go to rearrange their furniture and forget to click all the pieces and bam...broke. I can see how something like a door wouldn't be moved around much so not a big deal, but furniture, moved around constantly. So far, what I have been doing is making builds that really "need" a child phantom prim, I make the entire build completely phantom. These aren't things people walk on so it's not a hinderance, but I find it annoying to be able to walk through a couch that's sitting in your living room. But ya...requiring sculpts to now use mesh accounting just to get a part of it to be phantom, practically doubles your prim count making furniture even harder to now build within decent prim limits and still get a lot of detail. I've been doing more and more mesh just for this reason, but my sales aren't as high on mesh items because so many people still refuse to buy it.
  16. Kubric Flux wrote: Hi Everyone, I had the same problem with a basic skybox I made, which started out at 15 prims then went up to 28 prims after the changes. Here is a bit of code I am using that makes it 15 prims again without needing to unlink it, I just swapped the old code for this: default { state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE,PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM]); } } Hope it helps. So is this a replacement for old child phantom script? Does this really work? If it does....I'm coming to find you to give you a big wet one! I've been making all my new stuff completely phantom for the entire build because the prim counts are doubling when I tried the "none" route. I can't wait to get home tonight and try this!
  17. What do you mean "accepting new designers"? What groups exactly are you applying to? Are you talking about hunts perhaps? I'm in furniture as well, and it's hard to get known but obviously it can be done, many have. It just takes persistence. I haven't visited your store yet, I'm still at work, but will try to swing by tonight, but the fact that you have a store is important! I think many businesses can go MP totally...but furniture isn't one of them. They want to try it out. I think one of the best things you can do is get involved in shopper groups like 60L weekends or anything other ones and also hunts. I swear by hunts, I have great success with them. But others don't like them. it's a difference of opinion of course, but i like them for sheer numbers of traffic and sales and I have data to back up that success so it's not just a general like or dislike. Of course also make sure your items are up on the MP for sure. And network with others as much as you can...or as much as they will allow you to.
  18. Well damn it, i swear I was the first person to make a "couch". All the rest of you houligans better get off my train!
  19. nuria Augapfel wrote: Deja Letov wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: I identify their top sellers .. and add them to my list of "Products I will be making soon." *grin* LOL...I'm not gonna lie...I've totally done this. Trying to reproduce creations from other designers (their top seller) to try to hurt them somehow ?... definitely an attitude like this is not way to do business...not from honnest, original and professional merchants. You should feel ashamed of such sentence. To the OP, i'm seeing here arrogance in both sides. You knew what permissions had the item, you knew that was heavily scripted....... seriously, the merchant told you that you was being daft just because you asked him to change the permissions politely as you claim or maybe we are missing some part in this issue? It is common that when customer asks for changing permissions of a product and the answer is "no" the merchant automatically becomes a greedy and arrogant who's providing bad customer service (even if the merchant is polite). What made you think that he's going to change the permissions specially for you?.... Actually wasn't to hurt them at all...simply to prove a point. I say that sentence very tongue in cheek in light of this thread and the previous comments made by others in a jest sort of manner and not like I have to justify myself to anyone but myself, but there was one designer in particular that made me say that sentence. He told me I would never be able able to build something as good as he did. That starting a business in SL was completely pointless with my skillset (this was 3-4 years ago keep in mind and funny enough he isn't even in SL anymore) and went so far to tell me my best product wouldn't beat out his worst product. The goal was not simply to reproduce creations from other designers...I don't do that...the goal was to put him in his place to strike his ego down a bit and show him he wasn't the only **bleep** in the hen house. So no I don't feel ashamed at all. I tell people about that story all the time and I'm actually proud of it because the product I did...was completely original and looked nothing like his. I didn't reproduce his item...that would be like saying I copy Pamela because I also make dining room furniture as she does. I took an item name and made my own, all custom textures, all different sculpts, scripting, etc. I realize I didn't spell out the whole story in the original post, because it was just a quip sort of statement, but I would maybe make an effort on the whole story before passing judgement. It's pretty obvious to me that Darrius and my comment were made out of humor so lighten up.
  20. Darrius Gothly wrote: I identify their top sellers .. and add them to my list of "Products I will be making soon." *grin* LOL...I'm not gonna lie...I've totally done this.
