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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Lets see, lets say the average log ins for a month is 50,000 different users. You claim they are the .000000000001 % of the population that are neither the exploitive rich or the left behind poor. Using these two numbers that means the world population must be 5,000,000,000,000,000,000. I think you are several orders of magnitude off in your calculations. Please try again.
  2. And I don't debate politics with people that do nothing but throw around insults. However I do reserve the right to comment on any idiotic posts people make. *grins*
  3. Its not enough that you get a free lunch? Now you want dessert too?
  4. If you wish to debate American politics in here fine, I'm in.
  5. You are the one that divided the population in two, not me. I simply asked which part you belong to. *shrugs*
  6. i dunno, long is good to for example, /me sets Maddy on fire then runs off to get a stick and a bag of marshmallows to roast over the glowing embers of her remains
  7. You ARed someone for pushing you? *rolls eyes*
  8. Anyone that I've talked to that live on G land have told me they have sex stuff anyway, and the only difference between mature and adult is indoor vs outdoor sex. It won't be that big a deal
  9. If the population is divided between the top 10 % and the bottom 90%, that adds up to 100%. There no "middle". You are one or the other. Which one is it?
  10. Just think if Hilary had been elected, we'd have a brand new program of free university education for everyone. Gotta love the Dems, they have never found a problem they thought they couldn't fix by throwing more money at it.. money we don't have and will never be able to repay, but hey doncha know, just make the rich pay their "fair share" and all our problems will be solved. *rolls eyes*
  11. LL needs to redesign their viewer so that it mimics SL 1.23 That viewer was so easy and intuitive even I was able to master it. I still use the Firestorm Phoenix layout. I get a head ache trying to figure out the mess of the current SL viewer on those rare occasions I'm forced to use it.
  12. Did they send u an e-mail saying they were setting it to auction? If you asked to buy the parcel you should have gotten a reply saying they would sell it to you, or set it to auction. If they never contacted you, they never got your request
  13. Its possible they joined it before they were notified of your desire to buy it. If its still there, I'd submit another support ticket asking them to cut you off a piece. Sometimes LL employees just go around combining abandoned parcels, not sure why.
  14. There is relatively cheap adult mainland. I bought a Zindra roadfront 512 for 3000 L when comparable parcels on the same sim were selling for 12,000. They are still for sale and will be forever.
  15. I had a 4096. i asked them to carve out a part of the abandoned land and make another 4096 for me, they did and sold it to me directly, but its wasn't a usable 4096, it just wrapped around my parcel so i got a direct sale. I've had satisfactory dealing with LL employees many times over buying mainland.
  16. Maybe its a dumb question, but do any mainland full sims owners ($195 US per month level) have estate manager rights? or is that just for island owners?
  17. Land is always set for auction at 0.5 L per m. If its not desirable you will get it for that price, but being beside protected land will see it bid way up, which is fine. I've won land auctions at the starting bid, the trick is to find something a land flipper won't be interested in holding. I've also won bids on parcels beside protected land, you just gotta outbid the flippers.
  18. Yes but if it takes 6 months to sell, you've paid 1200 dollars. Every month it costs you another 200 dollars. You'll never get the 1200 dollars back you spent waiting for a buyer. When do you cut your losses and ditch the land? I've done the same for small parcels i want to get rid of before my tier is due.
  19. No land goes up for auction unless someone puts in a ticket asking to purchase it, at which point LL puts it up for auction, unless there is a strong case for direct sale. LL employees don't just wander around mainland putting land up for sale.
  20. Yes, they are paying customers.. they are paying $195 dollars a month in tier. If they go one day over their renewal date, they will owe another $195 dollars. If it takes 6 months to sell, thats 1200 US dollars waiting to find a buyer. If I was done with owning a full sim, I'd just turn it back to Linden Lab. The good thing is, if they change their minds a few months down the road , they get another whole sim for 16 L
  21. Mainland is exactly like estates. For 1 L you are buying the right to pay tier/rent to someone.. either the estate owner or Linden Lab. LL needs the tier, not some inflated upfront charge. The one good thing about land gougers, LL is collecting tier from them while they sit on the overpriced parcels.
  22. Mainland is exactly like estates. For 1 L you are buying the right to pay tier/rent to someone.. either the estate owner or Linden Lab. LL needs the tier, not some inflated upfront charge. The one good thing about land gougers, LL is collecting tier from them while they sit on the overpriced parcels.
  23. I would have made the standard parcel 4096 since that seems to be the most popular size on estates. I totally agree that tiers should increase incrementally instead of by doubling. I have a 8192 on a mature sim, I might be tempted to buy a bit more land if I didn't have to jump to the 16384 tier level
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