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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. My cable modem stays the same, UNLESS I change my mac address on the router, and very simple because I run dd-wrt on my router. that instantly changes my ip to another fresh out of the pool. I can do this anytime I want, simple with a mac change.
  2. we really need to get a fix for that then. I know there are some openstandards that can be implemented. time to do that I think then, this is one of the things I had wanted to put up in a new hangout area for those of us that like to watch streamers. but, meh, figures. something cool always wants to never work.
  3. https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=commanderroot&html5 does not work.
  4. I might, I just worry that person I am trying to ignore here will leave me be and hope they are not in it there. whirly knows whom I refer too. even asking for help here can bring that issue.
  5. yep they work in the browser, but refuse to work on moap. which is what I was needing.
  6. okay whats the deal with firestorm not doing html5 video? really perplexed as I thought everything was on chromes dev kit now? whirly, I know you'll be in here. so any ideas?
  7. even sadder when you forget to read the terms of services and how the service actually works and what they will and will not notify you about. https://status.secondlife.com is the status page you need to check. file a bug report on the jira, but the web profiles are coming to an end soon and they are going back to legacy profiles. it's been mentioned and is even in some of the code from LL.
  8. would of had a real cow than when the service was down each Wednesday for updates. I remember the complaints hehe.
  9. I've given up asking for help or ideas in this area because of said person. pretty soon with how things have been I might stop using the forum at all.
  10. while you do all that they have moved on to another target, it's a rinse and repeat system for them. we had a big set of headaches in the forum (message board) that I still run, back in the early 2000's when we became quite popular in the car culture scene, because of fast and the furious, talking about a nightmare. but once we shut the board off they went and found another target.
  11. There is the automated one LL includes, but easy as changing the ip address can get around that and most trolls/griefers are very aware how to defeat the system, these kind live to do it over and over and over and know there is no full proof way of blocking them (unless you want to black list a whole ip range with a geo block eeep.)
  12. Good luck getting the venue owner in SL to pay anything. you are the one doing the performing, so word of advice, this "lawyer" person you talked too. will be handy when you get smacked for unlicensed broadcasting outside your little state.
  13. Banning by ip or mac address or heck even hardware address is not worth the time or effort, it takes me 5 mintues in total to change ip/mac/hardware addresses. Banning by such things worked when the internet was less common and newer, in todays world, it's not going to work.
  14. add me to the list of lost potential sales.
  15. how to lose customers on pre existing items, do that.
  16. either it's the General rated bunch we have in SL or it's spambots.
  17. Sticking my nose in here. if I buy it, and want to get it again later on, I expect it to be there and how it was when I purchased it, oh you might have a newer version of it, but that should be a new listing with a new price you want to charge, trying to jack up my old units price without any features or updates, means I'm going to black list you and spread the word by mouth.
  18. Mine was in march 03/17/2007 (12 years 1 month; 4416 days) I've taken 3 months off in all those years.
  19. Same topic on reddit. well, This will get you more help. Cy is here. Cy knows stuffs.
  20. I have just had a friend in SL get married irl, they are about as old as I am, we had to use our real names back then, she's very confused why LL does not have the feature to update our names that we had stored? anybody got a clue? otherwise i'm going to ship her over to the help desk.
  21. The new version of Firestorm-Releasex is installed. And now I can not see the items in my inventory that I kept. Items transferred are not displayed in my inventory (I have them I do not see the list is not in kind) I just see the name from the avatar that he shared and gave me something ... but what exactly I can not see ... since it is not in the inventory. It was necessary to restore purchases manually .... again. This problem has not only affected me a lot. I have a question about how long repair work will take. After installing the new version, I hear the sound that the viewer makes ... what does this sound mean? I have not heard it before, why has it appeared now? And I also checked the list ... Transaction History and Purchase History ... they do not equally reflect the actions performed ... for example, if the Transaction History list displays actions taken or operations performed ... then the Purchase History list does not always display it. .. what is the reason? In my shopping list, not all purchases are fixed .. there are such purchases with the seller which I can not contact through the product review .. the reason they say that I do not have rights ... since I did not buy this product. The situation is shocking. Does this indicate in an indirect form that I am fraudulent and steal products from the seller? I consider it an insult. I want a good viewer and a valid list. Thanks for attention.
  22. Crap yes. I was in the wrong topic, my bad. thank you. I just got home from work after working 12 hours. ugh. okay.
  23. I got a direct answer from ebbe on twitter it was a bug and the team was working on it. think I asked him last week too.
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