  21. Gadget Portal wrote: This is for fellow content creators- how do you react to absolutely arrogant merchants? My lady friend suggested I buy some sunglasses from a creator I won't name. I looked and noticed that they were heavily scripted, no modify prims, so I decided I didn't want them. But she insisted, so I asked the creator if he'd be willing to sell them with modify permission. Not only was I told no, I was told that no mod is "circa 2008". In the spirit of casual conversation, I mentioned I like modify perms. I said it politely for a change, too. I was then told that I was being daft and "lol" no one can script or texture "on my level". I know all about arrogant- I like to think I could write scripts that would make most content creator's heads explode- and that's easily the most arrogant way to talk to a potential customer I've ever seen. After he continued to say that I don't comprehend the point of no mod and that there's no sense fixing something that isn't broken, I simply stopped answering and left. So back to original question- what do you guys think of that kind of arrogance in other merchants and/or creators? The creator was definitely full of themselves, but in cases like that, I don't really think anything about them. It's not my business....if they want to be jerks let them...it only benefits someone else who isn't. But on the topic of actually getting the mod item...if i wanted something MOD and asked for it and they said no. Not a big deal, I'd just move on to someone else who wants my business. Anything new I've made in the last year or two has been mod, in fact mostly copy/mod but I have some older stuff that is no mod. There are a couple of things, I just won't go mod on. Not because I'm arrogant but because I've started out with it as MOD, people adjust it and break it and then come back to me wanting help with it. And not to be arrogant, but I'm not here to support something that someone else broke because they adjusted it.
  22. I agree and this is one of the things that DD has fixed. I dread buying on the MP if the merchant isn't using DD because of this very thing. If they are using DD, then I get a little chat notice saying it's been delivered to my received items folder and then voila there it is. Nothing to click. Unfortunately until everyone moves to DD I think this will continue to be a problem. They arent going to write new code for a system they are trying to phase out, when the new system does exactly what you are asking for.
  23. Nicolette Lefevre wrote: Ela Talaj wrote: I send to my customers mailing list once a month and sometimes none in two months... lol... cuz I forget about it or too busy to write a newsletter and still some (small percentage though) complain of "spam". That is because if they didn't explicitly opt-in to receive your newsletter it IS spam! It annoys me massively when I have to click "Discard" to various notecard or texture offers when I login. I never subscribed to any of these newsletters and yet I get about a dozen. The real "highlight" are the ones that do not include information about how to unsubscribe or who continue to send me newsletters after I have unsubscribed AND gotten confirmation that I have been removed from their list. I have two very simple rules about these newsletters. If I didn't subscribe to them I will send an abuse report, and will NEVER EVER buy from that shop again. And IMO this is what everyone should do. The whole annoying problem would disappear very quickly. Please note that I have absolutely no problem with such newsletters if I have explicitly opted-in. In that case it would have been my own conscious decision that I want to receive it. I get this...but...sometimes people sign up for some and then forget they did. I use a subscribomatic system and the person must touch the sign to get subscribed. I have had people every once in awhile ask me why I've added them to my list and to please stop spamming them. I've never added anyone...honestly, I have no idea how to even go about adding someone manually. In fact I had to tell them they needed to come by my store to touch the sign again because I didn't even know if there was a way to remove them manually. So no...I don't think the problem would disappear completely, in fact people might even stop shopping at a place that might have just what they were looking for simply because they forgot they signed up. I realize it may not apply to you directly, but for some, actually quite a few, it does.
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: Each week my customers get a notecard from me. It tells them about new releases, promos, and gifts, and sometimes what long-term item I am working on -- but also just keeps them informed about things everyone in SL benefits from knowing, gives notecards or links to helpful hints, etc. For example I have sent out a notecard several times explaining how to cut prims from builds by resetting the physics type of their prims, much to the delight of those who cut hundreds of prims that way. I did something similar when I taught elementary school -- every week parents got an informative newsletter about what was going on in the classroom. And that's how professionals communicate with their clients. I'm on your list and I love to watch your newsletters I do the same thing with my clients as well, every Friday send out the news about the latest happenings, new releases, promotions, etc. That's good communication and a GREAT way to retain customers! Keep up the great work Pamela!
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