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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. no, you are wrong, you could set your tier level to a full sim if you wanted to, but you are only charged for the maximum tier level you use. lowering the tier level on your dashboard is done so you will be notified if you are about to go to a higher tier level
  2. If someone defriended me out of the blue for no reason, I’d either think “whatever” or “good riddence”. I certaintly wouldn’t try to contact them on an alt and ask why. Anyone I unfriend is welcome to im me and ask me why. I’ll usually just say it was an unfortunate mistake. If they pissed me off, I’d have blocked them as well, contacting me on an alt wont get me to change my mind.
  3. I used to love watching people walk around with boxes on their heads and holes in their bodies. Im pretty sure i got a mesh enabled viewer when i had no choice 😂
  4. Perhaps singularity won’t incorporate PBR, and there will still be a place for those that don’t need LLs newest source of wonder and amazement
  5. I cant put up a link because im on my phone, I’ll do it later from my computer, but British police are investing a virtual rape of an under 16 yr old that took place on some virtual world. In view of that LL might want to reconsider embracing the adult side of second life
  6. they give you what they think you should see. Try searching covid vaccine injuries, or any other “disinformation” Plus its probably adding you to a list to give to the authorities at the proper time. I’ve said it before in here, the internet when it started was the ultimate form of free expression, and exchange of ideas. Now its the ultimate form of repression and control.
  7. If i get a real mirror in SL I’ll probably never go anywhere, I’ll just gaze at myself in the mirror 😂
  8. right now i rezz a cube, drag a picture out of my inventory onto the face of the cube, and voila a textured cube. Will that still be the same in a PBR enabled viewer?
  9. so no more creating your own textures? Does that mean i wont be able to upload a picture i took in SL and put it on a prim? LL should just destroy SL once and for all and take out the build tools so we can’t rezz and build with those horrid prims anymore. And no, building with prims isn’t obsolete, in fact its far superior and more real looking than many mesh builds I have seen. Give me prims or give me death. 😂
  10. So we have this beautiful new shiny that will make our experience so much more realistic and amazing, brought to us by the same designers that create mesh object that degrade into triangles at 5 meters. Oh boy, I can’t wait. Luckily firestorm hasn’t released a full PBR version yet, and when they do, the 3 version rule means i should be able to avoid PBR for quite a while still. As long as I can still build with prims and apply normal textures, whatever mess LL creators makes out of SL won’t matter to me too much.
  11. There was log in problems the last two days? I was able to log in just fine. 😁
  12. PBR is a joke, just another example of LL doing something useless instead of doing anything useful. I guess if you just use regular textures nothing will change. Its just buyer beware now that creators will be making “PBR compatable” textures.
  13. did you actually try calling a car, or did you stop at the barricade and turn around? While a barracade like that means something in RL, like as not it’s meaningless in SL, just an object rezzed for effect.
  14. I have stuff that I have paid to keep in storage for years, and will probably still be in storage when i ping timeout in RL. The thought of touching one item (or box of items each week), and using it, or tossing it seems like a good idea. We live in a 1600 sq ft home, if there isn't space for it, perhaps it is time to go (aside from cherished momentos of course)
  15. Being somewhat into native american spirituality I’ve heard that parable before, and its so true. There is a movie called Pow Wow Highway, about a Cheyanne Indian trying to follow the old ways. It has a bad storyline, bad hair and bad acting, but there is a deepness to it, that makes you overlook its flaws.
  16. Focusing on new years eve can be a convient excuse to not try for the whole rest of the year. In fact each day can be the start of a new year to each person. Anyone that says, today i vow to improve in some way, is starting a new year for themselves.
  17. Some of us value sleep over staying up untill after midnight for some silly ritual. On the plus side I was up at 3:30 am for my daily dose of SL.
  18. I downloaded the Singularity viewer for my annual “purge people from my friends list that are hiding their online status from me” Years ago LL told 3rd partly viewers they were not allowed to show who had unchecked “friends show on line status” something about privacy and causing drama. I guess the people who created Singularity didn’t get the memo. Its no drama though, I found six people hiding and unfriended them. The only drama will occur if they im me asking why i unfriended them, but i doubt they will, since they were hiding in the first place 😂
  19. Oh i agree totally. I think every adult club i go to, its right in the rules… no means no. On the other hand there are hard core places, where just being there is consent, and if you dont consent, you probably shouldnt go there
  20. OIC, well Second Life is pretty short, but i guess we could shorten it to just Seconds. Seconds: “Come for the Seconds, stay for the Years”
  21. No one has to watch what other people are doing, look away, or derender them.
  22. If you can’t change the product, then you can always change the name. Second Life is unique, one of a kind, there are no other “services” like Second Life. But if you wanna be more honest, then change the name to Second Chance. The slogan could be “Be everything you couldn’t be in your First Chance” Unfortunately, I’m afraid there are too many people in here squandering their first chance by spending too much time in here.
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