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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. It hasn't been said LOTS, but it has been said a few times here.
  2. I've have not seen any child avatar in this thread complain about having to wear undies. Hell, most of the kid avatars that I know already wear undies all the time.
  3. Peeve: My neighbor, who raises chickens, can kill them for dinner. But I cannot kill the bunnies running around my back yard. Oh yeah, supposed to be an SL peeve: Geez these forums........ Now I remember why I avoided most threads for many months. ETA: I have actually learned that if I can catch said bunnies, since they are destroying my lawn, I actually can kill them. However, since I do not like eating rabbit, I'd have to find a proper way to dispose of them.
  4. I totally get it. IMO, it is the same as when women in RL are told to dress a certain way if they don't want to be raped. A rapist is the one that is wrong, not the ones that might be raped. Similarly, the pedophile is the one in the wrong, not the object of their attention. However, since we are in an online world, where "image" counts for a lot, we have to deal with not only the fallout of the bad actors, but the perception that the bad actors can get what they want too easily.
  5. I have a single avatar (well, none of my alts count cuz I spend no money on them). In my 17 yrs in SL, I have easily spent over a thousand or two - in USD - when you count bodies, heads, skin, clothing, hair, shoes, makeup, accessories, etc.....
  6. Did I miss something (totally possibly since I sometimes skim over posts) ? When did anyone say "all anime people are pedophiles"?
  7. Hundreds of dollars for ONE avatar? You were ripped off. If it is a body that is no longer maintained and/or uses skins that are no longer being maintained, then essentially, everything they own, including all of the clothing & accessories, are worthless now. That could easily be "hundreds of dollars".
  8. By definition, any avatar that is under the age of 18 is a 'child'. There are plenty of 16-17 yr olds that have big breasts and wide hips. That is why "child" avatar is subjective. With avatars that are representing late teens, they can look very much like "young looking" older avatars.
  9. I don't go to Adult regions enough to know what is or is not normal or majority. I have been to a few that do automatically kick out any Anime or Lolita avatar -- just to be safe. In the future, that actually might relax a bit. Now, since child avatars are not even allowed to go to an Adult region, if they do, it is the avatar's fault and thus the region owner should not ever be held responsible anymore. Then again, the fear within in the region owners might never go away and they may continue to kick out anyone that they deem looks enough like a child
  10. I don't think LL will automatically consider all Anime avatars as children. However, many owners of Adult regions do not take a chance and simply kick them all out, because it is difficult to be sure.
  11. Since LL cannot really force an option of 'never getting around the modesty layer", that is where the avatar decides whether or not they play by the rules. If they do not and they get caught, they may be permanently banned.
  12. I did not say that your avatar WAS a child avatar. I said that "IMO, your avatar looks like a child". And as I said in a previous post, my opinion only matters if I own an Adult region and you come to it. LL's opinion is what matters as far as what your avatar can do inworld.
  13. The poster commented that it can be difficult to determine child and we have all been saying all along that is true and LL looks at many things. However, region owners will still handle it based on their opinion. I then followed that up with saying that "to me" the poster's picture looked like a child. I don't call that a "witch hunt".
  14. Accusation about what? I said that "to me" you look like a child and if I owned an Adult region and you shown up, I'd send you packing. Every region owner has the right to their own opinion of other avatars and who they allow in their regions. That is not to say that LL would consider you a child. I do not know how they would classify you.
  15. I did say "forum picture". However, your inworld profile shows the same picture -- and too me it looks like a child (yes, I am assuming that you look pretty much like your profile picture shows):
  16. Yes and LL has said that it can be difficult defining a 'child' in some cases. Based on your forum picture, I'd call you a child and if you TP'd to an Adult region that I owned, I'd send you out and ban you.
  17. You have been participating in this thread for almost 24 hours now and you don't know what it is about? The TITLE of the Thread even says "what changed in the terms of service" Anyway: LL Blog post: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/15531-enhancing-our-world-together-important-updates-for-the-second-life-community/ Policy link: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay?_gl=1*hvi5fx*_ga*MTg2MjU1MTg2Ni4xNzAzMTE1NzMw*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTcxNDc3Mzg3MS40NTAuMS4xNzE0Nzc2OTcyLjAuMC4xNzA0NTczNDc3*_fplc*bWVkSlE0SzA2eGlpNEJxQlpFeGlacDE5eDBIN2EyJTJGejhJaFlHc0FTWUhwQ05NUWRWNnVpZEhDcExyN2dISHJrWjFFZDFXdG8xN3EyNlF1VHJXMmpDd0ZTN0dKd2JpdU1Ua0NaUHI2YVhXZVdLS3J3SkpFOXolMkJwVzYycFJVZyUzRCUzRA..
  18. It's not really a matter of not seeing the difference between adult and child, when child is less than 15-16. The problem is telling the difference between a 15-17 yr old avatar and an 18-19 yr old avatar. Most parcel owners will simply error on the side of caution and ban anyone that even remotely gives them the impression of being under 18.
  19. But doesn't the skin override anything baked onto the body itself? And if the skin has the modesty layer, can I not add a tattoo layer that gives me back my breasts & genitals? If the answer to either of those is yes, the the child avatar could still show as nude with full body reality.
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